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Daniel Tosh is a funny bastard...

[Mar 30,2008 9:02pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]


[Mar 30,2008 10:39pm - The Revealer  ""]
I went to high school with that kid. No kidding.
[Mar 30,2008 10:41pm - The Revealer  ""]
I say kid.. I'm 34 and he's only a year or two younger.
[Mar 30,2008 11:14pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I saw that special last night. Dude had me in tears.
[Mar 31,2008 12:42am - dreadkill ""]
i saw him live when he was at berklee a few weeks back. it was awesome. definitely one of my favorite comedians.
[Mar 31,2008 3:14am - thegreatspaldino ""]
he isnt bad... a couple pretty funny things.
[Mar 31,2008 3:57am - ellesarusrex ""]
i love how they have to show the most gangsta brother after the black joke.. like make it legit.. blacks laugh too... its ok..
[Mar 31,2008 10:26am - dreadkill ""]
when i saw him, he talked about wanting to shoot dane cook and ben affleck in the head.
[Mar 31,2008 10:33am - ellesarusrex ""]

dreadkill said:when i saw him, he talked about wanting to shoot dane cook and ben affleck in the head.

i watched about 10 minutes of dane cook the other night on tv and i pretty much decided he might be the ugliest guy in the world.. i used to find him incredibly entertaining until i realized hes mostly un original and and is now to the point where his personality actually irks me. mostly.

as far as ben affleck goes.. i turwly cant hate a man that playes charles bukowski as one of his roles.
[Mar 31,2008 10:46am - dreadkill ""]

ellesarusrex said:
dreadkill said:when i saw him, he talked about wanting to shoot dane cook and ben affleck in the head.

i watched about 10 minutes of dane cook the other night on tv and i pretty much decided he might be the ugliest guy in the world.. i used to find him incredibly entertaining until i realized hes mostly un original and and is now to the point where his personality actually irks me. mostly.

hahaha, i feel almost the same about dane cook. i used to think he was funny, then he got overexposed to the point of being the most annoying person ever and it's hard to like comedians who plagiarize from other comedians, especially comedians who get hugely famous and wealthy because of it. most women seem to think he's good looking, but i think he looks like a buttclown with that stupid haircut and goofy face of his.
[Mar 31,2008 10:51am - ellesarusrex ""]
he looks like he should be fat. when i saw him in boston years ago he wore cowboy boots in a very metro way. i cant ever find this man attractive.
[Mar 31,2008 10:52am - Yeti ""]
Dane Cook should be incinerated.
[Mar 31,2008 10:55am - dreadkill ""]
i wanted to kill him during the baseball playoffs when tbs kept showing that stupid baseball commercial with dane cook going "you're a faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!" they showed it during every commercial break of every show, sometimes twice in one break. it made me want to call comcast and ask them to remove tbs from my cable.
[Mar 31,2008 11:07am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Louis CK FTW
[Mar 31,2008 11:29am - GodlessRob ""]

ellesarusrex said:he looks like he should be fat. when i saw him in boston years ago he wore cowboy boots in a very metro way. i cant ever find this man attractive.

You have to be the only female I have heard ever say that about dc. I have never found him funny. I tried but after 25min of not laughing and every female in the room howling with laughter, it seemed to me that only chicks get it.
[Mar 31,2008 11:33am - dreadkill ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:Louis CK FTW
or as the reverend calls him, lewis.
[Mar 31,2008 11:35am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i need a special decoder ring to decipher most of the revs comments
[Mar 31,2008 11:37am - dreadkill ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:i need a special decoder ring to decipher most of the revs comments
me too. acid is a helluva drug
[Mar 31,2008 11:56am - ellesarusrex ""]

GodlessRob said:
ellesarusrex said:he looks like he should be fat. when i saw him in boston years ago he wore cowboy boots in a very metro way. i cant ever find this man attractive.

You have to be the only female I have heard ever say that about dc. I have never found him funny. I tried but after 25min of not laughing and every female in the room howling with laughter, it seemed to me that only chicks get it.

i like my men to look like they were born and raised on the side of a mountain.. "dc" as you call him.. has a better haircut than i.. and that shits my industry. broads are hopeless.. i think the only time i could find him to be unbearingly humerous would be if i were to witness his attempts at getting at a woman.. i imagine that would be incredibly hilarious. what would a guy like that even do... its impossible for me to consider him to be smooth.. his laugh makes me cringe
[Mar 31,2008 12:02pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
money and fame will get you ass no matter how you look/sound/act.
[Mar 31,2008 12:02pm - godlessrob ""]

ellesarusrex said:
GodlessRob said:
ellesarusrex said:he looks like he should be fat. when i saw him in boston years ago he wore cowboy boots in a very metro way. i cant ever find this man attractive.

You have to be the only female I have heard ever say that about dc. I have never found him funny. I tried but after 25min of not laughing and every female in the room howling with laughter, it seemed to me that only chicks get it.

i like my men to look like they were born and raised on the side of a mountain.. "dc" as you call him.. has a better haircut than i.. and that shits my industry. broads are hopeless.. i think the only time i could find him to be unbearingly humerous would be if i were to witness his attempts at getting at a woman.. i imagine that would be incredibly hilarious. what would a guy like that even do... its impossible for me to consider him to be smooth.. his laugh makes me cringe

Hahah That would be funny! damn I was just thinking that I need a haircut like that to be able to "get" the babes. Damn it all to hell. I think I will just stick to long hair and a bushy beard.
[Mar 31,2008 12:10pm - ellesarusrex ""]
i think if you had a haircut like that.. specifically with scattered highlights you would also have to start enjoying things like doilies under your picture frames and steering wheel covers in your rav4.
[Mar 31,2008 12:15pm - godlessrob ""]

ellesarusrex said:i think if you had a haircut like that.. specifically with scattered highlights you would also have to start enjoying things like doilies under your picture frames and steering wheel covers in your rav4.

hey wait a min. I have a steering wheel cover in my Denali! guess it's hopless now
[Mar 31,2008 12:18pm - ellesarusrex ""]
please tell me its furry.
[Mar 31,2008 12:21pm - godlessrob ""]
no I think it might even be gayer than that
[Mar 31,2008 12:28pm - ellesarusrex ""]
do you wear glitter to the club?
[Mar 31,2008 12:34pm - godlessrob ""]
zing! haha No it's not that gay.
[Mar 31,2008 1:09pm - quintessence ""]

ellesarusrex said:
i like my men to look like they were born and raised on the side of a mountain..

Where have you been all my life.....?!
[Mar 31,2008 1:18pm - ellesarusrex ""]

quintessence said:
ellesarusrex said:
i like my men to look like they were born and raised on the side of a mountain..

Where have you been all my life.....?!

clearly sitting at my house on the internet all day.
[Mar 31,2008 1:31pm - bradmann ""]
i've said it before but i'll say it again

[Mar 31,2008 1:35pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
another dead hero
[Mar 31,2008 1:36pm - dreadkill ""]

bradmann said:i've said it before but i'll say it again


can't argue with that. he was great.
[Mar 31,2008 1:36pm - quintessence ""]

ellesarusrex said:
quintessence said:
ellesarusrex said:
i like my men to look like they were born and raised on the side of a mountain..

Where have you been all my life.....?!

clearly sitting at my house on the internet all day.

good thing I have wireless on this here mountain of mine....

Oh and just for this thread... I loathe almost all comedians, and Daniel Tosh is no exception..
[Mar 31,2008 1:37pm - dreadkill ""]
what comedians do you like?
[Mar 31,2008 1:38pm - ellesarusrex ""]
sarah silverman will find a way to birth my children... mostly.
[Mar 31,2008 1:41pm - ellesarusrex ""]

good thing I have wireless on this here mountain of mine....

Oh and just for this thread... I loathe almost all comedians, and Daniel Tosh is no exception..

i have no idea what i did before wireless internet.. i havent even turned my desktop on since i purchased my new hp. my new hobby is sadly lurking on people and launching their myspace playlists while i cook and clean..
[Mar 31,2008 1:51pm - the_reverend ""]
he's no dane cook.. but I guess he's ok.
[Mar 31,2008 1:56pm - quintessence ""]

dreadkill said:what comedians do you like?

I think Bill Hicks was aboust the best there was ... so far.

Doug Stanhope or whatever he's called is pretty funny.
[Mar 31,2008 2:04pm - dreadkill ""]
bill hicks ruled and i like doug stanhope too.
[Mar 31,2008 2:14pm - quintessence ""]
Also this man:
[Mar 31,2008 2:54pm - the_reverend ""]
not one single dirty vagina joke? wtf! I watched it for what, 7 minutes!?! not one dirty vajayjay joke at all.
[Mar 31,2008 4:39pm - bradmann ""]
bill hicks and sam kinison used to spend many a late night blowing lines and talking about religion. i like a comedian that fucking yells at you. it's the way comedy should be, loud and uncomfortable. You know, like metal?
[Mar 31,2008 4:43pm - bradmann ""]
bill hicks and sam kinison used to spend many a late night blowing lines and talking about religion. i like a comedian that fucking yells at you. it's the way comedy should be, loud and uncomfortable. You know, like metal?
[Mar 31,2008 4:45pm - bradmann ""]
fuckingfucking doubledouble
[Mar 31,2008 4:50pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
#1 - George Carlin

#2 - Bill Hicks

[Mar 31,2008 4:56pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
#1 - George Carlin

#2 - Bill Hicks
[Mar 31,2008 5:01pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
1 - George Carlin

2 - Bill Hicks
[Mar 31,2008 5:22pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Triple post, woo hoo!
[Mar 31,2008 7:34pm - ancient master  ""]
he definitly stole that waverunner joke, cant remember where hough
[Mar 31,2008 7:40pm - the_reverend ""]
I thought so too about the waverunner joke, but I guessed it was probably just him on comedy central
[Apr 1,2008 3:03pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I saw his half hour special and his 1 hour special, he didn't repeat too many jokes.
[Apr 1,2008 8:20pm - and I you maid marian  ""]

AUTOPSY_666 said:1 - Lenny Bruce

2 - George Carlin

3 - Bill Hicks

[Apr 1,2008 8:25pm - dreadkill ""]
i'd have to say carlin is my favorite comedian of all time, but there's so many comedians i enjoy.
[Apr 1,2008 10:50pm - DomesticTerror ""]
In no particular order-Pryor, Hicks, Carlin, Stanhope, Cross, Todd Barry, Andy Andrist, and Joe Rogan are my faves. Patton Oswald's recent album has gotta be in like the top 15 comedy albums of all time. i could go on all day about this...
[Apr 2,2008 12:25am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Carlin is the God of comedy, that's just a whole other realm. When Steve Martin used to be funny, he was fucking hilarious. Ditto for Eddy Murphy; they both suck now. Prior died before he could suck too badly (even if Kinison beat him to it). Lewis Black is untouchable (although he'll probably start to suck now that he's got a show). Leary changed the world with No Cure for Cancer. Nowadays, I'm a fan of most of O&A's little stable - Norton, Patrice, Vos, Louis CK, all those guys are comedian's comedians, which is what I'm into. Bob Saget FTW.
[Apr 2,2008 12:25am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Also, I'd like to shoot Larry the Cable Guy in the face and then smother all his fans.
[Apr 2,2008 8:24am - thegreatspaldino ""]
Kinison is probably my favorite. guy was hilarious. i watch most comedy specials and am not really that enterained as most of the shit, even the way its said, i've said before at one point. there was some really fat dude that seemed like he was a really nice guy, didnt do anything raunchy or anything, and was still actually really funny. i forget his name...
[Apr 2,2008 8:53am - GodlessRob ""]
I know the film crew could give him a sandwich. Ok hadji back in the mud hole. There would be no world hunger if you didn't live in the FUCKING DESSERT! Look at this! LOOK AT IT! this is sand, yea it's sand. DON"T YOU KNOW YOU CAN"T GROW ANYTHING IN THIS SHIT!

Sam is the man
[Apr 2,2008 9:04am - GodlessRob ""]

[Apr 2,2008 10:05am - godlessrob ""]
I suck at posting videos. I thought I did it right this time.
[Apr 2,2008 11:59am - anonymouse  ""]
[Apr 2,2008 12:04pm - dreadkill ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:Leary ripped off bill hicks
[Apr 2,2008 12:23pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

dreadkill said:
DestroyYouAlot said:Leary ripped off bill hicks
I molest hamsters in a clown suit.

Fix'd. :point:
[Apr 2,2008 12:33pm - dreadkill ""]
low blow. i don't go exposing your hobbies to the internets
[Apr 2,2008 2:57pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

dreadkill said:low blow. i don't go exposing your hobbies to the internets

Your argument is invalid, as my hobbies are publicly broadcast on www.grandmaporn.com.
[Apr 2,2008 3:19pm - dreadkill ""]
i hadn't heard of that site before, but i'm glad i know about it now.

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