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I'm RICH, RICH, RICH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Apr 3,2012 11:00am - Hoser ""]
I dunno how she found me, but I am gonna be rich as a bitch, Y'ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Munnerlyn, Kathy D - Atlanta, GA Kathy.D.Munnerlyn@usps.gov

3:52 AM (7 hours ago)

to undisclosed recipients

Dear Friend,
I am Mrs Hilda Björn, a devoted christian. I have a foundation/Estate uncompleted {worth the sum of USD 5,142,728.00 Dollars} and need somebody to help me finish it because of my health,Everything is available.I don't think i will need any telephone communication in this regard because of the confidentiality of this transfer.Upon your reply I shall give you the contact of the bank. I will also issue a letter of authorization to the bank that will prove you the present beneficiary of this money. Reply to my very confidential email address below (hilda_bjrn@rogers.com<mailto:hilda_bjrn@rogers.com>)
Await your responds and God bless you.
Mrs. Hilda Björn. Email: (hilda_bjrn@rogers.com<mailto:hilda_bjrn@rogers.com>)
[Apr 3,2012 11:00am - largefreakatzero ""]
Sounds legit.
[Apr 3,2012 11:01am - Hoser ""]
[Apr 3,2012 11:52am - zyklon ""]
Go for it man
[Apr 3,2012 12:05pm - trioxin_245 ""]
[Apr 4,2012 9:04am - anonymous  ""]
Scam bigtime
[Apr 4,2012 9:42am - Hoser ""]
Nope, it's not. I got in touch with her today and she's going to wire some massive funds into my account. I already have a bunch of money in that account because it's my retirement account, but now there will be a LOT more.
[Apr 4,2012 10:35am - Chernobyl  ""]
[Apr 4,2012 10:42am - Hoser ""]
Go ahead and think what you want...I'll be taking your post all the way to the BANK!!!
[Apr 4,2012 10:59am - anonymous  ""]
Anyone who gave this creep their bank information deserves to get taken for all they've got! What happened to the good old days when you would receive a random check in the mail, and take it to your bank, and after you've wired all of the money, you find out that the check was fake and now yu owe the bank thousands of dollars?...
[Apr 4,2012 11:15am - Ancient_Master ""]
dont be a fagit
[Apr 4,2012 11:20am - Hoser ""]
This isn't fake....she even sent me a birthday card already, and my birthday's not until August!! I doubt that a thoughtful old woman could screw me outta money. It's not like I'm sending her any!
[Apr 4,2012 12:05pm - HIRISKK  ""]
[Apr 4,2012 1:54pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

[Apr 4,2012 8:54pm - jay21310  ""]
I got the email too, good luck with this one buddy
[Apr 5,2012 11:18am - Hoser ""]
Hey, keep being NAYSAYERS....she's old. What the hell would she even know about being a thief? I'm not worried....the mortgage will be paid off in NO TIME, shit I'll even buy my parents a new house. All of this just to help her out? Must be in dire straits. I'm sure you didnt get the same email unless she was digging around like hell....poor woman.
[Apr 5,2012 12:46pm - Yeti ""]
Hoser you are hopefully a very good liar, because i'm starting to think you actually believe this well-exposed scam.
[Apr 7,2012 10:13am - wow im sad  ""]
thought this old lady was the real deal.... i truly wanted to help her not get rich off her just to give it to charities that have helped me and to fun a recovery house for women and children in her name....this sucks should of googled it long time ago
[Apr 8,2012 10:06am - Hoser ""]
Got all of my info off to her yesterday, I'll be laughing you asshole all the way to the bank.
[Jun 20,2012 9:52am - anonymous  ""]
hi i got the same e mail. i donot know with 5 million dolors how many people she is going to scam. my question is why she cannot help the people of nigeria or countries like that where people are dying with hunger??????
[Jun 20,2012 11:14am - the dream police  ""]
bad fraud is bad fraud...
Date: 2011/6/11
Subject: Please Respond: Contact Email: (hildabjorn@rogers.com)

Dear Friend,
I am Mrs. Hilda Björn, a devoted christian from Iceland who was
married to Late Engr. Brown Björn {PhD} who worked with MULTINATIONAL
years before he died on the 25th of August, 2008. Before his death, he
deposited the sum of 5,142,728.00 Dollars with a bank In Canada.
Recently, my Doctor told me that I would not last for the next eight
months due to cancer problem. Having known my condition, I decided to
donate this fund to a church, organization or good person that will
utilize this money in good faith by setting up a charity organisation.
I took this decision because I don't have any child that will inherit
this money and I kept this deposit secret till date, this is why I am
taking this decision. Upon your reply I shall give you the contact of
the bank. I will also issue a letter of authorization to the bank that
will prove you as the present beneficiary of this money. Please
contact me via my email address on the subject.
Await your responds and God bless you.
Mrs. Hilda Björn
[Jun 20,2012 6:08pm - Hoser ""]
Still haven't had the check deposited yet, but you'll see....jealous assholes.
[Jun 20,2012 6:18pm - floatingeyecorpse  ""]
They found me.
I don't know how but they found me...
[Jun 21,2012 2:32pm - Hoser ""]
Jealous much?
[Jun 21,2012 3:22pm - anonymous  ""]
I received this email yesterday...found out or is a fraud!!! I knew it was too good to be true
[Jun 21,2012 10:44pm - Tooo thick to b true  ""]
Idk I think shes sweet I think shes legit.....
[Jun 22,2012 9:35am - Hoser ""]
When I get the money, I'll donate a enough to keep this site up and running for free so we don't have to pay to get flamed by zitfaced kids with earplugs living in their parents basements.
[Jun 23,2012 10:15am - Hoser ""]
Bank says that they received the "cheque" today....weird name for a check, but at least I know that I've built a repoir with this poor lady.
[Jun 23,2012 11:11am - chernobyl ""]
Its obviously a scam dude, someone sent me a check to hold my guitar i was selling for $350 on craigslist for them for $2550 and asked me to wire them the money and i was like fuck no and deposited the check and it bounced. Dont be naive, its money laundering or fraud
[Jun 23,2012 3:44pm - the_reverend ""]
oh, I thought someone figured out how to become rich horror. cause I would read it and then give it to Mr. Goodwin so that he became rich horror again.
[Jun 24,2012 8:53am - Hoser ""]
So far, so good. Wrote a check for the balance of my mortgage. Y'all are just being paranoid. I'm sending her the balance this week, but I have enough to go around....hope she gets back in touch with me :/
[Aug 21,2012 11:01pm - anonymous  ""]
I just received the exact email. It is a fraud.
[Aug 21,2012 11:04pm - the_reverend ""]
hoser isn't here anymore. he moved with all the money to upstate ny.
[Aug 21,2012 11:04pm - douchebag_patrol ""]

[Aug 27,2012 9:19am - the_reverend ""]

EMAIL: khanocalan@rocketmail.com

How are you today?

Peace be unto you my good friend. I am the only surviving child of Abdullah Ocalan,The leader of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK).My father actively fought for the liberation and unification of our people (The Kurds) under one sovereign nation which earned him the support of many and being branded a rebel by others.He amassed a lot of money garnered from supporters and sympathizers alike from which he kept quite a lot for his family's use.l will want you to go through this site and know more about Abdullah Ocalan.


Before his sudden arrest in 1999,he confided in me the where about of this money which is ($45Mand)Fourty five Million united State Dollars and instructed me to find means of investing the funds far away from the reach of the Turkish government who have frozen most of the accounts and assets of the PKK.I need you to invest this money for the benefit of my Five year old son Hassan.He is all that is left of the Ocalan family.A few months ago I was diagnosed with cancer and was told by doctors
that I have no long time to live.My dear father will not be released by the Turkish government any time soon.All I ask of you is to assist in the transfer and investment of the funds in a neutral country on behalf of my son Hassan until he is of age.l want you to send to me your contact address,your phone number,your Occupation and your Age.Once you get back to me,

l will tell you on how you can contact the bank where the money is deposited. Right now i am in the hospital where i am taking treatment with my only son.

Khan Ocalan.
Please make sure your send your reply here:
[Aug 27,2012 10:01am - USA economy  ""]
For Hoser, got this in my email, figured since you were rich now maybe you can get laid.

Subject: hi! My name is Kittie!

What's up gorgeous!
My sister gave me your email and she also told me that u are pretty ;)
Oh yeah, my name is Kittie, and I can't wait to know more about u!
I expect to read something interesting )))

send your reply here:charlenexy0la@yahoo.com

[Aug 27,2012 10:39am - Yeti ""]
i really hope that Hoser actually went through with this, the ensuing financial ruin will make for quality thread entertainment.
[Aug 27,2012 11:12am - USA economy  ""]
[Aug 27,2012 12:19pm - ShadowSDNLI  ""]
[Aug 27,2012 12:20pm - ShadowSDNLI  ""]
[Aug 27,2012 12:36pm - Hoser ""]
So far so good...I paid them the $2500 transfer fee, but it'll be worth it when I hit over $1 mill...monet well spent so far.
[Aug 27,2012 12:38pm - Hoser ""]
Hilde actually seems pretty nice...her English sucks and shes sick as hell, but at least I'm gonna get paid for dealing with the raspy voice for 2 months.
[Aug 27,2012 9:57pm - t money  ""]
U go gurl
[Sep 22,2012 2:06pm - i got the same email its fraud  ""]
Its a fraud I got the same email
[Oct 17,2012 11:00am - ,ari  ""]

Dear Friend,
I am Mrs Hilda Björn, a devoted christian. I have a foundation/Estate uncompleted {worth the sum of USD 5,142,728.00 Dollars} and need somebody to help me finish it because of my health,Everything is available.I don't think i will need any telephone communication in this regard because of the confidentiality of this transfer.Upon your reply I shall give you the contact of the bank. I will also issue a letter of authorization to the bank that will prove you the present beneficiary of this money. Reply to my very confidential email address below (hilda_bjrn@rogers.com)
Await your responds and God bless you.
Mrs. Hilda Björn. Email: (hilda_bjrn@rogers.com
[Oct 17,2012 11:08am - ,ari  ""]
i had 5 thousand in my account
DANG HAD oh well u wanna belive like i did . say goodbye to ure cash . i did. n closed my accounts she still writes to me asking for forgiveness that her grandson got ahold of my acct.number but stupid still asked me for new acct number.fuk HER . FOOL ME ONCE SHAME ON U FOOL ME TWICE SHAME ON ME...
[Oct 17,2012 12:31pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
how'd that work out for you, hoser lolllll
[Oct 18,2012 12:08pm - Hoser ""]
Well....needless to say, were selling the house and moving back to NH. She seemed legit...I mean, being sick and all.

[Oct 18,2012 12:12pm - Ancient_Master ""]
[Oct 18,2012 2:48pm - Gaybook  ""]
^ ^ = MASSIVE win

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