Anyone going to Earth crisis tomorrow???[views:13448][posts:58]the Palladium (Worcester, MA) - [down_to_nothing][earth_crisis][on_broken_wings][randomshots][rick_whispers][shai_hulud][since_the_flood][sworn_enemy][terror][unholy] _______________________________ [Mar 1,2008 5:47am - xmikex ""] earth crisis... or what I got to see of them before I got kicked out, was actually really fun. It was cool seeing old faces coming out of nowhere. Not a bad night, not a great one either. |
___________________________ [Mar 1,2008 8:19am - x ""] come rev how bout terror and eart crisis reviews |
____________________________ [Mar 1,2008 9:48am - cav ""] im glad i ended up going to this. decent show. hulud ruled. so it was worth it. haha. got there while unholy was on. one of the worst bands ive ever seen. down to nothing was awesome but they were so much better at the verse 5 year show a couple weeks ago. like rev said, they just belong in a smaller venue, kids go absolutely insane for them. but im sure this was a good way for them to branch out, props to them for being on the tour, im sure their regular shows will have even more kids next time around. obw was decent. i havent listened to that old full length in years so it was kinda funny trying to remember their parts. to their credit those guys do have a lot more going on in their music than most mosh bands. the vocalist messes around with different vocal styles, they do off timing parts, etc, etc. the other half of it is straight breakdowns, but at least they are good at it and fun to listen to. stf...UGH...i was so psyched to see them with nate. maybe its because they played all new stuff or because the sound guy sucked but i wasnt really into it at all. last time i saw them i think at metalfest, i loved it. maybe it was because i knew shai hulud was coming up...i dunno, nates vocals did kick ass as always though. hulud was amazing. i am so excited they are playing with mike justain, he adds a new element to that band. i really hope hes on the album (coming out late May i believe they said) and i really hope he stays with them, he seemed to be having a really good time. and they let him mess around and add his own flavor to the old songs, they were tight as hell and played a good selection of songs. opened with for the world, played the first two tracks from hearts once nourised, the usual 2 tracks from that within blood, i was really glad to see them play hardly and faithless is he, i have never seen them play those before i dont think. awesome set. kids went nuts. hulud is back! stayed and watched about 2 songs of sworn enemy for the laugh. and then left. seriously, that band blows so fuckin bad i can even begin to explain. once he busted out the wah solo i was the fuck outta there hahaha. i bet terror was cool, i hate to be a dick but ive never really listened to much earth crisis, maybe one day ill regret it but i had a good time smoking pot with drunken craig at the shed anyways. |
_____________________________________ [Mar 1,2008 2:48pm - the_reverend ""] I see mike justin... [img] |
_________________________________ [Mar 1,2008 3:13pm - rotivore ""] :duffbeer:drink one for earth crisis |
______________________________________ [Mar 1,2008 10:31pm - the_reverend ""] terror: they played really well. I mean I've seen them in better and worse places so this wasn't too bad. They played all songs that I knew. Anyone note vogel's toast to earth crisis and everyone? I thought buried alive was a xSEx band and so was scott. Guess not. Imagine if he did that back in the day? Death. At the end of their set, some guy kept trying to get on stage to sing and the bouncers ket shoving him back in to the crowd. earth crisis: I can't believe that so many people left by this point. The floor was active, but empty. One interesting difference with this show as opposed to other palladium or large venue shows is that all the bands who opened u for EC are fist and foremost fans of EC. It's funny looking down in the crowd and just seeing member after member of the other bands rocking it on the floor for them. It was also funny to watch some of the more green boucers had no clue what to do with all the stage driving and crowd surfing. It was fairly amazing. Makes me more than feel the fact that I missed those other eic hardcore shows there. Their set was good for a bunch of old hc se dudes. Does it compare to them from the 90's? No way, but it was so much better than the nu-metal show I was expecting out of them. |
_____________________________________ [Mar 2,2008 1:59pm - brandon nli ""] cav said:im glad i ended up going to this. decent show. hulud ruled. so it was worth it. haha. got there while unholy was on. one of the worst bands ive ever seen. down to nothing was awesome but they were so much better at the verse 5 year show a couple weeks ago. like rev said, they just belong in a smaller venue, kids go absolutely insane for them. but im sure this was a good way for them to branch out, props to them for being on the tour, im sure their regular shows will have even more kids next time around. obw was decent. i havent listened to that old full length in years so it was kinda funny trying to remember their parts. to their credit those guys do have a lot more going on in their music than most mosh bands. the vocalist messes around with different vocal styles, they do off timing parts, etc, etc. the other half of it is straight breakdowns, but at least they are good at it and fun to listen to. stf...UGH...i was so psyched to see them with nate. maybe its because they played all new stuff or because the sound guy sucked but i wasnt really into it at all. last time i saw them i think at metalfest, i loved it. maybe it was because i knew shai hulud was coming up...i dunno, nates vocals did kick ass as always though. hulud was amazing. i am so excited they are playing with mike justain, he adds a new element to that band. i really hope hes on the album (coming out late May i believe they said) and i really hope he stays with them, he seemed to be having a really good time. and they let him mess around and add his own flavor to the old songs, they were tight as hell and played a good selection of songs. opened with for the world, played the first two tracks from hearts once nourised, the usual 2 tracks from that within blood, i was really glad to see them play hardly and faithless is he, i have never seen them play those before i dont think. awesome set. kids went nuts. hulud is back! stayed and watched about 2 songs of sworn enemy for the laugh. and then left. seriously, that band blows so fuckin bad i can even begin to explain. once he busted out the wah solo i was the fuck outta there hahaha. i bet terror was cool, i hate to be a dick but ive never really listened to much earth crisis, maybe one day ill regret it but i had a good time smoking pot with drunken craig at the shed anyways. Yea hulud was awsome, i left right as sworn enemy was playing too. I wanted to see erth crisis and terror, But i really didnt feel up to sitting around much longer. Especially since it was about to snow and i only have one windsheild wiper. Hulud was worth the drive though. |
_______________________________________ [Mar 3,2008 9:53am - DestroyYouAlot ""] No dead mouse hurling? Not an EC show without some recently deceased rodents taking flight, I always say. |
________________________________ [Mar 23,2008 12:10am - yummy ""] I went to the show at the living room with the kid who threw the rat then took another kid to the hospital after he got hit over the head with a bottle. Fun show. Hardcore shows used to be fun. |