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[Oct 29,2006 2:30pm - sinistas ""]
Pam's been in bands, you ignorant fuck.
[Oct 29,2006 2:34pm - anonymous  ""]
Agree! But I don't think that dildo is big enough for her fat fucking mouth. This bitch made the hot girl go away. this board must be full of fags and lesbians. (well the dykes are ok as long as they're hot)
[Oct 29,2006 2:38pm - anonymous  ""]
sinistas said:Pam's been in bands, you ignorant fuck.

"been" is the key word here.
[Oct 29,2006 2:40pm - Kevord ""]
Leigh Rush's myspace URL is in this thread. Go to it and jack off instead of wasting our time on RTTP.
[Oct 29,2006 2:41pm - Dieslaughing  ""]
anonymous said:sinistas said:Pam's been in bands, you ignorant fuck.

"been" is the key word here.

yeah, "been" like a has been. lol
[Oct 29,2006 2:49pm - Dieslaughing  ""]
Kevord said:Leigh Rush's myspace URL is in this thread. Go to it and jack off instead of wasting our time on RTTP.

You didn't have a problem wasting time in this thread before Pam got busted looking like a wild boar that she is. Fucking cunt. I went to her boyfriend's show once and almost everyone left (including myself) when her boy friend's band played because, again, she was causing trouble at a club. We stayed foor the other bands. It's about time someone said something. and she is an ugly cunt. I'm 22 and that 35 year old promoter has got it down!

[Oct 29,2006 2:55pm - Kevord ""]
She didn't get busted looking like a wild boar. She put that picture on myspace herself. At least she adds something to this board. Do yourself a favor. Register and get a screen name and add to the discussion on this board. Other wise go away cause your just a coward hiding behind a keyboard. If you think Leigh's hot your also out of your mind.
[Oct 29,2006 2:57pm - anonymous  ""]

this is Pam? *hacking* She should have never wrote in this thread to begin with... what a dumb ass. yeah, the other girl was just trying to promote a show until Pam showed up out of the blue causing shit. I thought she was funny once about a month ago in a different thread, but now I find her pathetic.
[Oct 29,2006 2:57pm - KeithMutiny ""]
Kevord said:She didn't get busted looking like a wild boar. She put that picture on myspace herself. At least she adds something to this board. Do yourself a favor. Register and get a screen name and add to the discussion on this board. Other wise go away cause your just a coward hiding behind a keyboard. If you think Leigh's hot your also out of your mind.

HAHAHA, you dont give a shit if she adds, you just wanna see what she looks like, like everyone else.
[Oct 29,2006 2:58pm - Kevord ""]
KeithMutiny said:Kevord said:She didn't get busted looking like a wild boar. She put that picture on myspace herself. At least she adds something to this board. Do yourself a favor. Register and get a screen name and add to the discussion on this board. Other wise go away cause your just a coward hiding behind a keyboard. If you think Leigh's hot your also out of your mind.

HAHAHA, you dont give a shit if she adds, you just wanna see what she looks like, like everyone else.

Guaranteed she's a pig.
[Oct 29,2006 3:00pm - KeithMutiny ""]
[Oct 29,2006 3:02pm - anonymous  ""]
Dieslaughing said:Kevord said:Leigh Rush's myspace URL is in this thread. Go to it and jack off instead of wasting our time on RTTP.

You didn't have a problem wasting time in this thread before Pam got busted looking like a wild boar that she is. Fucking cunt. I went to her boyfriend's show once and almost everyone left (including myself) when her boy friend's band played because, again, she was causing trouble at a club. We stayed foor the other bands. It's about time someone said something. and she is an ugly cunt. I'm 22 and that 35 year old promoter has got it down!

I went to that show. It's true! Truthfully, nobody likes Pam, but she is good for buying a ticket every now and then. ha!

AXEMAN in Mass
[Oct 29,2006 3:05pm - Kevord ""]
WOW, The same anonymous poster talking to herself.
[Oct 29,2006 3:11pm - Axeman  ""]
nope, sorry to dissapoint, but I have a dick and I know who you are and Sinistas. Watch your fucking mouth or else watch your fucking back. That's a threat.
[Oct 29,2006 3:13pm - Kevord ""]
I'm so scared! I'm at shows all the time. I'll be sure to not care.
[Oct 29,2006 3:15pm - Axeman  ""]
Seriously dude, this my last time posting. Keep talking shit and you will join your father.
[Oct 29,2006 3:16pm - KeithMutiny ""]
Axeman said:nope, sorry to dissapoint, but I have a dick and I know who you are and Sinistas. Watch your fucking mouth or else watch your fucking back. That's a threat.

i have nothing to do with this fight, but that was just gay.
[Oct 29,2006 3:18pm - Kevord ""]
1. I'm not even talking shit
2. Internet threat's are stupid
3. looking up my myspace to talk about my dead father is a scummy move.
4. I don't care
[Oct 29,2006 4:17pm - davefromthegrave ""]
Axeman said:nope, sorry to dissapoint, but I have a dick and I know who you are and Sinistas. Watch your fucking mouth or else watch your fucking back. That's a threat.

ooooh scary!
[Oct 29,2006 4:19pm - sinistas ""]
Oh, you know who I am? Well, out with it.
[Oct 30,2006 10:16am - dreadkill ""]
watch out guys, kramer the magical donkey and fagbeard are rounding up a posse of anonymous posters from maine to come down and threaten us with sister-fucking and rusty farm equipment.
[Oct 30,2006 10:38am - anonymous  ""]
Maine Metal Scene gets different people to defend her, big deal. I bet if someone checks the IP they are from 1 or 2 addresses. I love how the ho bag thinks she's hot and has to put down Pam to make herself feel better. No one cares and you're already proved to be an asswipe, go away like you promised.
[Oct 30,2006 12:46pm - anonymous  ""]
Duh? I have been reading through this and MMS have not posted in a while except for the regulars on RTTP who keep this thread going, Kevord, Davefromthegrave,sinistas, dreadkill, pam... the same fucking people. If the people I just mentioned would stop posting this thread will die.
[Oct 30,2006 12:51pm - dreadkill ""]
ha, you make it sound like i have a lot of posts in this thread.
[Oct 30,2006 12:52pm - RichHorror ""]
I haven't posted anything in this thread and am ashamed of everyone who has. I didn't even post this.
[Oct 30,2006 12:54pm - dreadkill ""]
it was your helper monkey all this time.
[Oct 30,2006 1:15pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i said no metal wirehangers
[Oct 30,2006 1:16pm - RichHorror ""]
I'd like to point out that Chris Tucker is not funny at all.
[Oct 30,2006 1:18pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
RichHorror said:I'd like to point out that Chris Tucker is not funny at all.

well yeah thats why god invented michael epps and friday II and III
[Oct 30,2006 1:20pm - RichHorror ""]
Someone said Rush Hour in this thread and it made me fly into a blind rage.
[Oct 30,2006 1:29pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
There are alot of vaginas in here.
[Oct 30,2006 1:59pm - anonymous_but_not_leigh  ""]
Most of the vaginas belong to the same bitch posting anonymously: Leigh, and to her lackeys. She's full of shit and full of herself without reason. She's quick to shoot her mouth off without reason. She should be quick to take my load in her mouth.
[Oct 30,2006 3:09pm - pam ""]
This is hilarious.
[Oct 30,2006 3:30pm - not_a_vagina  ""]
It's sad what you do for fun.
[Oct 30,2006 3:40pm - pam ""]
It's sad you have no identity.
[Oct 30,2006 4:24pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
not_a_vagina is a vagina.
[Oct 30,2006 5:11pm - anonymous  ""]
I just checked my email, and because I had ONE fucking comment on this thread, I had almost a hundred emails telling me that someone has added to the, uh... stuff.

And Money Talks was a better movie then Rush Hour.
[Oct 30,2006 5:17pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Axeman said:Seriously dude, this my last time posting. Keep talking shit and you will join your father.

You are a complete loser to bring something like that guy's father up, even in jest.
[Oct 30,2006 5:22pm - dreadkill ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:Axeman said:Seriously dude, this my last time posting. Keep talking shit and you will join your father.

You are a complete loser to bring something like that guy's father up, even in jest.

i agree, what an asshole. that was by far the lowest comment in the whole thread.
[Oct 30,2006 5:46pm - theaccurseddrummer ""]
Axeman said:Seriously dude, this my last time posting. Keep talking shit and you will join your father.

Dick move, seriously. I know this is the internet and everything, but talking shit about someone's dead relatives? That's just fucked up. Up until now, there's nothing that's been said in this thread that's bad enough to warrant a bullshit comment like this.
[Oct 30,2006 5:50pm - Kevord ""]
It's all fun and games till someone has to bring up my dead relatives. At least my internet death threat cherry was broken.
[Oct 30,2006 9:34pm - AnonymousGuy  ""]
Conclusion: Leigh Rush or whatever that bitches name is, isn't special... most women from Maine look like horses, at least I've never seen a hot one, probably due to the fact that they're all inbred mutants. This bitch is delusional haha.
[Oct 30,2006 11:47pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I've boned a few Mainers who did not look like horses.

But they did look like caribou. Which is what attracted me in the first place.
[Oct 31,2006 2:24am - Kevord ""]
I went to a show tonight. No one tried to murder me. That makes me a sad panda.
[Oct 31,2006 2:29am - RichHorror ""]
I lost my m0ther earlier this year. It's not funny, and you're a faggot and a bitch for saying it. Anyone making fun of someone's parent's memory gets a boot party throwin in their honor by yours truly. If you say it, you're a cunt and should be killed.
[Oct 31,2006 7:37am - AnonymousGuy  ""]
Caibou are sexier, but they're still mutants in my opinion. I sure wouldn't stick my dick in one of their moldy twats.
[Oct 31,2006 7:43am - Allah That  ""]
it takes 45 secs. to scroll down here.
[Oct 31,2006 8:08am - dftg  ""]
Allah That said:it takes 45 secs. to scroll down here.

I hop you get murdered you vapid queer.
[Oct 31,2006 4:19pm - Allah That  ""]
dftg said:Allah That said:it takes 45 secs. to scroll down here.

I hop you get murdered you vapid queer.

hop?i just saw the gayest guy on earth.
[Oct 31,2006 8:29pm - anonymous  ""]

Leigh's out prowling tonight.. i checked her myspace

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