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copulation / sexual intercourse / screw

[Jan 13,2005 7:39am - psychogirl ""]
can anybody tell me with how many different partners you had sex with in the last few years?
[Jan 13,2005 7:45am - korpse  ""]
not enough. why do you ask? wanna add to your list?
[Jan 13,2005 7:48am - korpse  ""]
just facken with ya
[Jan 13,2005 7:53am - subjugate ""]
not enough either , and am currently accepting interviews :krusty:
[Jan 14,2005 2:54am - psychogirl ""]
i had a discussion with a friend. i'm feeling pretty bad now but i personally don't think i had too much guys. you know, i had always relationships but it never succeeded. that's how life goes i thought... none of these spastics were good enough for me :-)
i just exaggerate, but my friend has an other view. thinks sex is a "holy" (sorry, there's no translation for the original word in english) thing and that you should think five times if you do it or not... pretty weird, isn't it? but now i'm feeling bad cause i only lived my life.
[Jan 14,2005 9:19am - Christraper ""]
more than i can count on my fingers and less than if i included my toes
[Jan 14,2005 9:50am - armageddonday ""]
Tell your friend that that holy shit is bullshit.
[Jan 14,2005 9:52am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
not enough, but also one too many
[Jan 14,2005 10:00am - RichHorror ""]
You're a dirty girl, and should be ashamed.
[Jan 14,2005 10:05am - korpse  ""]
[Jan 14,2005 10:20am - kellthevalkyrie ""]
i could tell you, but i choose not to.
[Jan 14,2005 10:23am - hoser ""]
So what you are saying is that you're a slut. No big deal, there are lots of sluts out there. Please don't worry about it. The world needs ditch diggers too. If there were no such thing as sluts, then how would we measure purity of the truly good girls?
[Jan 14,2005 10:29am - Christraper ""]
hoser said:If there were no such thing as sluts, then how would we measure purity of the truly good girls?

wow i never thought of it that way. i hate whores but youre right. if there werent any real whores id just assume that all women were sluts and then id never have a girlfriend because id want to murder all the women in the world. wow dude.

[Jan 14,2005 10:30am - RichHorror ""]
You actually should assume that, since it's true.
[Jan 14,2005 10:31am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I have never had sex. I abstain so I can fuel up for shows.

Sometimes I microwave a bagel, butter it up, and then slip in the old man canon.

But those times are rare.
[Jan 14,2005 10:32am - Christraper ""]
yea i know but i prefer to be ignorant so i dont end up pulling a Ted Bundy
[Jan 14,2005 10:32am - RichHorror ""]
Nick, buy a dog and a jar of peanut butter. if not for yourself, then for the future of this great nation.
[Jan 14,2005 10:33am - Christraper ""]
That last comment was for Rich
[Jan 14,2005 10:33am - RichHorror ""]
Ted Bundy was a great american hero. I mourn his passing nightly.
[Jan 14,2005 10:34am - RichHorror ""]
I really don't understand why murdering women is illegal.
[Jan 14,2005 10:35am - Christraper ""]
Yea i kind of understand where he was coming from. Theres a couple of girls i can think of that id like to rape and murder and then rape again.
[Jan 14,2005 11:05am - RichHorror ""]
There's nothing wrong with a little rape between friends.
[Jan 14,2005 3:39pm - anonymous  ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:I have never had sex. I abstain so I can fuel up for shows.

Sometimes I microwave a bagel, butter it up, and then slip in the old man canon.

But those times are rare.

Deep Thoughts, by Nick TOS.

[Jan 17,2005 6:21am - psychogirl ""]
thanx for your answers (i mean the honest ones...). i do understand you don't name a number.

it's not fair to say that i'm a slut. i always were in love with these guys and had a relationship with them. you don't know me as i don't know you. i respect you and the only thing i expect is that you give a little bit respect to me. to judge me you have to know me. nevertheless thank you for your thoughts as well.
[Jan 17,2005 9:37am - hoser ""]
If you spent as much time studying the English language as you do on your back, I would at least be able to comprehend your sad excuses for sentence structure. Now please learn to write semi-intelligibly, and stop being a herpes magnet. Always remember, even retards can have sex. Hell, any moron with genitalia can do that; but not everybody can read and write their own language with proficiency. Bottom line: Spend less time fucking morons and more time reading.
[Jan 17,2005 9:42am - korpse-l- ""]
yeah. be cool! go to school! haha
[Jan 17,2005 9:42am - Mike Proteus  ""]
psychogirl said:thanx for your answers (i mean the honest ones...). i do understand you don't name a number.

it's not fair to say that i'm a slut. i always were in love with these guys and had a relationship with them.

There's a big difference between love and infatuation.
[Jan 17,2005 10:11am - anonymous  ""]
become a mormon and check out this shit

[Jan 17,2005 10:30am - korpse-l- ""]
[Jan 17,2005 10:31am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
haha brilliant
[Jan 18,2005 6:32am - psychogirl ""]
to hoser: sorry, i should have noticed you're the big master. i think my english is okay and i don't need it very often. everybody knows what i mean. i feel sorry if my english is too bad for you. i'm sure you're able to speak a foreign language perfectly, monsieur. but i hope you can forgive me once and again.
[Jan 18,2005 8:49am - subjugate ""]
i was being serious by the way
[Jan 18,2005 9:30am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Psychogirl, ignore Hoser. Your best bet would be to fall in with me, I am very open to all types of people and ways of life.
[Jan 18,2005 11:01am - Christraper ""]
Joe's right. You should have sex with him.
[Jan 18,2005 11:16am - subjugate ""]
after she has sex with me

how many inputs you got 1,2,3,4
do you swallow
have you ever mastrabated with a vegtable *

* if yes what was the vegtable, and did you still eat it afterwards

[Jan 18,2005 11:32am - Christraper ""]
how do you feel about anal?
[Jan 18,2005 11:34am - Abbath ""]
i make love to my right hand 1-2 times a day, it's a great relationship
[Jan 18,2005 11:37am - subjugate ""]
"hey don't knock mastrabation, at least it is sex with someone i love"
woodie allen
[Jan 18,2005 12:25pm - subjugate ""]
whats this girl look like anyway
[Jan 18,2005 12:26pm - rachel  ""]
psychogirl said:thanx for your answers (i mean the honest ones...). i do understand you don't name a number.

it's not fair to say that i'm a slut. i always were in love with these guys and had a relationship with them. you don't know me as i don't know you. i respect you and the only thing i expect is that you give a little bit respect to me. to judge me you have to know me. nevertheless thank you for your thoughts as well.

In that case I guess you're dumb too. My advice to you. Get in a sturdy relationship before fucking the guy and don't express your so called "love" to him for a long time. Also, keep in mind this is the internet and no one has to respect you and you are only being judged based on the threads you start. Think a bit more next time you type.
[Jan 18,2005 12:27pm - korpse  ""]
[Jan 19,2005 6:46am - psychogirl ""]
to rachel: thanks, mum. if you ever need help: i undertake euthanasia. i'll help you out.

i read all the intimate allusions and offers of you guys but you know, i have to be a better girl :-)
[Jan 19,2005 7:07am - subjugate ""]
what if say oi bought you dinner say mac D's a happy meal or BK
[Jan 19,2005 7:16am - psychogirl ""]
[Jan 19,2005 7:30am - pisscup ""]
psychogirl said::-)

wanna make out?
[Jan 19,2005 7:35am - subjugate ""]
psychogirl said::-)

oh well
i tried
[Jan 19,2005 7:38am - psychogirl ""]
(pisscup) no, thanx. i'm working very hard on myself :-)
[Jan 19,2005 7:41am - subjugate ""]
psychogirl said:no, thanx. i'm working very hard on myself :-)

i could work HARD ON you too :spineyes:
[Jan 19,2005 7:42am - psychogirl ""]
:-) i believe you could.
[Jan 19,2005 7:45am - subjugate ""]
hee hee
[Jan 19,2005 7:48am - pisscup ""]
I just don't get it.
[Jan 19,2005 8:22am - psychogirl ""]
psychogirl said: i'm working very hard on myself :-)

i meant: i'm trying my very best to be a better girl. so don't strain, guys.
[Jan 19,2005 8:49am - succubus ""]
i don't understand the point of starting this thread...and here of all places
oh well...whatever
[Jan 19,2005 9:14am - psychogirl ""]
[Jan 19,2005 9:39am - Abbath ""]
this thread pisses me off, don't you know we all like penis here?
[Jan 19,2005 9:58am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
i say have sex with whoever, however, wherever and as many times as you want. it's your vagina; use it wisely.
[Jan 19,2005 10:00am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I think we should beat the shit out of her if she refuses to have sex with Jim Ash
[Jan 19,2005 10:03am - subjugate ""]
i think psychogirl need to exxxperience my man muscle someone start a poll haha
[Jan 19,2005 10:03am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]

joe, you're one of a kind. i'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing.

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