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Defending METAL in the workplace...

[Jul 20,2009 6:10pm - markrichardsmobile  ""]
I find it odd that literally everyone I work with now that has talked to me about music respects metal even though maybe 2 people listen to it in the entire office. A good handful have actually picked up Composted CDs from me, haha.
[Jul 20,2009 6:19pm - immortal13 ""]
it's gotten to the point with me where whenever I meet someone new the first thing I say is "I'm not a country boy or cowboy, please get over it or leave me alone." That's all people listen to around here is nu metal or country. I played some Sexcrement at work the other day and my boss nearly had a heart attack.
[Jul 20,2009 6:24pm - reimroc ""]
[Jul 20,2009 6:27pm - neverpurified ""]
I had a co-worker say to me yesterday, after I had been talking about metal bands I listen to; say "dude....one of my favorite metal bands of all time, is Nickleback...fucking heavy shit dude, I've seen them like 9 times man." To which I just said "yeah man....cool"

I also enjoy when the slightly older guy (late 30's/early 40's) tries to act hip by name dropping bands "yeah man, rockin some Static-X and Tantric huh?! Betcha didn't think I knew who they were huh?"

I don't even get into who I listen to or what my band sounds like at work anymore.
[Jul 20,2009 6:32pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
The only time I get into music related arguments is at shows and most of the people I end up talking to are kind of ignorant about the underground. They always name me bands they listen to that are mostly popular Deathcore bands. It's very frustrating to get through to these meatheads.
[Jul 20,2009 7:10pm - mortalis ""]

brian_dc said:If you can't understand why most people think metal is silly, you have blinders on.
[Jul 20,2009 7:21pm - the_reverend ""]
one of my co-workers has a giant isis poster and mastodon things. Another co-worker's band played skatefest and his roommate is the drummer for defeater. my office aint that bad.
[Jul 20,2009 10:14pm - HTR ""]

contagion said:metal doesnt appeal to everyone, big deal. whats the point of getting pissed about it?

I completely agree with you that metal is not for everyone. I think it was more the fact I was awaken by people being loud, and disrespectful to something I love. That, and the 4 hrs of broken sleep I got last night, did not do much to help my mood. Feel free to call me a total metal nerd, but as I sat up in bed the first thought that entered my mind was literally: "I must defend metal."

But the other underlying issue I found interesting with this whole experience seems to be that, when confronted, it's amazing how groups of people will cower away from their positions when approached by just one man. Their will and convictions fell as if they were "brown leaves blown by the wind." I thought that kicked a bit of ass.
[Jul 20,2009 11:07pm - reimroc ""]
Everyone likes metal. Some just aren't man enough to admit it.

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