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Patriots and Saints 2nite yo

[Dec 1,2009 9:44am - ouchdrummer ""]

brian_dc said:drummer

[Dec 1,2009 10:49am - xmikex ""]

[Dec 1,2009 1:43pm - gslice  ""]
lol @ this thread, way to go pats defense, they couldn't stop a dead fly with a hammer last night

to be fair, Bree's is a surgeon, but he barely needed to be in that game

I will say this, the colts and the saints both wont have a problem with the undefeated streak going to their heads as long as the other team is also undefeated, as soon as one loses shit will get real for the other, and I think if the colts had any brains they would use that to their advantage and take a loss now that they've clinched the division and their coach has had the best start ever for a rookie, especially since they are (arguably) the weaker team
[Dec 1,2009 1:45pm - dreadkill ""]

xmikex said:[img]


watson is horrible. they need to get rid of him and fumbleroney. get a tight end who can catch the football and a rb who can hold onto it.
[Dec 1,2009 1:47pm - arktouros ""]
only the playovs r reel son
[Dec 1,2009 2:49pm - gslice  ""]

arktouros said:only the playovs r reel son

you know I keep hearing that, but the pats I saw last night have no realistic chance defensively against the vikings or the bengals, and after that loss Id even worry about the (vomit) cowboys and eagles

I like the pats, but they have nothing going on on the backside of the ball, and it's pretty clear that's no secret to bellichik, or anyone else
[Dec 1,2009 6:43pm - xmikex ""]
The Jets brought in Joe Girardi to teach Mark Sanchez how to slide.

Rex Ryan's dignity limbo bar just got lowered another notch.
[Dec 1,2009 6:45pm - xmikex ""]
Watson had, what, 1 target last night? And that ball was nearly impossible to catch despite hitting him in the helmet. He had he arms out like he was supposed to but the safety played it great.

Maroney looks better and better exploiting gaps up the middle. He can't do a fucking thing on the edge though. Any time you give him a pitch it's a minus 3 yards guaranteed.

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