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I feel so alive

[Oct 6,2009 11:12am - aril  ""]
hmmmm... hard to tell. i think he cut his hair if he's in that picture. who knows, haven't seen the kobalt dude since 2000ish
[Oct 6,2009 11:16am - boblovesmusic ""]
Metal-Archives page
[Oct 6,2009 1:03pm - Yeti ""]

aril said:Remember the Christian band from Western MA ... At Will? I think that was their name

i worked with the bass player. he has STRAIGHTEDGE tattooed on his stomach, but i believe its missing the H or G. i know its spelled wrong. he started smoking pot and becoming sickeningly narcissistic and got the tattoo covered, it looks retarded.
[Oct 6,2009 1:09pm - the_reverend ""]
this is my most successful thread on RTTP.
it's the modern day attn: aril thread.
[Oct 6,2009 1:16pm - The_Rooster ""]
You have the gay inside you.
[Oct 6,2009 1:18pm - aril  ""]

Yeti said:
aril said:Remember the Christian band from Western MA ... At Will? I think that was their name

i worked with the bass player. he has STRAIGHTEDGE tattooed on his stomach, but i believe its missing the H or G. i know its spelled wrong. he started smoking pot and becoming sickeningly narcissistic and got the tattoo covered, it looks retarded.

hahaha. I remember catching them at a VFW show in Taunton with one of my friends band. I think their EP was given to me. I might still have it.. I remember it had a praying mantis on the cover or something
[Oct 6,2009 1:25pm - arknli  ""]

aril said:must see a picture of thy will be done. I'm wondering if it's the same dudes that used to work in that ghetto Hot topic store

I saw this band open for Finntroll (maybe that was the show?) and they kicked ass, not-my-style melodeath/core but they're good nonetheless. I do know that one of the guys works at Hot Topic. Live with 2 people that work there and you learn everything you don't care about.
[Oct 6,2009 1:26pm - aril  ""]
if it's the same dude, he's been working at hot topic for 10+ years. or at least it seems that way.
[Oct 6,2009 1:28pm - RichHorror ""]
I'm pretty sure the singer is indeed the guy you're thinking about. I remember seeing them when they were Kobalt and in between preaching about veganism and recycling he gave shoutouts to all of his co-workers at Hot Topic.

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