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Ascendancy has broken up

[Apr 26,2005 3:00am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Are you two going to pay the people to kiss them?!
[Apr 26,2005 8:44am - Josh_Martin ""]
BestialOnslaught said:They were definitely getting better, too bad. Their set at PA's Lounge was pretty good.

Joe and I will set up a kissing booth to raise money to put ABHORRED on the road. Line up, ladies!

I don't think anyone would pay money to watch you guys kiss each other.

[Apr 26,2005 8:46am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Apr 26,2005 9:04am - KillerKadoogan ""]
you wouldnt think people would pay 18 bucks for a sub par death metal cd either, but you'd be surprised
[Apr 26,2005 9:06am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Josh_Martin said:BestialOnslaught said:They were definitely getting better, too bad. Their set at PA's Lounge was pretty good.

Joe and I will set up a kissing booth to raise money to put ABHORRED on the road. Line up, ladies!

I don't think anyone would pay money to watch you guys kiss each other.

I tried coming up with something witty to say, but I got nothing.
[Apr 26,2005 8:06pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Josh_Martin said:BestialOnslaught said:They were definitely getting better, too bad. Their set at PA's Lounge was pretty good.

Joe and I will set up a kissing booth to raise money to put ABHORRED on the road. Line up, ladies!

I don't think anyone would pay money to watch you guys kiss each other.

Seth did. Twice.
[Apr 26,2005 8:06pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Oh and Larry too.
[May 4,2005 7:27pm - anonymous  ""]
Waouwww! Here is a great death metal release. This self released full length is ripe with hateful old school spirit and sounds without any doubt in the american vein. Ascendancy appear to be at first glance just another brutal death metal act but I think these musicians have much better writing than most of the nowadays death metal acts just cause they keeps moving with an ample amount of rhythm changes. Even at first listen, it appears quite obvious that the music displayed throughout the nine tracks is extremely versatile and there are more innovative surroundings here than you’d ever expect from an american product. The music is very well written and all of the musicians are without any doubt extremely gifted but what really stands out is the interesting variations on the guitar department. «Rise Of A Dead Empire» is an excellent / original album. Don’t waste time…check them out.
Patricia - Pull the Chain Zine
[May 4,2005 7:50pm - Scoracrasia ""]

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