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Anyone going to Earth crisis tomorrow???

the Palladium (Worcester, MA) - [down_to_nothing][earth_crisis][on_broken_wings][randomshots][rick_whispers][shai_hulud][since_the_flood][sworn_enemy][terror][unholy]
[Feb 28,2008 5:15pm - Brandon nli  ""]
Earth Crisis / Terror / Sworn Enemy / Shai Hulud / Down To Nothing / Recon / On Broken Wings / Since The Flood / Unholy/ Rick Whispers

Dont really care for to many of these bands. But Terrror, shai hulud, and Earth Crisis should be a decent friday night.
[Feb 28,2008 5:17pm - Blue ""]
the ratio of bad to good is too much to make me go.
[Feb 28,2008 5:20pm - diarrhea_blumpkin ""]
crap venue
[Feb 28,2008 5:21pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Fuck, I forgot this show was so close! Regretfully I will not be there, as badly as I want to kill myself after hearing "Broken Foundation" live. I hope they don't play it so I can not feel so bad about not going.
[Feb 28,2008 5:22pm - diarrhea_blumpkin ""]
i thought they broke up in 2001 when i saw them at hellfest...i guess i heard wrong
[Feb 28,2008 5:24pm - W3 nli  ""]

Brandon%20nli said:Earth Crisis / Terror / Shai Hulud / On Broken Wings / Since The Flood

make that the show and id go plus put it in Brockton
[Feb 28,2008 5:24pm - the_reverend ""]
just got back together.
will be there.
[Feb 28,2008 5:35pm - W3 nli  ""]

diarrhea_blumpkin said:i thought they broke up in 2001 when i saw them at hellfest...i guess i heard wrong

i was there goodtimes
[Feb 28,2008 6:13pm - diarrhea_blumpkin ""]

W3%20nli said:
diarrhea_blumpkin said:i thought they broke up in 2001 when i saw them at hellfest...i guess i heard wrong

i was there goodtimes

high five
[Feb 28,2008 6:19pm - W3 nli  ""]
i wish they still had the event in that place fuck new jersey upstate is where its at
[Feb 28,2008 6:23pm - diarrhea_blumpkin ""]
yea... i had a fucking ball in syracuse.

did you see the amish hardcore dudes in the pit?
[Feb 28,2008 6:53pm - W3 nli  ""]
all weekend long, Intercourse 4 Life
[Feb 28,2008 7:40pm - bradmann ""]
this would've been sweet upstairs
[Feb 28,2008 7:52pm - goatcatalyst ""]
absolutely not
[Feb 28,2008 8:22pm - Blue ""]

W3%20nli said:i wish they still had the event in that place fuck new jersey upstate is where its at

hellfest was only in syracuse as far as im concerned.
[Feb 28,2008 8:40pm - W3 nli  ""]

Blue said:
W3%20nli said:i wish they still had the event in that place fuck new jersey upstate is where its at

hellfest was only in syracuse as far as im concerned.

[Feb 28,2008 9:22pm - degenerate bastard  ""]
if you like violence ........ you dont want to miss this show !!!
[Feb 29,2008 12:20am - xmikex ""]
I'm debating going to this.
[Feb 29,2008 10:13am - edge  ""]
cant make this show...SUCKS

hope the rev is shooting tho
[Feb 29,2008 12:47pm - A.PANZER  ""]
I might try to go...
[Feb 29,2008 1:17pm - xanonymousx ""]
I may go.. but i hear the roads will be horrible later tonight.
[Feb 29,2008 1:18pm - cav nli  ""]
when is this snow supposed to start. ive heard as early as 6 and as late as midnight? fuck the what
[Feb 29,2008 1:18pm - cav nli  ""]
thats SNOW not show
[Feb 29,2008 3:06pm - the_reverend ""]
Mike Justin (red chord/unearth/csdo) is playing drums in shai hulud?
[Feb 29,2008 3:09pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
sounds like one huge fight to me
[Feb 29,2008 3:14pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much Hardcore to stomach for me.
[Feb 29,2008 3:20pm - cav nli  ""]

the_reverend said:Mike Justin (red chord/unearth/csdo) is playing drums in shai hulud?

where did you hear this?
[Feb 29,2008 3:24pm - Yeti ""]
oh no. Worcester will be infested with vermin.
[Feb 29,2008 3:26pm - the_reverend ""]
someone @ metal blade just told me
[Feb 29,2008 3:26pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

ConquerTheBaphomet said:WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much Hardcore to stomach for me.

Ironically, there are no hardcore bands at this show.
[Feb 29,2008 3:27pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
you mean "Worcester will notice absolutely nothing different"
[Feb 29,2008 3:28pm - Yeti ""]
hahahahaha well more vermin than usual.
[Feb 29,2008 3:29pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
i still stand by my statement
[Feb 29,2008 3:30pm - cav nli  ""]

the_reverend said:someone @ metal blade just told me

thats awesome. you going to this rev?
[Feb 29,2008 4:38pm - Pires ""]
is this on both stages or just down stairs? leaving soon regardless.
[Feb 29,2008 6:17pm - the_reverend ""]
im here now. missed recon.
[Feb 29,2008 7:57pm - Pires ""]
down to nothing was good, as was on broken wings. unholy was really average. actually they kinda sucked. since the flood is up next and should be insane. this would've been way better upstairs. also, how many times are we going to listen to 3750 by the acacia strain tonight in between bands? its been 4 so far. i used to like this album until i came to this show!
[Feb 29,2008 8:01pm - the_reverend ""]
unholy: totally heavy as hell. Reminded me of some bands with that "black market activities". They were so heavy. That singer was pushing his hardests on those vocals.

down to nothing: normal dtn shows are nothing short of epic. When you cut off the stage diving and the crowd from the stage, it takes almost all the energy out of their performance imho. Yeah, the floor was moving and all.. Yeah, the singer went to the audience a few times, but there was a lot missing and the singer teased the crowd a bunch when they though he would come down to them, but didn't.

On Broken Wing: they were much better on this stage than DTN. A much more powerful sound (once the bass was fixed). The audience was all people I knew from brockton, boston, and springfield. Good news there, looks like they will be releasing another album and playing metalfest. Both facts that I was unaware of. At the end of their set, I got a very nice shout out for everyone to go see my pictures too. Hope they are ok.
[Feb 29,2008 8:33pm - the_reverend ""]
since the flood: I didn't even know they were playing to be honest. They were so much better this time as opposed to the first show. Nate sounds a lot more entwined with the band. One way to tell with since the flood is the jump-o-meter. Count the number of times someone jumps andif that number is greater than the number of jumps at the last show, the person is still staying in the band. If the number declines, they are on their way out. When kevin was in the band, he reached one jump and then moved on to 2 jumps at the height of his STF career (rumors of him jumping 3 times in on show are unsubstancitive and with out proof). Now look at nate. He went from 0-1 at the first show to 4. Even though some of them would be catagories as hops, he's still in the mix for a while. Im a little worried about ricky... I saw only one hop. Maybe he's just sick. Nate also spent plenty of time in the crowd. That ruled.
[Feb 29,2008 9:31pm - the_reverend ""]
shai hulud: they exploded on to that stage. Within the first beat, that singer (forget his name) was in the crowd. He spent more that 1/2 the set down there. Could there ever be too much sing along? I think not. I think matt fox was jealous since his guitar tathered him to the stage. There were robably an equal number of people here to see just these guys as terror and possibly earth crisis (albeit a smaller average person compared to the other band's fans). They are just one of those bands that draws out the dead for their shows. Just like STF, they got one song cut from their set. When they found this out, theybroke into profound hatred of man and had a huge collection of crashing bodies in th front.
[Feb 29,2008 9:44pm - the_reverend ""]
ha! Pires, I said the same thing about usptairs. only earth crisis justifies downstairs.
[Feb 29,2008 9:47pm - bradmann ""]
how old is EC Karl?
[Feb 29,2008 9:50pm - the_reverend ""]
sworn enemy: no fun for me, they started doing the whole 3 songs thing for these guys. Do you know how long it takes for SE to play 3 songs? A lot friggin quicker than you would think. Saddly, I only recognized the singer. They sounded really good, but the audience cleared out a bit for them. I think all the shai huludians went in he backbto drink a beer and wait for earth crisis. Normally, those peole would probably just leave, but they want to justify the more expensive tickets and coming to a show downstairs at the palladium. Is it just me or they only played 2 old tracks? The new CD is good, but I only icked out 2 old songs.

Oh and the acacia strain played on. They are the new since the flood which was the new hatebreed.
[Feb 29,2008 9:54pm - xanonymousx ""]
i really hate how the palladium only has one two cd's at the shows
[Feb 29,2008 11:18pm - the_reverend ""]
Earth crisis is on now. so goos. how come the die hard fans in the front are the same age they were when they used to play? and im going to have to look cause I believe I saw EC in the 90's and just plum forgot about it.
[Feb 29,2008 11:26pm - W3 nli  ""]
97 they played Avalon with Seps and VOD
[Feb 29,2008 11:43pm - the_reverend ""]
nope, i'm fairly positive that I didn't see them. it was a VOD show I was thinking about. let me think a little more.
[Feb 29,2008 11:47pm - the_reverend ""]
I know I wanted to see them once with afriend from NJ and I think they with shelter and that's why I decided not to go. the other time was in manch-vegas.
[Mar 1,2008 2:10am - NateTheWAR ""]
I went to what feels like a half dozen shows in the late 90's/early Y2K era that VOD was supposed to play and they always cancelled. I gave up hope soon after.

Tonight was ridiculous. All the bands were great, and for some reason I wish Earth Crisis had more to say in between songs. Also surprised they actually played stuff off Slither. Who knew?
[Mar 1,2008 2:17am - the_reverend ""]
my pictures are processing.. give me a few.

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