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NOWADAYS BLACK METAL... that doesn't suck

[Aug 29,2012 2:08pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

trioxin_245 said:Never heard. Never will.

I started that whole 'fuck off' thread because I watched a clip from some stupid festival Liturgy played, and the dude says 'as soon as I hit the play button on my lap top, it's like Im no longer me' so I ended up standing out at the end of my street and stabbing everyone who walked by with a bottle I broke over my own head.

This is really the only reasonable reaction.
[Aug 29,2012 2:40pm - BlownUpJamPad ""]
Did all these bands use the same recording studio?
[Aug 29,2012 4:39pm - Scott Wily XXX -Vital Remains  ""]
Check out my band! We might suck.. its the only true thing thats for real in this world though.. www.facebook.com/zircon666
[Aug 29,2012 4:40pm - Scott Wily XXX -Vital Remains  ""]
[Aug 29,2012 4:41pm - BJ Trollden  ""]

[Aug 29,2012 4:42pm - Alx_Casket ""]
^that's out of left field. I have her CD somewhere still.
[Aug 30,2012 7:59am - Yeti ""]

arilliusbm said:Yeti and I watched Deafheaven live on youtube and wanted to throw the monitor out of the window.

yeah thanks for that, i can't unsee it. stupid matching-white-plaid-faggot-bwack.
[Aug 30,2012 8:17am - quintessence ""]


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