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burzum - the fallen

[Jan 12,2011 6:27pm - ancient master  ""]
new album? sounds cool

Fallen is the 9th studio album from Burzum, and follows the highly critically acclaimed 2010 release Belus which put Burzum straight back at the at the top of the chain as of one of the most innovative and creative metal artists of our time. Fallen follows Belus in sound and structure, and can also be compared to the music on the groundbreaking DET SOM ENGANG VAR. Fallen is more dynamic and hard hitting then Belus and has an even bigger sound, but still carries the same trademark melodic melody lines throughout that makes Burzum sound so iconic and unique.

Burzum says of the new album and his style of music:
"Musically FALLEN is like a cross between BELUS and something new, inspired more by the debut album DET SOM ENGANG VAR than by HVIS LYSET TAR OSS or FILOSOFEM. The sound is more dynamic – we mastered the album as if it was classical music – and I was more experimental than I was on BELUS in all respects. Lyric wise it is similar to the debut album, in the way that it is more personal and focuses on existential issues, but the mythological undertone known from BELUS is still there. I have also included some ambient tracks – a short introduction and a longer conclusion."
I. Fra Verdenstreet
II. Jeg faller
III. Valen
IV. Vanvidd
V. Enhver til Sitt
VI. Budstikken
VII. Til Hel og tilbake igjen
*New Release* - available 7/3/2011
[Jan 12,2011 6:28pm - Boozegood ""]
[Jan 12,2011 6:29pm - Boozegood ""]
Why is there nothing about this anywhere, including his website?
[Jan 12,2011 6:35pm - aril  ""]
I hope it's better than Belus. Album is still "meh" IMHO
[Jan 12,2011 6:38pm - BSV  ""]
[Jan 12,2011 6:46pm - aril  ""]
[Jan 12,2011 7:14pm - beleth ""]
[Jan 12,2011 7:35pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Euronymous R.I.P.
[Jan 13,2011 10:06am - Punk potenza  ""]
belus grew on me and i like it alot now. im def looking forward to this.
[Jan 13,2011 12:54pm - Yeti ""]
Belus rules. i can't wait to hear this, Varg has never disappointed.
[Jan 14,2011 2:42pm - mikeofdecrepitude ""]
Belus isn't my favorite Burzum material by any stretch but it certainly wasn't horrible either. I'm always looking forward to more music by the man.
[Jan 14,2011 2:54pm - burnsy ""]
Is this a concept album about the transformers?
[Jan 14,2011 2:59pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
only this transformers is pretty grim

[Jan 31,2011 9:57am - ancient master  ""]

[Jan 31,2011 10:26am - goatcatalyst ""]
Bless my fuck, is this a legit link?!? Looks like I know what I'm doing with my afternoon and evening and tomorrow. Gonna pick up a satchel after work, donate $50 to Hamas and get down to business.
[Jan 31,2011 10:31am - Blessed Offal  ""]
totally unnecessary album is totally unnecessary.
[Jan 31,2011 10:32am - Yeti ""]
i wish he wouldn't make comparisons to old albums, it's not going to sound anything like Det Som En Gang Var. Just continue doing what feels right and let it weed out the fakes.
[Jan 31,2011 11:43am - ancient master  ""]
it doesnt you are right. the clean vocals are different, but interesting after a few listens
[Jan 31,2011 11:44am - reimroc ""]
its varg
[Jan 31,2011 11:49am - Alx_Casket ""]
Let me remind you what Varg Vikrenes was doing in the eighties...

[Jan 31,2011 12:24pm - arilliusbm ""]
listening. I like this so far, it's different. clean vocals are strange, but fit. there are some screams in here that were absent on belus.
[Jan 31,2011 12:25pm - arilliusbm ""]
one of the guitar riffs on vanvidd is very similar to jesus' tod's riff. hahaha
[Jan 31,2011 12:35pm - arilliusbm ""]
about halfway through and I like it better than belus

[Jan 31,2011 12:37pm - BSV  ""]
this makes my morning soooo much better....
[Jan 31,2011 12:43pm - nekronaut ""]

ancient%20master said:http://www.bunalti.com/?p=166245

Duh, how did I miss this link? DL now.
[Jan 31,2011 12:50pm - ancient master  ""]
varg sent me the link directly to review it. ure welcome
[Jan 31,2011 12:55pm - BSV  ""]
really into this right now....jesus tod times pi.
[Jan 31,2011 12:56pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Jan 31,2011 12:57pm - josh_hates_you ""]
[Jan 31,2011 1:05pm - BSV  ""]

josh_hates_you said:boring.

says the dude who don't like burzum. YOU'RE LIKE A CHILD WHO WANDERS INTO A MOVIE.
[Jan 31,2011 1:12pm - Yeti ""]
you all suck for listening to it before it's intended release.
[Jan 31,2011 1:17pm - josh_hates_you ""]
no. it's just boring. enhter til sitt was the best song. most people just like this band for cult status and stabbing people i assume. i'd rather listen to enslaved, agolloch, drudkh, darkthrone or something that interests me.
[Jan 31,2011 1:19pm - arilliusbm ""]

josh_hates_you said:drudkh

great band, but wouldn't exist if it weren't for burzum :spineyes:
[Jan 31,2011 1:20pm - Yeti ""]
Agalloch over Burzum? mine eyes.
[Jan 31,2011 1:33pm - josh_hates_you ""]

arilliusbm said:
josh_hates_you said:drudkh

great band, but wouldn't exist if it weren't for burzum :spineyes:

thats like saying electric wizard is great but would exist if it weren't for black sabbath. the difference is, Black Sabbath doesn't bore me to death.
[Jan 31,2011 1:36pm - arilliusbm ""]
valid point
[Jan 31,2011 2:39pm - BSV  ""]
if you were a fan of burzum, you wouldn't think it'd be boring. let alone you'd be into the rest of the catalog. it's okay to not like it, it's not for everyone.
[Jan 31,2011 3:16pm - Yeti ""]
[Feb 9,2011 12:40pm - BSV  ""]
listened to this album twice a day everyday....fucking fantastic!
[Feb 9,2011 12:42pm - Oh My  ""]

josh_hates_you said:
arilliusbm said:
josh_hates_you said:drudkh

great band, but wouldn't exist if it weren't for burzum :spineyes:

thats like saying electric wizard is great but would exist if it weren't for black sabbath. the difference is, Black Sabbath doesn't bore me to death.

whereas burzum is boring, well mostly just annoying...
[Feb 9,2011 1:18pm - arilliusbm ""]
burzum is just one of those bands that you either love or you hate.
[Feb 9,2011 1:30pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

haven't heard a misstep yet.
[Feb 9,2011 3:46pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
This shit is amazing. Waiting for a response for an interview request with Varg.
[Feb 9,2011 3:56pm - arilliusbm ""]
for the phoenix?
[Feb 9,2011 4:01pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
No, just trying to see if I can get anything then maybe pitching it if I can
[Feb 9,2011 4:04pm - goatcatalyst ""]
I love the fuck out of this album.
[Feb 9,2011 4:33pm - BSV  ""]
track for track, start to finish, a total win.
[Feb 9,2011 4:52pm - nekroautnli  ""]
ITT: Staples wants Vikernes' Pepelis in his mouf.
[Feb 9,2011 5:20pm - arilliusbm ""]
Old stuff is still better :-P
[Feb 9,2011 5:24pm - goatcatalyst ""]
ITT: James likes hot dogs; Ryan will have the shrimp parm
[Feb 9,2011 5:55pm - BSV  ""]
i was plowing yesterday morning blasting this through my headphones. rocked the shit out the wheels, if you know what i mean, perfect timing and tempo while stoned.
[Mar 21,2011 8:45pm - RainPerimeter ""]
I liked Belus, and I'm actually enjoying this one so far.
[Mar 21,2011 10:33pm - Clisthert ""]
Havent heard the new album yet, but people I know who have been listening to burzum for years have told me this is one of the best albums. I hope I can get my hands on it soon.
[Apr 17,2011 4:25pm - arilliusbm ""]
interesting. just read what he used to record this album:

"Fallen" was recorded and mixed during two weeks in Grieghallen studios, using a Spectar bass with alembic electronics on a VOX AC50 amp from 1965, a Ludwig drum kit (with a 26 inch kick) from 1975, a Neumann M149 microphone and stereo Schoeps CMTS 501 U microhpones for vocals, an OBH Nordica Harmony 6487, a custom Stig instrument and a Peavey 23 guitar on a Peavey 6505 (120 Watt) amp.
[Apr 17,2011 5:55pm - the_reverend ""]
It is weird. Different.
[Apr 17,2011 6:24pm - ark  ""]

BSV said:track for track, start to finish, a total win.
[Apr 17,2011 9:12pm - Slag nli  ""]
I think its good, just not a classic, at all. Too inconsistent.
[Apr 18,2011 12:21am - arilliusbm ""]
I'd have to agree. Both Belus and Fallen are good albums (the latter the better) but I think both of them dwindle away as it goes on. It's like an orgasm then limp dick all of a sudden. Then again, I know most people love the full album. I'd have to be cliche and say the earlier works are better.
[Nov 24,2011 11:12pm - demondave ""]

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