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Worcester Death Fest?

[Jun 11,2012 4:04pm - KEVORD ""]

the_reverend said:that is the kind of article you get when you interview people born after metal was good. I'm rebelling all the way to walmart to buy monster energy drink tour tickets FEATURING SLIPKNOT!
You beat me to it. I'm so sick of kids who started listening to metal in the 2000's trying to tell people what Metal is and isn't.
[Jun 11,2012 4:42pm - trioxin_245 ""]

KEVORD said:
the_reverend said:that is the kind of article you get when you interview people born after metal was good. I'm rebelling all the way to walmart to buy monster energy drink tour tickets FEATURING SLIPKNOT!
You beat me to it. I'm so sick of kids who started listening to SFU post-True Carnage trying to tell people that Maximum Violence isn't a modern day classic.

[Jun 11,2012 4:46pm - Lvl 36 Wizard  ""]
[Jun 11,2012 5:19pm - Samantha  ""]

nekronaut said:
eyeroller said:http://www.telegram.com/article/20120611/NEWS/106119948

Seriously, who the fuck write that article?

Single worst thing I've ever read.

Agreed. It reads like something a 14 year old would write for their school newspaper.
[Jun 11,2012 7:46pm - Strat0varius  ""]
Typical conservative idiocy courtesy of the T&G. Useless newspaper.
[Jun 11,2012 7:52pm - Burnsy ""]
I was hoping the comments would bring more lulz. Color me disappoint.
[Jun 11,2012 7:59pm - chernobyl ""]
Shit fest delete
[Jun 11,2012 8:08pm - Lamp ""]
That whole article is the epitome of shit festival assclownery. The whole theme of it seems to be nothing more than "We play metal because we can." No shit? So can I. So can anybody. I could listen to radio music exclusively and go to booty shaking nightclubs and townie bars but I don't. All the people who got interviewed for that wretched spawn of journalistic AIDS are playing in bands because "It's something to do" and "I've got nothing else going on". There is no flame that burns inside them.

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