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advocacy of the faggot hipster douchebag holocaust: a sincere thread

[Sep 1,2010 4:19pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

CTb0rderpatrol said:
DestroyYouAlot said:
CTb0rderpatrol said:
Paul%20Ledney said:That's why we kicked you out of Profantica.

mehh, ryan isnt the type to wear glorified makeup (corpsepaint) anyways.

Pffft - what's "glorified" about it? Was anyone confused that corspepaint is, in fact, makeup? Where are these confused metalheads and how can we educate them?

with a 12 gauge slug. burn a church and slit a throat or 2. then you can tell me how blackmetal you are

[Sep 1,2010 6:21pm - Woah!_Shut_It_Down! ""]
I know a guy who identifies as a Hipster and he says that the people described in this thread have next to nothing to do with the real thing... this guy likes Prog, Thrash, Tech Deth, and a smidgeon of Indie most Hipsters would find appealing. I have yet to hear him be an elitist snob past "Deathcore and Metalcore all sucks" if that even counts. So people, I ask of you, what the fuck's up here?
[Sep 1,2010 6:40pm - reimroc ""]

Woah!_Shut_It_Down! said:So people, I ask of you, what the fuck's up here?

trolls trolling trolls
[Sep 1,2010 6:43pm - nekronaut ""]
If this dude you know openly and willingly identifies as a hipster you should cease any and all communication with him... and skin him alive.

[Sep 2,2010 11:44am - Kadoog-a-go-go  ""]
To me, a hipster is someone who goes out of their way to be "hip", or to be looked at as cool by everyone else at all the superhip shows and parties they go to, etc.

That said, a lotta metalheads could be considered hipsters. Or scenesters, I guess.

"Hey, I got this new Black Witchery shirt, I bet YOU don't know where to find it... god I'm awesome..."


Either your friend who CALLS himself a hipster is into all that prog, etc, to be ironic or whatever, like it's HILARIOUS to listen to Kansas, or he's disillusioned enough to think that it's a GOOD thing to be a hipster.

I know hipster USED to be a good thing. "Hipsters Avenue" by James Brown, etc. But hipster = scenester at this point, only worse. Just a vague LOOK that says "HEY GUYS, I LIKE MUSIC, CAN YOU TELL I'M IN A BAND? CAN YOU TELL I READ PITCHFORK? WANNA SEE MY TV ON THE RADIO TATTOO? I LIKED MODEST MOUSE BEFORE THEY WERE FAMOUS."
[Sep 2,2010 11:46am - Slag NLI  ""]
Well put.
[Sep 2,2010 1:07pm - brodown ""]

Kadoog-a-go-go said:That said, though, we're not "metal enough" to play shows with any of your bands, and not "punk enough" to play with any of your OTHER bands, so we're pretty much relegated to playing with "indie" bands and whatever the fuck else you wanna call it.

Lies! I have played at least one show with Ladderlegs, probably more than I just can't remember.
[Sep 6,2010 7:10pm - Kadoog-a-go-go  ""]
hahaha, fair enough, Senor Bungalito.

I still wanna play a show with Rampant Decay etc. Despite the presence of our hipster-looking guitarist, who is one of the misguided good ones, I fully believe we'd hold our own on a stage with any o you Massholes.

I mean that in all kindness. I MISS YOU GUYS. WAH WAH WAH etc.
[Sep 6,2010 11:30pm - Conservationist ""]
I support the Hipster Holocaust.

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