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cattle decaptation and cryptopsy?

[Mar 1,2006 11:04am - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
apparently this is happening at...goodtimes june 2nd?

what the hell? :spineyes:
[Mar 1,2006 11:05am - Arthur_ATD ""]
not possible. i refuse to believe you until i see it.
[Mar 1,2006 11:07am - mcmahon ""]
looks like its happening at marks showplace on the 3rd too

[Mar 1,2006 11:23am - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
it was posted on smnews

I refuse to believe this either
[Mar 1,2006 11:28am - the_reverend ""]
I saw it other more official places.
[Mar 1,2006 12:59pm - BSV@school  ""]
i saw these two together back in april last year at saratoga, the day the pope died! awesome show, everyone killed.
[Mar 1,2006 1:16pm - BSV@school  ""]
i hope there's a slugfest to get on this show.
[Mar 1,2006 2:44pm - the_reverend ""]
from their publicist:
These are the dates I have.
Cattle Decap w/ Necrophagist, Arsis, Neuraxis and Alarum
6/01 Bedford, NH Mark's Showplace
6/02 Somerville, MA Good Times Emporium
[Mar 1,2006 2:51pm - Phrozenspite  ""]
are you sure about that rev? the announcement on blabbermouth and smn said that they were playing additional dates in teh area after the Necrophagist tour
[Mar 1,2006 2:51pm - the_reverend ""]
that's just what their publicist said.
I have no idea.
[Mar 1,2006 2:55pm - Phrozenspite  ""]
ah yeah those damn publicists...
Willowtip has the tour listed as being in Montreal on June 2nd, though without Cattle Decapitation...
[Mar 1,2006 11:17pm - Phrozenspite  ""]
[Mar 2,2006 4:03am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
the guy who does the booking at mark's told me about this tonight

i told him to watch out or he'll be overtaken by black shirts with white thorny letters on them

the place is pretty cool, a lot smaller than i thought it was gonna be but stretches back pretty far...and you can smoke indoors...and if you're 21 you can walk freely between the bar and strip club
[Mar 2,2006 4:07am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
BSV@school said:i hope there's a slugfest to get on this show.

fuck that i hope no other death metal bands play and they end up booking a doom, and a bunch of numetal bands.
[Mar 2,2006 7:32am - the_reverend ""]
smoking sucks
[Mar 2,2006 9:34am - BornSoVile ""]
SacreligionNLI said:

i told him to watch out or he'll be overtaken by black shirts with white thorny letters on them

you make it sound like a horrible thing!
[Mar 2,2006 9:50am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
not horrible...just overwhelming
[Mar 2,2006 10:02am - BornSoVile ""]
[Mar 2,2006 10:06am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
[Mar 2,2006 10:06am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
the_reverend said:smoking sucks

only for those without balls peepee-less!
[Mar 2,2006 10:21am - the_reverend ""]
only for those who don't want to smell like shit and get cancer from other's habbits.
in the words of illy milano "thanks for smoking. next time I take a shit, remind me to make you smell it."
[Mar 2,2006 10:24am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
and in the words of bill hicks: "i'll smoke the cigarettes...i'll get the cancer...i'll die"
[Mar 2,2006 10:31am - Arthur_ATD ""]
everything causes cancer nowadays. why should smoking be such a big deal
[Mar 2,2006 10:37am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:BSV@school said:i hope there's a slugfest to get on this show.

fuck that i hope no other death metal bands play and they end up booking a doom, and a bunch of numetal bands.

Yeah, sacreligion should open
[Mar 2,2006 10:43am - SacreligionNLI  ""]

haha we're so awesome
[Mar 2,2006 10:45am - the_reverend ""]
bill hicks did die.. wrong.
the correct thing to say is "you smoke the cigarettes...i'll get the cancer...i'll die"

smoking is the most retarded thing ever. I can't think of anything else that you are allowed to do that has an almost 100% kill count on the people around you everyday without them doing anything but breathing.
why should I be forced to get cancer cause I want to go to a show and you can't stop smoking in an enclosed space.
I really hate smoking and don't like going to NH shows cause of it.
[Mar 2,2006 10:52am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i do know he died...but it's a bit from one of his standups

is there actually any proof that people died of second-hand smoke?
[Mar 2,2006 11:27am - HUNGERoftheUNDEAD  ""]
Im with the reverand FUCK smoking. Its a stupid, filthy, disgusting habit. I'm glad you cant smoke in RI and MA anymore.
[Mar 2,2006 11:31am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
im glad i can smoke in NH wherever i want! im an asshole though
[Mar 2,2006 11:35am - Arthur_ATD ""]
i agree with sacreligion on this one.
[Mar 2,2006 11:37am - slowlypeelingtheflesh nli  ""]
smoking is gay
[Mar 2,2006 11:40am - Arthur_ATD ""]
only thing that i dont get, is why everyone who dosent smoke, feels the need to force their opinion on people who do smoke. if i don't sit in front of you and blow smoke in your face, then i don't want you opinion

( i had to edit it cause i spelt dont wrong somehow haha)
[Mar 2,2006 11:40am - the_reverend ""]
I agree that you both should be allowed to smoke anywhere you want... once I create a cigarette that immediately kills you.

there are 3000 deaths from lung cancer due to second hand smoke and 35,000 cases of heart disease from second hand smoke each year.
this is people with no other risks other then living with smokers.

though, I could be persuaded into thinking smoking is an awesome thing if you could give me a really really good reason why you should be allowed to give me cancer when I live a fairly clean and healthy lfe style.
[Mar 2,2006 11:40am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
yes...i blow it above your head
[Mar 2,2006 11:42am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
the_reverend said:there are 3000 deaths from lung cancer due to second hand smoke and 35,000 cases of heart disease from second hand smoke each year. this is people with no other risks other then living with smokers.

"well one person who doesn't smoke got emphysema last year...and as we all know...one person means 3,000 people"

i don't believe statistics that much

it's all bullshit from those truth people who do nothing but annoy people and bitch about stuff everybody already knows
[Mar 2,2006 11:45am - the_reverend ""]
ok, well.. I ate 30 bean burritos and farted over and over again in a small club.. but I mean, I didn't fart in your face so why are you complaining?
oh, did I mention my fart can't actually kill you?

if you smoke inside a club while I'm there you might as well blow it in my face. cause none of those clubs have any air circulation. I don't might smokers going outside a club to smoke like this do in boston. I actually like that cause it means that I can go outside too and get some fresh air, but smoking indoors sucks ass.

the guy in the condo below me smokes in his place and it makes the air in my place STINK. I come home ever night and it's like someone smoked 2 packs of cigarettes and then made a nice soup out of the ashes which and bubbling on the stove.
[Mar 2,2006 11:48am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
that's completely understandable...i just don't buy into the second-hand smoke thing

you'd have to be around all day every day to get those kinds of effects from it
[Mar 2,2006 12:00pm - the_reverend ""]
not true at all. I have an aunt that died of lung cancer from her husband who almost never smoked around her (mostly at his work).

another well known fact is that smokers are 50% more likely to deny the link between second hand smoke and cancer.

think about it, why is there a filter on the cigarette? second hand smoke off the cigarette isn't filtered.

though there is the also obvious points of why pay money for something that does nothing but kill you in the end in a longish and very painful fashion.
something that is $$$$.
something that causes people to wrinkly like crazy.
something that causes you to smell like shit.

it makes no sense. same the money and but meth or something that actually does something for you.
[Mar 2,2006 12:07pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
all very good points...but just like it's hard for me to understand your opinion because im a smoker, it'd be hard for you to understand mine

i've thought about quitting a bunch of times, but i've determined that i like having them while going on a long drive or sitting around doing nothing(now that i think about it a lot of it really is a boredom thing)
[Mar 2,2006 12:16pm - the_reverend ""]
how bout this.
smoke if you want to, your decision.
you don't give me cancer.
[Mar 2,2006 12:18pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i can't promise anything...i give cancer randomly
[Mar 2,2006 12:30pm - Arthur_ATD ""]
i think your prob should be more with the clubs then the people who smoke. find a way to make the clubs get some ventilation and the problem is solved. as for the guy who lives downstairs from you........ if theres smoking allowed in the building, nothing you can do. if not, report it to your landlord. just buy an air purifier or something. you can get them cheap anywhere.
[Mar 2,2006 12:37pm - the_reverend ""]
it's a condo and I can't do anything about especially since his preggo gf left.

the air purifier does nothing for the smell of smoke.

there are smoking locations in places, lounges, were the air circulates out every 6 minutes, but do you know how expensive that is? it's not financially possible. most clus can hard keep from loosing $$$ on $hows let alone reheat the air in their venue ever 6 minutes.

it sucks that I'm going to go see overkill to night and tomorrow have all my $$$$$ camera equipment smell terribly, my throat be all sore, my eyes burn and possibly get cancer!
[Mar 2,2006 12:39pm - the_reverend ""]
ps: the motto in nh is live free or die
not live free and die
[Mar 2,2006 12:40pm - Arthur_ATD ""]
the_reverend said:the air purifier does nothing for the smell of smoke.

there are smoking locations in places, lounges, were the air circulates out every 6 minutes, but do you know how expensive that is? it's not financially possible. most clus can hard keep from loosing $$$ on $hows let alone reheat the air in their venue ever 6 minutes.

Glade plug it in?

I honestly don't know how much it would cost to put in something like that, but you're right. I didn't even think of the $$$ issue
[Mar 2,2006 12:51pm - RustedAngel ""]
Smoking is gay, it's not good for anyone in the vicinity of whoever is smoking I don't care if there are people spraying Febreeze and have 30 Ionic Breeze's running.

Here's a bunch of anti-smoking propaganda to close this shit off...smokin's gay, 2006!




How to quit smoking:
QuitNet http://www.quitnet.com/
Committed Quitters Online http://www.committedquitters.com/
The Quit Smoking Company http://www.quitsmoking.com/
Try to Stop http://www.trytostop.org/
You Can Quit Smoking http://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/quit/canquit.htm
Smokefree.gov (U.S. Government) http://www.smokefree.gov/
No Smoke (anti-smoking software) http://www.smokefreekids.com/

Hillarious: http://www.shardsoglass.com/

[Mar 2,2006 12:56pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
knowing how to quit isn't the issue...it's wanting to

i can be honest and say i really don't care

if i start to notice my health descend and i think it's due to smoking that'll be when i quit
[Mar 2,2006 1:04pm - Yeti ""]
so since second hand smoke kills, then shouldnt smokers be tried for attempted murder?
[Mar 2,2006 1:04pm - Yeti ""]
i am with you on this one Rev, i am one of the only ones of my friends that doesnt smoke, and never has.
[Mar 2,2006 1:05pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i got warrants!
[Mar 2,2006 1:18pm - the_reverend ""]
I still think I need to look into the creation of the insta-kill cigarette.
[Mar 2,2006 1:31pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
that's not a very lucrative process though

you need the slow death so you can make lots of money during said death
[Mar 2,2006 1:33pm - the_reverend ""]
did I say that the cigarettes with be $120,000 each?
I'm always thinking.
[Mar 2,2006 1:37pm - Arthur_ATD ""]
can i make a down payment on that insta death cigarette?
[Mar 2,2006 2:04pm - RichHorror ""]
SacreligionNLI said:that's not a very lucrative process though

It would be if you marketed it as a gag gift.
[Mar 3,2006 12:06am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
just put a warning saying "this cigarette WILL instantly kill you"

then you have no liabilities...allll profit
[Mar 3,2006 1:25am - the_reverend ""]
my throat kills.
my cloths stink.
my eyes burn.
and I got some cancer.
smoking sucks ass
[Mar 3,2006 4:03pm - bowelskinfacecloth ""]
another marks showplace show
[Mar 3,2006 4:52pm - BornSoVile ""]
i havn't bought a pack of smokes in a month, i'm down to about 5 a week now excluding a clove or two. everyday i feel so much better. food tastes better, i smell shit better, i feel the blood circulating all over my body, it's a rush. the best part is that i don't cough nearly as bad when i smoke grass. it's so hard to quit! oh and the last pack i bought, i split it with my buddy, had all in a night, we were sick as fuck the day after, sore throats, lost our voices, coughing, and just feeling shitty. i started 9 years ago when i was 13, i did my time!

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