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CANCELLED Aug 18 (Sat) - Forest of Witchery 'Pagan Fest' feat. Anfauglir, Witchtomb, Dreaded Silence, Never Say Never, Pathogenic, Soul Remnants, Mortalis, Ouch, +1 TBA - All ages, BYOB, BYO-BBQ- $5 donations (to run generator) - The Forest of Witchery, Rochester MA +[view flyer]

[8.18.07] -Forest of Witchery- Fest - Lineup!

[show listing]  _____________________________
[Aug 1,2007 11:11am - pam ""]
Saturday August 18th, 2007
The Forest of Witchery, Rochester MA

Portals open at 1pm.
2:00-2:20 Ouch
2:40-3:10 Pathogenic
3:30-4:00 Mortalis
4:20-4:50 Soul Remnants
5:10-5:40 Never Say Never
6:00-6:30 Dreaded Silence
6:50-7:20 Witchtomb
7:50-8:20 Panzerbastard or Blessed Offal pending confirmation.
8:40-9:10 ON HOLD
9:30-10:00 Anfauglir
10:00- ? Acoustic Jams feat. members of Polaris, The Accursed, Dreaded Silence, etc...

$5 at the door and any donations toward the generator cost appreciated.

All Ages...but you're responsible if you get bagged drinking by the pigs!

Bring your own beer, meat, grill available but you're welcome to bring your own if you don't want to wait/share.

LOCATION HERE (Detail directions and # coming)

This is the first fest, it's in experimental stage, so we can't promise shit won't go wrong but we'll do all we can to prevent it.

[Aug 1,2007 11:21am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Aug 1,2007 11:27am - Kinslayer  ""]
Who's the ON HOLD band?
[Aug 2,2007 12:54am - pam ""]
It's a mystery...

(Possibly no one...not sure yet)
[Aug 2,2007 1:13am - timjohn  ""]
[Aug 2,2007 9:34am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
pam said:"Doors" at One

[Aug 2,2007 12:46pm - Sinistas ""]
I'm psyched.
[Aug 2,2007 3:40pm - pam ""]
DestroyYouAlot said:pam said:"Doors" at One


[Aug 2,2007 4:09pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
pam said:DestroyYouAlot said:pam said:"Doors" at One



[Aug 2,2007 4:14pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

Enter at your own will.
[Aug 3,2007 2:28pm - narkybark_  ""]
Is there going to be percussion during the acoustic jam? jim (from ouch) expressed interest in playing during that but I didn't know if drums were even being used. He said he'd use brushes to keep the noise down. My suggestion to do it blueman style and use paint to create fine works of art was frowned upon.
[Aug 3,2007 3:07pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
thats a fantastic idea IMO
[Aug 3,2007 3:12pm - xanonymousx ""]
wow thats a line up. but wheres it will end in pure horror?
[Aug 4,2007 1:43pm - pam ""]
They couldn't do the date switch.
[Aug 4,2007 1:52pm - narkybark ""]
I think I have these all correct, as it stands...

[Aug 4,2007 2:52pm - \m/  ""]
this party is byobb

the extra b is for bbbq
[Aug 4,2007 10:20pm - pam ""]
narkybark said:I think I have these all correct, as it stands...


Thank you for posting these. I so didn't feel like it. :bow::bow:
[Aug 4,2007 11:03pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
m/ said:this party is byobb

the extra b is for bbbq

So, byobabbq?
[Aug 5,2007 10:55am - \m/  ""]
i was listening to all these bands and was suprised at the overall diversity and quality of them all-- no 2 sound similar and even the least interesting (to me) still sound tight.
[Aug 5,2007 11:02am - death metal  ""]
[Aug 5,2007 11:30am - the_reverend ""]
\m/ said:this party is byobb

the extra b is for bbbq

what is that extra b for?
[Aug 5,2007 11:50am - Aegathis ""]
thats a typo
[Aug 5,2007 1:35pm - BornSoVile ""]
I might be there.
[Aug 5,2007 1:56pm - HUNTERHUNTER ""]
i live 5 miles from this place, people can come hang at my place after if they want?
[Aug 5,2007 2:00pm - pam ""]
I plan to sleep the whole day before so I can be up punishing my liver all night.
[Aug 5,2007 3:11pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
the_reverend said:\m/ said:this party is byobb

the extra b is for bbbq

what is that extra b for?

Bitchin' BBQ.
[Aug 6,2007 10:21am - sinistas ""]
Oh, I love you BBQ yeah...
[Aug 6,2007 7:09pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
why does it say that this is cancelled in the EVENTS section?
[Aug 6,2007 7:29pm - narkybark_  ""]
It was originally for the 11th, I see that one as being cancelled, not the 18th listing though
[Aug 6,2007 8:17pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
oh shit my buddy showed me that link but i guess i didnt look at it close enough. good eye sir.
[Aug 6,2007 8:32pm - secthammernli  ""]
the rev be goin to this?
[Aug 6,2007 9:51pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
unless he developed a vagina over night.. i'm sure he'll be in attendence.
[Aug 7,2007 6:01pm - pam ""]
[Aug 7,2007 6:20pm - archaeon ""]
[Aug 7,2007 6:26pm - pam ""]
If anyone wants to be the most and make a flyer I would love them forever.
[Aug 7,2007 7:02pm - theaccurseddrummer ""]
I'll make one, what do you want on it? Send me a list of bands too.
[Aug 10,2007 1:15am - narkybark ""]

This kinda stinks but it'll do for now I guess. Is this even a confirmed list of bands at this point?
[Aug 10,2007 2:36am - pam ""]
Ah! You are the best. The list is confirmed totally except for PB who I'm not sure is 100% or not. I'm not going to add any more bands, so that's the list! This shit's gonna be fun.
[Aug 10,2007 6:58am - sinistas ""]
Pam, any chance you can post the actual address and new set times? Danke.
[Aug 10,2007 9:04am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
lol "portal opens at 1pm"

[Aug 10,2007 5:53pm - pam ""]
I'd love to post the actual address but my husband didn't get it from Loki like I asked him to. You may chase him with torches.
[Aug 10,2007 6:01pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
and pitchforks i say!!
[Aug 10,2007 6:02pm - fishcakes ""]
is this still happening?
[Aug 10,2007 6:06pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
yes, no, and maybe...so.
[Aug 10,2007 7:21pm - pam ""]
fishcakes said:is this still happening?

It never WASN'T happening!

Loki says he thinks the number is 178 and will double check.
[Aug 11,2007 2:53pm - ouchdrummer  ""]
I can't wait for this show. Actually i know i speak for all of (ouch) when i say we are really looking foward to getting brutal in the woods.... and i still really wanna get in on that jam at the end, i bet it would be a blast.
[Aug 11,2007 3:52pm - pam ""]
All are welcome to jam at the end! I'm pretty excited, but I'm stressing over something going wrong...because that's what I do.
[Aug 11,2007 3:54pm - archaeon ""]
is there going to be a backline or what's the deal?
[Aug 11,2007 7:10pm - ouchdrummer  ""]
I hope there's no backline, i just bought a Tama starclassic Bubinga kit and I really wanna use it.
[Aug 11,2007 10:01pm - pam ""]
No backline, just set your drums up as much as possible while the band before you is playing so the changeover is quick.
[Aug 12,2007 10:06am - death metal  ""]
[Aug 12,2007 10:06am - death metal  ""]
the forest of death
[Aug 12,2007 10:09am - sinistas ""]
This will rule.
[Aug 12,2007 3:51pm - ouchdrummer  ""]
well since we are first i guess i will have all the time I want to get set up. cool. Do we really only have 20min? I noticed that everyone else is 30... can we have at least 25?
[Aug 12,2007 4:29pm - sinistas ""]

The "on hold" band isn't on, so I'm guessing the set times are different.
[Aug 13,2007 9:54am - sinistas ""]
Has Loki doublechecked the address? We've only got a few days to tell folks, yaknow ;)
[Aug 13,2007 9:58am - mOe ""]
[Aug 13,2007 10:45am - pam ""]
You can have 30 Ouch, not a problem. Initially the opener was a newer band with only a 20 minute set.

I will call Loki today, he's at work at the moment. I have no way of contacting the kid who owns the place, so there isn't much else I can do. I'm going to put some kind of black balloon or sign where the turn is.
[Aug 13,2007 10:52am - sinistas ""]
Alright, that's cool. Just making sure!

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