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Does wearing a burzum shirt/patch mean you're a nazi?

[Apr 11,2010 4:45pm - Alexecutioner ""]
this story made me laugh

[Apr 11,2010 5:14pm - thuringwethil ""]
[Apr 11,2010 6:01pm - slarchetype  ""]
obviously the best way to fight fascism is to go around making sure people don't wear shirts that you don't like. by threat of violence, if necessary.
[Apr 11,2010 6:09pm - the_reverend ""]
I hope so
[Apr 11,2010 7:15pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

[Apr 11,2010 8:11pm - demondave ""]
only when it covers your swastika
[Apr 11,2010 8:12pm - Snli  ""]
No, It just means you like shitty music
[Apr 11,2010 10:57pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
I know plenty of people who like burzum who aren't racist. everyone knows that varg's ideologies for the most part have been very questionable.

I'm personally not huge on Burzum but I think people just like his music and that he has done some things in his day that makes his reputation .......tr00 kvlt? (that was a lol intended.....)
usa is also a free country.
[Apr 11,2010 11:00pm - beelze nli  ""]
no it means your a faggot for liking shitty false black metal.
[Apr 11,2010 11:06pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

beelze%20nli said:no it means your a faggot for liking shitty false black metal.

Awwww, you're just precious.
[Apr 11,2010 11:13pm - beelze nli  ""]
[Apr 11,2010 11:31pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]
when I let my girl borrow a burzum album she looked at me and asked if I knew he was NSBM, and I said, who cares, the music is good.

I don't give a damn about ideology in music

hell, slayer is christian
[Apr 11,2010 11:52pm - fuck logging in  ""]
man, that board is filled pansies. Sometimes I'm proud to be with the racist pedophiles around here.
[Apr 12,2010 11:21am - Alexecutioner ""]

fuck%20logging%20in said:man, that board is filled pansies. Sometimes I'm proud to be with the racist pedophiles around here.

indeed, that board is full of pussies, i make one comment and the dude is like "dont come onto our board and call people black metal posers!" when i clearly was talking about the people who were all pissed off for someone wearing a burzum patch, just found that board a few days ago, and i already can tell its full of bitches
[Apr 12,2010 11:32am - largefreakatzero ""]
Boots, braces and Burzum patches.
[Apr 12,2010 11:42am - arilliusbm ""]
So wait, this board iSN'T full of pussies and black metal posers?
[Apr 12,2010 12:02pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]

arilliusbm said:So wait, this board iSN'T full of pussies and black metal posers?

not since beelze "left"

[Apr 12,2010 12:12pm - goatcatalyst ""]
My Burzum patch is balanced out by the Wrenleader patch write under my Brocas Helm patch and perpendicular yo my Manilla Road patch that I got from Yosuke with my diehard. Oh yeah - and the laces in my boots are red and not white.
[Apr 12,2010 12:24pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
This board will be fun for maybe five minutes. LOL
[Apr 12,2010 3:09pm - NuclearWinter ""]
Man, I wish NWN would put out some Manilla Road diehards.
[Apr 12,2010 3:12pm - blessed offal  ""]
thats funny i wear filosofem shirt all the time, i always thought i wore it because i like the band, but im glad people like this are around to let me know that i am, in fact, a nazi.
[Apr 12,2010 3:13pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
Do Burzum shirts make you a hipster douche? Only if you wear it while riding a fixed gear with tight pants, clever hightops and a gay hair cut in Allston!

I have a pretty sketchy camo jacket: Burzum patch, GBK patch and Max Resist Pin. YIKES!
[Apr 12,2010 3:17pm - c.DEaD  ""]
Y'all are just a bunch of racist, nigger jew faggots.
[Apr 12,2010 3:18pm - arilliusbm ""]
Andy, still have that Nokturnal Mortum shirt? I'll grab that off of you if you want to part with it.
[Apr 12,2010 3:20pm - Yeti ""]

goatcatalyst said:My Burzum patch is balanced out by the Wrenleader patch write under my Brocas Helm patch and perpendicular yo my Manilla Road patch that I got from Yosuke with my diehard. Oh yeah - and the laces in my boots are red and not white.

write? yo?
[Apr 12,2010 3:22pm - goatcatalyst ""]
truth. semantics. level eight
[Apr 12,2010 3:23pm - AndrewBastard, $Version=1  ""]
Jim I do still have it but its been hanging up on a wall in the sun forever so its all faded. I was only getting rid of it cause it was too big but I found it made a nice poster.

Only Goat Horns is real.
[Apr 12,2010 3:24pm - Yeti ""]
what a gay forum. i have been wearing Burzum shirts for a very long time and have never once heard a single word about them other than "hey, nice shirt". also, that thread sounds less like a person asking the question and more like a kid covertly stroking his ego about wearing Burzum merchandise.
[Apr 12,2010 3:25pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
I think it's sketchy if you're not racist or a Burzum fan.
[Apr 12,2010 3:26pm - arilliusbm ""]
Is it a goat horns shirt?? Didn't know those even existed. That's my favorite by them. I had a nechrist shirt but don't know where it went.
Their old logo> logo now
[Apr 12,2010 3:27pm - Alexecutioner ""]
yea, their forum is pretty boring, it doesnt have nearly as much activity than rttp either, damn im glad im from new england
[Apr 12,2010 3:29pm - AndrewBastard, $Version=1  ""]
Mike, you looked like you were in the process of earning you Hitler Youth Knife the other night hahah...

Jim, yeah, its a GH shirt. I got rid of NEChrist a while back. I cant take that silly folky "yip yip yippppp ...arreeebbbaaa" shit.
[Apr 12,2010 3:35pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
[Apr 12,2010 3:40pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I've been "participating". I'm sure the Philly kids appreciate it. LOLOLOL
[Apr 12,2010 3:41pm - arilliusbm ""]
Mike needs to grow the hitlerstache.
[Apr 12,2010 4:09pm - AndrewBastard, $Version=1  ""]
He had the pseudo nazi child molster stache on Sat night. And a hitler cat hair thing going. It looked.....Right.
[Apr 12,2010 5:25pm - Alexecutioner ""]
wow, that thread has turned into a bunch of hippie loving bullshit. "please dont wear you burzum patches in order to avoid these types of accusations." fucking PUSSY, NO BALLS
[Apr 12,2010 5:26pm - Alexecutioner ""]
one dude actually suggested to stop wearing burzum shirts in order to avoid this problem, what the fuck? i guess they dont breed people the same way down in philly
[Apr 12,2010 5:30pm - blessed offal  ""]
i have been wearing burzum shirts since 8th grade and it never even crossed my mind until this thread that some people out there actually think this way.
[Apr 12,2010 5:33pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
Reverse fascism? It's more likely than you think.
[Apr 12,2010 5:47pm - arilliusbm ""]
Really? I remember hearing this shit years ago. In fact, I think there was a direct connect hub that banned nsbm, even burzum. fuck that..
[Apr 12,2010 8:37pm - NZI BLKMTL COMMDO  ""]

[Apr 12,2010 8:44pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Wow. seems people on that site can actually carry a discussion.
[Apr 12,2010 9:10pm - Lamp ""]
In all honesty reading over that discussion I do have to agree with a lot of the people there. I personally wouldn't give a fuck if someone was wearing a Burzum shirt but you never know what kinds of people are out there in the world and what they would get mad about. Typically at shows nobody gives a shit and that is a serious bummer that some guy got bitched at in a place I would consider a safe-haven for all kinds of atypical ideas just for wearing a shirt that someone didn't agree with. But there are certain shirts I own that I don't really prominently display in public because they're profane or maybe just support an idea that might piss somebody off. Or maybe it just causes people to ask me tons of stupid questions because they're trying to figure out what my shirt means (as has been the case with one shirt I bought within the last year). I wouldn't go wearing my Weekend Nachos shirt in public that says "DEFEAT THE CHRISTIAN RIGHT" on the back because that might cause someone to get outraged at the idea I'm promoting on my shirt. As much as it might suck, they've got the right to give me crap about it because freedom of expression is a two sided coin. By not wearing a Burzum shirt or something like the shirt I just talked about, I'm closing that window of opportunity for people to express shit to me I just don't want to hear. I can listen to music and love it without other people who are clueless trying to tell me otherwise and I think that's just the point people in this thread are trying to get across.
[Apr 12,2010 9:21pm - Lamp ""]
And one more note I want to add... if people constantly give you shit for wearing a shirt you like and you keep wearing it anyway, kudos to you. You've got more resolve than me.
[Apr 12,2010 9:33pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
I like wearing my Adolf Satan tour shirt... the "Christianity is Really Stupid" on the back always gets comments...
[Apr 12,2010 9:56pm - the_reverend ""]
That is a hilarious shirt
[Apr 12,2010 9:59pm - fuck logging in  ""]

Lamp said:In all honesty reading over that discussion I do have to agree with a lot of the people there. I personally wouldn't give a fuck if someone was wearing a Burzum shirt but you never know what kinds of people are out there in the world and what they would get mad about. Typically at shows nobody gives a shit and that is a serious bummer that some guy got bitched at in a place I would consider a safe-haven for all kinds of atypical ideas just for wearing a shirt that someone didn't agree with. But there are certain shirts I own that I don't really prominently display in public because they're profane or maybe just support an idea that might piss somebody off. Or maybe it just causes people to ask me tons of stupid questions because they're trying to figure out what my shirt means (as has been the case with one shirt I bought within the last year). I wouldn't go wearing my Weekend Nachos shirt in public that says "DEFEAT THE CHRISTIAN RIGHT" on the back because that might cause someone to get outraged at the idea I'm promoting on my shirt. As much as it might suck, they've got the right to give me crap about it because freedom of expression is a two sided coin. By not wearing a Burzum shirt or something like the shirt I just talked about, I'm closing that window of opportunity for people to express shit to me I just don't want to hear. I can listen to music and love it without other people who are clueless trying to tell me otherwise and I think that's just the point people in this thread are trying to get across.

[Apr 12,2010 10:08pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
[Apr 12,2010 10:20pm - Paul CNV  ""]
Historically there has always been a lot of Nazi types in Pennsylvania... They also have the highest percentage of Germans in the USA (coincidence? hehe).

Point being, if some of these fanatical left wing fags are seeing fanatical right wing losers with a Burzum shirt on they will make it a point to whine about it and behave like Nazi's and fascists as well... Ironically, the Right wing extremist and the left wing extremist bear much in common despite their professed hatred for each other...

"Jung has repeatedly pointed out that whenever prolonged one sidedness occurs within the conscious attitude of the individual, a countering compensatory action takes place within the unconscious. The fanatic, whose conscious commitment to a particular point of view has led to a failure to accept this compensatory potentiality, tends to move to an ever increasing isolation from the healthy dynamics of his own deeper psyche. Fanatical commitment is by definition incapable of a healthy criticism of its own one sidedness of attitude. The fanatic may criticize everything and everybody with the exception of himself and his own fanatical ideas. Thus a disharmony arises which, as a result of the rejection of the compensating influence, energizes the destructive power of unconscious elements, which blindly and furiously begin to take charge of the individual against his will and better judgement. Incomprehensible thoughts and moods, violent outbursts of temper, psychosomatic illnesses, hallucinatory intrusions into consciousness- all of these and many more are the result of the unwillingness of the mind to accept balance and compensation. The stone rejected by the builder becomes the cornerstone of the prisonhouse in which the builder himself comes to be confined. As with the individual, so with the culture, one sidedness breeds insanity. The excessive conscious pursuits of rational values being unprecedented outbursts of irrationality; rigid insistence on consciously accepted ethical maxims occasions the rise of crime and violence; and the perpetually avowed pursuit of world peace leads to the outbreak of one horrendous world war after another... "

Pretty interesting stuff... The ultra leftists, the nazi, the orthodox Jesus nut... We might need more of these... This world needs to be blown in half...

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