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Who inspired you the most to start playing an instrument

[Apr 1,2004 10:35am - morkul ""]
Ok, I don't know if this has been a thread before so I am just going to start another one anyway. The most influential drummers who inspired me to start playing, and who still make me want to get up and play evey time I hear them are;
Andy Whale-ex-Bolt Thrower
Nicke Anderrson-ex-Entombed
Pete Sandoval-Morbid Angel/Terrorizer
Gene Hoglan-Death,Individual Thought Patterns(jaw dropping every time I hear it)
And last but certainly not least Tony Laureno-Nile(ex Malevolent Creation,and many others). The last one is more of a current inspiration. That's just mine so let me hear yours now. I know there has got to be someone who inspired you to start playing.:NEWHORNS:
[Apr 1,2004 10:38am - housebythecemetery ""]
dude i dont even know
[Apr 1,2004 10:43am - davyp ""]
that is so tough to say
[Apr 1,2004 10:45am - blue nli  ""]
when i was 12, i wanted really bad to be kirk hammett (who didnt though).

these days, every time i hear chris arp (psyopus) i just want to either quit music or go shred.
[Apr 1,2004 10:57am - Cryptic Anthony  ""]
I liked toys in the attic so much when I was 12 that I took up guitar.
[Apr 1,2004 11:00am - subjugate ""]
randy rhoads
[Apr 1,2004 11:05am - anonymous  ""]
your moms pussy
[Apr 1,2004 11:09am - succubus ""]
my brother because he was in a band...

and then i saw him play with his best friend at the time Scott Huot..and he was a super cool dork into heavy indie shit and now he makes dark cartoons...
[Apr 1,2004 11:10am - Josh_hates_you ""]
i was bored so i started hitting things-dave lombardo,kenneth schalk(candiria) sepultura - chaos ad and everything before it
[Apr 1,2004 11:14am - succubus ""]
Cryptic Anthony said:I liked toys in the attic so much when I was 12 that I took up guitar.

i have that on cassette

heh..i can't remember when it came out though

[Apr 1,2004 11:23am - RustedAngel ""]
MC Hammer and Tina Turner.
[Apr 1,2004 11:27am - succubus ""]
[Apr 1,2004 11:29am - RustedAngel ""]
gad damn, check out those legs on tina. w00t! hahahah
[Apr 1,2004 11:51am - morkul ""]
[Apr 1,2004 12:02pm - Terence ""]
Angus Young made me pick up the guitar.
Zakk Wylde helped a lot also. I still love both these guitar players.
[Apr 1,2004 12:21pm - phantos ""]
in the 80's: James Hetfield and Scott Ian
in the 90's: John McLaughlin (also made me quit)
in 2000: Nels Cline (made me personally start again)
[Apr 1,2004 12:54pm - Anthony ""]
i think toys in the attic came out in 1975. It was their third record. Get Your Wings is awesome too.
[Apr 1,2004 1:15pm - dyingmuse ""]
andy fucking La Rocque on guitar for sure i want to break his fucking fingers...he's just way too good! some day i hope i can be 1/4 as good as him
martin van drunin on vocals
glenn benton and morgoths singer too
mikkey dee for drums
[Apr 1,2004 2:39pm - Dissector ""]
My 4th grade band teacher.
[Apr 1,2004 2:51pm - abhorred ""]
kerry king
[Apr 1,2004 3:14pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Andy Dick was the biggest influence for every member of Abhorred.
[Apr 1,2004 3:17pm - Kalopsia ""]
how i first started playing bass is actually kinda pathetic. about 5 years ago my twin brother got a guitar for christmas, as did another friend of mine (who's currently a guitarist in my band Damnatory) and another friend of mine got his first drum set. and just like every other beginner in the world would do, they started a band. i thought it was cool that they were doing it and i wanted to jam out too so i asked my brother if i could join. he told me the only position left was bass guitar. i was like "ok.......... what's a bass?"

from there my main influence became Cliff Burton but currently i am mainly following Alex Webster, A.K.A God. i try to follow other bassists as well outside of metal like Flea, Victor Wooten, Jaco Pastorious, Billy Sheehan, and Bill Dickens.
[Apr 1,2004 3:21pm - succubus ""]
i saw dem rock star, long haired guitar players get the chicks
then i heard one of them admit:
"It makes me look cool and I get chicks. It's awesome." (someone from pearl jam)

[Apr 1,2004 3:43pm - abhorred ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:Andy Dick was the biggest influence for every member of Abhorred.

yeah...you should see our shrine to him....
[Apr 1,2004 4:23pm - brendan  ""]
Tim "herb" alexander from Primus
[Apr 1,2004 4:28pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
Our lord...Edward Van Halen
[Apr 1,2004 5:23pm - sinistas ""]
Dave Mustaine.
[Apr 1,2004 5:26pm - assuck ""]
abhorred said:Joe/NotCommon said:Andy Dick was the biggest influence for every member of Abhorred.

yeah...you should see our shrine to him....

i meant to tell you, man. i broke the statue the other day. i was walking by it and i brushed it and it fell and shattered. all thats left are his glasses and flamboyancy.
[Apr 1,2004 6:06pm - powerkok ""]
watch the end of 'crossroads" no, not the britney spears movie, its ralph macchio and steve vai 'cuttin heads' That in itself is the best guitar ever played. its really steve vai and ry cooder playing. Ralph Macchio was too cute to be that good.
[Apr 1,2004 8:36pm - Cryptic Anthony  ""]
dyingmuse said:martin van drunin on vocals

Pestilence!! Consuming Impulse is incredible!
[Apr 1,2004 9:07pm - Josiah_the_Black ""]
the person who led me into drums was my uncle but my influences have been
mr jim and todd swalla(old misfits) luke fox, wilf, chuck biscuits, chad smith, martin lopez, dan liljekvist
[Apr 1,2004 10:47pm - retzam ""]
Sadly, my main influence for starting to play guitar was James Hetfield. But my dad played a big part in it.
[Apr 1,2004 11:04pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
Alex Webster
[Apr 1,2004 11:07pm - eeeyorge  ""]
chris arp(psyopus) has inspired me to stop playing music and work at a grocery store for the rest of my life.
what's the point after seeing something like that up close?
[Apr 2,2004 10:05am - litacore ""]

actually I had a fucked up dream last night and part of it Mantas of Venom was playing guitar for Jethro Tull
[Aug 9,2005 6:23pm - poker  ""]
fuck me in the ass, please!
[Aug 9,2005 6:35pm - james-raov  ""]
[Aug 9,2005 6:43pm - Hooker ;la  ""]
I picked up a guitar on my own that was in a closet at the house we were living at at the time. Still have that same guitar to this day.
Nuge showed me note bending.
Iommi and hetfield showed me riffs.
Dimebag showed me soloing.
[Aug 9,2005 7:30pm - mOe_RK_in jersey  ""]
well, i'd have to say overall, it was watching my uncle play drums for his gospel band and in chuch when i was a weeee youngin. I just thought it was the coolest shit ever. When I was around 9, i bought No DOubt's Tragic Kingdom and realized that MAYBE i should play drums seriously for the rest of my life. I took lessons for like a month and the rest is history. I'm self taught for the most part.
EXTREMELY unmetal, i know, but hey...its how it happened.
[Aug 9,2005 7:31pm - niccolai nli  ""]
A local metalcore band called The Automata.

I was young, at the time I didn't even know music that heavy existed.

I was fucking young okay?!?!

Got me into playing guitar.
[Aug 9,2005 7:36pm - Spaldino on a fucking mac... lame  ""]
alex webster
[Aug 9,2005 7:49pm - Christraper ""]
[Aug 9,2005 8:09pm - DomesticTerror ""]
mOe_RK_in jersey said:hmm...
well, i'd have to say overall, it was watching my uncle play drums for his gospel band and in chuch when i was a weeee youngin. I just thought it was the coolest shit ever. When I was around 9, i bought No DOubt's Tragic Kingdom and realized that MAYBE i should play drums seriously for the rest of my life. I took lessons for like a month and the rest is history. I'm self taught for the most part.
EXTREMELY unmetal, i know, but hey...its how it happened.

i was around 19 or 20 when that album came out...ugh...

my story...my sister gave me a copy of "Master of Puppets" when i was 12. i popped it in my tape deck and literally fell out of my chair during the "Battery" intro. I was all done.
The single person who i give the most credit for inspiring me to shred tho, has to be Andy from RAOV. when we were 15 he tore my ass up on his snot green Kramer. I wanted to play like him more than anybody.

[Aug 9,2005 8:21pm - Hooker ;la  ""]
hahah that's badass.
[Aug 9,2005 9:03pm - BornSoVile ""]
Jimmy Page taught me how to play the air guitar.
[Aug 9,2005 10:07pm - Lamp ""]
I have no idea who inspired me to play guitar or bass if anybody.
I always wanted to play drums just because I like hitting things.
[Aug 9,2005 10:17pm - RavenousDestruction ""]
My father, who was my biggest musical influnace growing up.
[Aug 9,2005 10:23pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
my dad too, not so much an influence musically, but there were always guitars around since i was like 3...including one little one that was proportionate to me
[Aug 9,2005 10:57pm - blue ""]
its lame, but id have to say when i heard 'justice' when i was like 10 it made me want to play. took me a couple years to get started though.
[Aug 9,2005 11:03pm - Bradness ""]
deep purple's Made In Japan made a big impact on me. I think i was around 11 when i heard that. After that, Metallica,Anthrax,ACDC, later the Ramones and Poison Idea

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