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We need more dialogue about race

[Feb 23,2009 12:48pm - Conservationist ""]
In New York City, one of the nation’s safest large cities, 83 percent of all gun assailants were black during the first six months of 2008, according to victims and witnesses, though blacks make up only 24 percent of the city’s population. Add Hispanic perps, and you account for 98 percent of all shootings in New York City. The face of violent crime in cities is almost exclusively black or brown.

The black high school drop-out rate approaches 50 percent. On the 2006 SAT, the average score in the critical-reading section was 434 for blacks, 527 for whites, and 510 for Asians; in the math section, 429 for blacks, 536 for whites, and 587 for Asians; and in the writing section, 428 for blacks, 519 for whites, and 512 for Asians. America’s lousy showing in international math, science, and reading tests compared with Japan and Western Europe is influenced in large part by the low scores of blacks and Hispanics.

If inner-city blacks behaved like Asians — cramming as much knowledge into their kids as they can possibly fit into their skulls — the lingering wariness towards lower-income blacks that many Americans unquestionably harbor would disappear.


How interesting. Quite.
[Feb 23,2009 12:49pm - ouchdrummer ""]
So what is the "dialogue about race" you want more of? wait wait, is it like this:

Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger? Mooncricket? Spear chucker?

yes nigger?
[Feb 23,2009 12:50pm - reimroc ""]
[Feb 23,2009 12:51pm - Conservationist ""]

ouchdrummer said:So what is the "dialogue about race" you want more of?

The original article is about Eric Holder asking for more dialogue about race.

The point of the article: dialogue requires we face facts, not make up distractions.

Like you just did ;)
[Feb 23,2009 1:04pm - orgymf@work  ""]

ouchdrummer said:So what is the "dialogue about race" you want more of? wait wait, is it like this:

Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger? Mooncricket? Spear chucker?

yes nigger?

Jim, are you saying this as if it were a bad thing?
i am VERY disappointed in you

[Feb 23,2009 1:27pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Everyone hates Conservationist on the Braveboard too.
[Feb 23,2009 1:29pm - Lamp ""]
When I think of people who consistently live in areas that have access to quality education, I think of blacks and Hispanics.
[Feb 23,2009 1:32pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
"We need more dialogue about race"

Correction: YOU need more shut the fuck up.
[Feb 23,2009 1:33pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
[Feb 23,2009 1:36pm - aril  ""]
It only seems now that the best way to fix the problem is more funding for schools in bad neighborhoods with worse consequences for those who choose to dropout rather than better themselves.
If they have no choice in the matter (being dumb) then, well, you can't fix dumb people. You can assist them and make them better their life, though.
It all boils down to having the desire to better themselves. If they don't have the desire to make something of themselves, then there is nothing you can do except watch them die off because they fail at contributing to society.
The simple solution would be to escape from this issue... but you can't. It's a ditch that was dug long ago.
More schools, more role models, better teachers, more funding, and voila! you've got a ghetto renaissance. Good luck.
[Feb 23,2009 1:36pm - Conservationist ""]

MillenialKingdom said:Everyone

100% of them. How do we know?

He's an authority!
[Feb 23,2009 2:29pm - metal_church101 ""]
Long live Al Sharpton.

[Feb 23,2009 2:34pm - MillenialKingdom ""]

Conservationist said:
MillenialKingdom said:Everyone

100% of them. How do we know?

He's an authority!

I wish I was a mod.
[Feb 23,2009 2:38pm - Lamp ""]
Spoken like a true asshole on a power trip.

Message board moderators are pretty much always assholes.
[Feb 23,2009 2:41pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Some are, some don't care.
[Feb 23,2009 2:42pm - W3 @ work  ""]
I wish Nigger would come back, he was so much better then Conservationist.
[Feb 23,2009 2:48pm - nli  ""]

Conservationist said:If inner-city blacks behaved like Asians — cramming as much knowledge into their kids as they can possibly fit into their skulls — the lingering wariness towards lower-income blacks that many Americans unquestionably harbor would disappear.

Which "Asians"?

In Boston there's plenty of Asians in higher education who "cram knowledge" and stay out of trouble. But there's also plenty of gangbangers too. The Vietnamese gangs based outta Dorchester/Mattapan are some of the biggest in the city. Probably run way more drugs and guns then any of the black or hispanic gangs.

Seems more like an issue of class (privileged internationals here for college vs. second-generation immigrants with shitty education/job opportunities) than race to me.
[Feb 23,2009 2:51pm - Conservationist ""]

Lamp said:Spoken like a true asshole on a power trip.

Message board moderators are pretty much always assholes.

Here we agree. The exceptions are awesome.
[Feb 23,2009 2:52pm - arilliusbm ""]
The Asian gangs based out of Dorchester/Mattapan are indeed some of the worst; my cousin is a Boston cop that deals with them every day.
I don't think they're as bad as the dominicans right now. You want heroin? Find the dominicans.
[Feb 23,2009 3:08pm - CassieLynn ""]

ouchdrummer said:So what is the "dialogue about race" you want more of? wait wait, is it like this:

Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger? Mooncricket? Spear chucker?

yes nigger?

Mooncricket? haha that's a new one for me
[Feb 23,2009 3:12pm - the_reverend ""]

yeah, new to me too.
[Feb 23,2009 3:13pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
Nah, Mooncricket is old school.
[Feb 23,2009 3:23pm - darkwor ""]
I talked to a history teacher, teaching regular public school students, at a high school in Worcester a few days back. He's a black man, a big one at that. He gave an assignment to his students, an argumentative essay asking whether or not guns should be outlawed/severely restricted in Massachusetts. He was halfway done grading the papers, and said that most of them were total nonsense as if the kids put any bullshit on the paper to fill it up. I know this guy is really struggling to get through to these kids somehow. He looked down with a smile and said "how can these kids not give a damn about anything?" It seems like this issue should hit close to home with them, being "inner city" kids or at least pretending to be (Worcester isn't a harsh city folks) but he couldn't squeeze one good idea out of those students. They're totally apathetic. The challenge is getting them to care. It's a tough job. The challenge is finding something they actually care about, like their image, and making them care about the substance behind the image instead. That's what this teacher tried to do, tried to find something the kids would be passionate about, and it seems he failed this time.

These kids are probably mostly black and hispanic, and their families are to blame. How can an inner city high school kid have no desire to express their thoughts on gun control, or anything for that matter, and expect to look FRESH and drive a BANGIN LEXUS right out of high school? What the fuck is wrong with these kids and their familes?

Euro-centric society has looked down upon blacks and hispanics forever. It's a cycle that won't stop and it has much to do with history. There are many prominent blacks and hispanics that have real importance in society, but so many more holding them back. So a black city kid today, his family and his family before that has always had no choice but the bottom of the barrel in America, at least that's what they think. It has everything to do with his family and teaching their children the importance of education, more than just the pressure of getting a decent grade. Being black or hispanic is no excuse for being stupid, I'm sorry, race might have something to do with it, but it can't be used as an excuse anymore. These inner city kids taking the SATs might be black or hispanic, but more than that, they're apathetic.

It's so maddening.
[Feb 23,2009 3:27pm - Conservationist ""]

nli said:
Conservationist said:If inner-city blacks behaved like Asians — cramming as much knowledge into their kids as they can possibly fit into their skulls — the lingering wariness towards lower-income blacks that many Americans unquestionably harbor would disappear.

Which "Asians"?

In Boston there's plenty of Asians in higher education who "cram knowledge" and stay out of trouble. But there's also plenty of gangbangers too. The Vietnamese gangs based outta Dorchester/Mattapan are some of the biggest in the city. Probably run way more drugs and guns then any of the black or hispanic gangs.

Seems more like an issue of class (privileged internationals here for college vs. second-generation immigrants with shitty education/job opportunities) than race to me.

North Asians are a different group than South Asians. The North Asians do well; the others less so but still cause fewer problems than other groups. North Asian average IQ is probably 105, while South Asian is closer to 98, and African-American is probably about 89 and Hispanics, 94.

We've got a huge Vietnamese population here, but they seem to be succeeding well despite being as even they will acknowledge not as smart as the Koreans, Japanese and Chinese.
[Feb 23,2009 3:30pm - metal_church101 ""]

Conservationist said:
nli said:
Conservationist said:If inner-city blacks behaved like Asians — cramming as much knowledge into their kids as they can possibly fit into their skulls — the lingering wariness towards lower-income blacks that many Americans unquestionably harbor would disappear.

Which "Asians"?

In Boston there's plenty of Asians in higher education who "cram knowledge" and stay out of trouble. But there's also plenty of gangbangers too. The Vietnamese gangs based outta Dorchester/Mattapan are some of the biggest in the city. Probably run way more drugs and guns then any of the black or hispanic gangs.

Seems more like an issue of class (privileged internationals here for college vs. second-generation immigrants with shitty education/job opportunities) than race to me.

North Asians are a different group than South Asians. The North Asians do well; the others less so but still cause fewer problems than other groups. North Asian average IQ is probably 105, while South Asian is closer to 98, and African-American is probably about 89 and Hispanics, 94.

We've got a huge Vietnamese population here, but they seem to be succeeding well despite being as even they will acknowledge not as smart as the Koreans, Japanese and Chinese.

Yeah, but can they play drums?
[Feb 23,2009 3:31pm - Yeti ""]
its cool to be as "hilarious" as possible so they can go home and boast on myspace about how they made teacher mad. the problem is, no one can do anything about it. teachers can't discipline their children anymore because they are all faggot crybabies who run to mommy whenever they are told they are wrong. either that or they do whatever they want because any form of home discipline now is considered abuse, no matter how small. once upon a time if your punk ass kid got out of line, a belt fixed the problem and they shut their insolent fucking mouths. and the fact that no parent pays attention to their child anymore, the only interaction is to yell at them. over and over and over and over again i see that happen, my neighborhood is a haven for shit like that, of all races. yes, its more evident in minorities, but i see just as many shitty white fucks doing the exact same thing.
[Feb 23,2009 3:32pm - darkwor ""]

[Feb 23,2009 3:42pm - arilliusbm ""]
You just dissed on the former intelligence and might of the old Khmer Empire of Cambodia, Conserationist!
South Asia, at one point in time, had some of the best invetions, innovations, and architecture on the planet. Too bad it's not like that today... it's just a bunch of webcam whores who like taking their clothes off to please fat american men who can't get laid.
[Feb 23,2009 4:09pm - orgymf@work  ""]

CassieLynn said:
ouchdrummer said:So what is the "dialogue about race" you want more of? wait wait, is it like this:

Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger? Mooncricket? Spear chucker?

yes nigger?

Mooncricket? haha that's a new one for me

haha, it's been around a while, i always thought it was funny, because i didn't understand what the fuck it was supposed to mean.
ya know?

how the fuck did "mooncricket" come to be a racial slur against blacks??
[Feb 23,2009 4:11pm - metal_church101 ""]

arilliusbm said:... it's just a bunch of webcam whores who like taking their clothes off to please fat american men who can't get laid.

So what is wrong with that?

[Feb 23,2009 4:12pm - orgymf@work  ""]

arilliusbm said:You just dissed on the former intelligence and might of the old Khmer Empire of Cambodia, Conserationist!
South Asia, at one point in time, had some of the best invetions, innovations, and architecture on the planet. Too bad it's not like that today... it's just a bunch of webcam whores who like taking their clothes off to please fat american men who can't get laid.

seriously dude?
you really think only fat guys who can't get laid enjoy naked asians???

i'm a fat guy who has had lots of sex, i have always loved asian chicks.

and i know many other dudes (of all heights and weights) who enjoy a little far east fish taco
[Feb 23,2009 4:13pm - metal_church101 ""]

orgymf@work said:
arilliusbm said:You just dissed on the former intelligence and might of the old Khmer Empire of Cambodia, Conserationist!
South Asia, at one point in time, had some of the best invetions, innovations, and architecture on the planet. Too bad it's not like that today... it's just a bunch of webcam whores who like taking their clothes off to please fat american men who can't get laid.

seriously dude?
you really think only fat guys who can't get laid enjoy naked asians???

i'm a fat guy who has had lots of sex, i have always loved asian chicks.

and i know many other dudes (of all heights and weights) who enjoy a little far east fish taco

It sucks if that taco is a sea urchin.
[Feb 23,2009 4:13pm - jimboNLI  ""]
yup, i only heard mooncricket recently, and then again in some composted outakes by MFR, never heard it otherwise.

Yawn... Conservationist is just getting plain boring.. no?
[Feb 23,2009 4:29pm - orgymf@work  ""]

metal_church101 said:
orgymf@work said:
arilliusbm said:You just dissed on the former intelligence and might of the old Khmer Empire of Cambodia, Conserationist!
South Asia, at one point in time, had some of the best invetions, innovations, and architecture on the planet. Too bad it's not like that today... it's just a bunch of webcam whores who like taking their clothes off to please fat american men who can't get laid.

seriously dude?
you really think only fat guys who can't get laid enjoy naked asians???

i'm a fat guy who has had lots of sex, i have always loved asian chicks.

and i know many other dudes (of all heights and weights) who enjoy a little far east fish taco

It sucks if that taco is a sea urchin.

[Feb 23,2009 4:31pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
This is the best dialog on race ever.
[Feb 23,2009 4:34pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
ITT: RTTP learns a new ethnic slur, hilarity ensues.
[Feb 23,2009 4:37pm - arilliusbm ""]
hahaha... it was a joke&generalization but you guys made it 100x better
[Feb 23,2009 4:43pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
This dialog needs more pictures of minority chicks with bangin titties.
[Feb 23,2009 4:59pm - jimboNLI  ""]
^^Backd in full, bummer, i think too many people were using a reality kings pass i had, so it stopped, but 8th st latinas.....yeah..
[Feb 23,2009 5:00pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Feb 23,2009 7:17pm - Conservationist ""]

arilliusbm said:You just dissed on the former intelligence and might of the old Khmer Empire of Cambodia, Conserationist!
South Asia, at one point in time, had some of the best invetions, innovations, and architecture on the planet. Too bad it's not like that today... it's just a bunch of webcam whores who like taking their clothes off to please fat american men who can't get laid.

Not at all, any more than I'm dissing the Aztecs by mentioning that TODAY Mexicans have an average IQ of 94.

I'm willing to bet ancient Zulus were more intelligent than their modern-day remnants as well.

When civilizations die, they leave behind hordes of clueless morons and never regain their former status.
[Feb 23,2009 9:30pm - Typical Liberal Douchebag  ""]
Can we please just enslave all Republicans already? Harshing on my buzz they are and I've saved up all week for this arugula martini.
[Feb 23,2009 10:48pm - Dankill  ""]

BobNOMAAMRooney said:This dialog needs more pictures of minority chicks with bangin titties.
[Feb 24,2009 12:22am - sever ""]
The color of your skin does not determine how you are or who you are. It is our false belief that the latter is true that perpetuates race problems:

blacks are generally low income and uneducated because only 200 years ago, they were our fucking slaves. social divides of this magnitude don't dissapear overnight.
[Feb 24,2009 12:29am - Martins ""]
you're all black
[Feb 24,2009 12:33am - sever ""]

Conservationist said:
arilliusbm said:You just dissed on the former intelligence and might of the old Khmer Empire of Cambodia, Conserationist!
South Asia, at one point in time, had some of the best invetions, innovations, and architecture on the planet. Too bad it's not like that today... it's just a bunch of webcam whores who like taking their clothes off to please fat american men who can't get laid.

Not at all, any more than I'm dissing the Aztecs by mentioning that TODAY Mexicans have an average IQ of 94.

I'm willing to bet ancient Zulus were more intelligent than their modern-day remnants as well.

When civilizations die, they leave behind hordes of clueless morons and never regain their former status.

Intelligence quotients are measured by academic tests. If the average Mexican doesn't have access to anything above the standard of an 8th grade education, how do you expect the tests to play out? My man, think in a much BROADER sense.
[Feb 24,2009 12:36am - sever ""]
and I seriously don't understand why people think that your race determines your life - race is an irrelevant consequence of being human. the issues here are social in nature, not racial. because we chose to define different categories of humans based on their physical attributes, we are forcing them into a social stratification that would otherwise not exist.
[Feb 24,2009 12:54am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Martins said:you're all black

[Feb 24,2009 1:46am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]

BobNOMAAMRooney said:This dialog needs more pictures of minority chicks with bangin titties.
[Feb 24,2009 6:18am - douchebag_patrol ""]

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