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Worcester Death Fest?

[Apr 14,2012 4:55pm - KEVORD ""]
[Apr 14,2012 4:57pm - KEVORD ""]
No Vital Remains?
[Apr 14,2012 5:12pm - trioxin245nli  ""]
[Apr 14,2012 5:15pm - KEVORD ""]
I don't know why three bands are being advertised as a fest. I assume they will add a bunch of terrible bands that aren't really death metal. Did Blessed Offal get asked to play this?
[Apr 14,2012 5:58pm - Voice of reason  ""]
Untombed is playing
[Apr 14,2012 6:21pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
The 1st annual Worcester You Can't Use Your Own Drumset Fest.
[Apr 15,2012 4:19pm - blue ""]

KEVORD said:I don't know why three bands are being advertised as a fest. I assume they will add a bunch of terrible bands that aren't really death metal. Did Blessed Offal get asked to play this?

its going to have couple other nationals, dysentery and sexcrement are on it as well. there are more locals on it as well, some which hardly qualify for a deathfest, but it should be good time regardless.
[Apr 15,2012 4:29pm - KEVORD ""]
I kind of thought that was what it was going to be considering it's Massconcerts.
[Apr 15,2012 5:18pm - demondave ""]

blue said:
KEVORD said:I don't know why three bands are being advertised as a fest. I assume they will add a bunch of terrible bands that aren't really death metal. Did Blessed Offal get asked to play this?

its going to have couple other Goatwhores, plus Goatwhore and Goatwhore are on it as well. there are more overturned Pathology vans on it as well, some which hardly qualify for a deathfest, but it should be good time regardless.


[May 3,2012 2:59pm - Chriskar  ""]
[May 3,2012 3:27pm - lol  ""]
Pimp some tickets about it, bro.
[May 3,2012 3:30pm - trioxin_245 ""]
KEVORD already has tickets. He's six feet unders biggest fan, after all.
[May 3,2012 3:39pm - KEVORD ""]
[May 3,2012 3:41pm - trioxin_245 ""]


that reminded me, I have a vague memory of them covering KISS "war machine"
[May 3,2012 4:11pm - largefreakatzero ""]
They did a bunch of covers. Each one was insultingly terrible.
[May 3,2012 4:57pm - chrisREX ""]
If you click the link it lists all the bands.

Dying Fetus
Vattnet Viskar
The Atlas Collapse
Blood Of The Gods
Destroy The Legacy
Eyes Of The Dead
[May 3,2012 5:23pm - Yeti ""]
[May 3,2012 5:24pm - trioxin_245 ""]
lol @ band name DESTROY THE LEGACY baaaaaahahah
[May 3,2012 5:41pm - RustyPS ""]
Is Vattnet really on this, or did you slip them on there as a joke?

EDIT: "Click the link, dummy"....they really are on this lol
[May 3,2012 5:44pm - Chernobyl ""]
Why would anyone want to destroy a legacy? Whats the deal with that?
[May 3,2012 5:47pm - KEVORD ""]
The lineup looks like a modern day Marks Showplace show.
[May 3,2012 5:50pm - RustyPS ""]
I thought Sexcrement and Schapism were on this, or am I thinking of a different show?
[May 3,2012 6:22pm - HeavensJail_nli  ""]
Either the last list got cut off or MOAR bands just got added in the last hour. 23 bands, starts at 1pm:

Dying Fetus
Vattnet Viskar
The Atlas Collapse
Blood Of The Gods
Destroy The Legacy
Eyes Of The Dead
Sirens Of Poveglia
The Summoned
[May 3,2012 6:28pm - hauptpflucker ""]

Chernobyl said:Why would anyone want to destroy a legacy? Whats the deal with that?
[May 3,2012 6:31pm - nekronaut ""]

-Facebook event page wall
[May 3,2012 6:35pm - BSV  ""]
i'm on the guestlist smoking joints on stage.

i'm proud of the fact i've never had to whore myself out to play this venue.
[May 3,2012 7:23pm - aaron_michael ""]
This is the only venue where we'd sell tickets. It's not mandatory and they don't make you pay for what you dont sell.
They promote their shows like crazy and the bands just help out by selling however many tickets they can.
Anyways, WHO WANTS ONE???
[May 3,2012 7:27pm - nekronaut ""]
Not poking fun at you guys or any of our friends... Just the spamnerds posting 3x a day begging for somebody to help them out like it's some kind of Hails and Horns Unsigned Band Contest.
[May 23,2012 1:31pm - FYI  ""]
Suffocation has been added to this show.
[May 23,2012 1:36pm - RustyPS ""]
There are a lot of great bands on this, but I don't know if I can honestly handle like 10 hours of straight up death metal.

That said, who ever booked this should take over booking that shitshow they call New England Metal and Hardcore Fest.
[May 23,2012 1:40pm - Scott Lee's Cock  ""]

RustyPS said:That said, who ever booked this should take over booking that shitshow they call New England Metal and Hardcore Fest.

[May 23,2012 1:40pm - narkybark ""]
24 bands in one show, what could possibly go wrong?
[May 23,2012 3:31pm - Happy Hipster  ""]
I heard Vattnet Viskar was bumped up to headliner.
[May 23,2012 9:13pm - douchebag_patrol ""]
[May 23,2012 9:48pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

narkybark said:24 bands in one show, what could possibly go wrong?

[Jun 4,2012 12:23pm - scumfilth  ""]
24 bands??? what time will this show end....next thursday??
[Jun 10,2012 12:02pm - the_reverend ""]
I have to watch the little one from 5 to 7 tonight so I will not be there. Sorry internet.
[Jun 10,2012 12:08pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Show is cancelled. They made it a parking lot.
[Jun 10,2012 2:52pm - 0peth  ""]
Suffocation and Shit For An Autopsy were added. I would go to this if it was cheap, JUST for Revocation and to support some local shit bands but eh.
[Jun 10,2012 3:13pm - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]
This would be an awesome death fest if all the bands died.
[Jun 10,2012 3:46pm - KEVORD ""]

Glad I'm not allowed. Six Feet Under would be too much for me to handle.
[Jun 10,2012 5:31pm - Bloblovesmusic  ""]
Id be there but it's my eldest niece's high school graduation. Hope it's a blast!
[Jun 11,2012 1:13am - Seth  ""]
went to the whole thing, a good time and yeah I did not like very band, but fun to go upstairs and down stairs to hear more local music. Dying fetus was sick and yes the drummer was killer to! Suffocation was awesome and dave was sick on the drums. Left before 6ft under not of fan of slow boring shit like this live! A good time for all and it seemed that a lot of people had fun!
[Jun 11,2012 1:10pm - eyeroller  ""]
[Jun 11,2012 1:17pm - yummy ""]

the_reverend said:I have to watch the little one from 5 to 7 tonight so I will not be there. Sorry internet.

See, this is what the GOP is talking about. Don't apologize for being an American.
[Jun 11,2012 3:14pm - nekronaut ""]

eyeroller said:http://www.telegram.com/article/20120611/NEWS/106119948

Seriously, who the fuck write that article?

Single worst thing I've ever read.
[Jun 11,2012 3:27pm - trioxin_245 ""]

nekronaut said:
eyeroller said:http://www.telegram.com/article/20120611/NEWS/106119948

Seriously, who the fuck write that article?

Single worst thing I've ever read.

I think that's brendan in that pic though HA

edit: but yea that was sickening. METAL IS USUALLY CONSIDERED, LIKE, SATANIC
[Jun 11,2012 3:30pm - Lamp ""]
“It is a performance, it is not supposed to promote hate or Satanism,” Mr. Patrick said.

Is this quote for real? What the fuck kind of metal band doesn't advocate hate and Satanism!?
[Jun 11,2012 3:32pm - Lamp ""]
“Not all metal is angry.It is rebelling.”

Again, really? How the fuck do you play metal without being angry? Fuck you!
[Jun 11,2012 3:56pm - the_reverend ""]
that is the kind of article you get when you interview people born after metal was good. I'm rebelling all the way to walmart to buy monster energy drink tour tickets FEATURING SLIPKNOT!
[Jun 11,2012 4:04pm - KEVORD ""]

the_reverend said:that is the kind of article you get when you interview people born after metal was good. I'm rebelling all the way to walmart to buy monster energy drink tour tickets FEATURING SLIPKNOT!
You beat me to it. I'm so sick of kids who started listening to metal in the 2000's trying to tell people what Metal is and isn't.
[Jun 11,2012 4:42pm - trioxin_245 ""]

KEVORD said:
the_reverend said:that is the kind of article you get when you interview people born after metal was good. I'm rebelling all the way to walmart to buy monster energy drink tour tickets FEATURING SLIPKNOT!
You beat me to it. I'm so sick of kids who started listening to SFU post-True Carnage trying to tell people that Maximum Violence isn't a modern day classic.

[Jun 11,2012 4:46pm - Lvl 36 Wizard  ""]
[Jun 11,2012 5:19pm - Samantha  ""]

nekronaut said:
eyeroller said:http://www.telegram.com/article/20120611/NEWS/106119948

Seriously, who the fuck write that article?

Single worst thing I've ever read.

Agreed. It reads like something a 14 year old would write for their school newspaper.
[Jun 11,2012 7:46pm - Strat0varius  ""]
Typical conservative idiocy courtesy of the T&G. Useless newspaper.
[Jun 11,2012 7:52pm - Burnsy ""]
I was hoping the comments would bring more lulz. Color me disappoint.
[Jun 11,2012 7:59pm - chernobyl ""]
Shit fest delete
[Jun 11,2012 8:08pm - Lamp ""]
That whole article is the epitome of shit festival assclownery. The whole theme of it seems to be nothing more than "We play metal because we can." No shit? So can I. So can anybody. I could listen to radio music exclusively and go to booty shaking nightclubs and townie bars but I don't. All the people who got interviewed for that wretched spawn of journalistic AIDS are playing in bands because "It's something to do" and "I've got nothing else going on". There is no flame that burns inside them.

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