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Which label should I sign with?

[Mar 16,2009 3:20pm - Necro-Nightmare Records  ""]

AndrewBastard said:Pathos Prod.

This label sounds greek, is it? If so I'd like it to stay in front of me,thanks!
[Mar 16,2009 3:53pm - PIKACHU  ""]
[Mar 16,2009 5:38pm - Necro-Nightmare Records  ""]
[Mar 16,2009 6:41pm - Balboa  ""]
Wow! Very impressive I must say. Triple 32nd notes, I like.
[Mar 17,2009 12:14pm - Necro-Nightmare Records  ""]
Sounded like the gods galloping thru the skyes.
[Mar 18,2009 12:13pm - Balboa  ""]
Of course it did! It's BENTONS CROSS!
[Mar 18,2009 3:39pm - Benton  ""]
Nobody talks about my cross like this.
[Mar 18,2009 4:04pm - ouchdrummer ""]
logos records FTW

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