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because Dimebag was killed

[Dec 9,2004 10:45am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Metal will get an even shitter rep then it already has.

[Dec 9,2004 10:48am - succubus ""]
ohh if my mom hears about this..she's going to worry even MORE about me going to shows
i'm sure it's going to be sensationalized in the news even more..

[Dec 9,2004 10:50am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Of course it will be, drugs, violence, satan worship and a slew of other horrible things will be cast onto heavy metal.
[Dec 9,2004 10:51am - the_reverend ""]
[Dec 9,2004 10:52am - paganmegan ""]
these things only happen in norway, only in norway
[Dec 9,2004 10:52am - Robdeadskin ""]
I know someone at work whos daughter died at the station fire....she is gonna give me shit about this, cuz i play in a metal band too
[Dec 9,2004 10:53am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Well the point is, metal on the radio will probably come to a complete hault, and the government will force it's ways onto the internet and broadband radio shit. This is bad news for us.
[Dec 9,2004 10:53am - powerkok ""]
Ill be packing onstage now.
[Dec 9,2004 10:54am - dreadkill ""]
maybe the herald will call it a hardcore show and metal will be off the hook for once
[Dec 9,2004 10:55am - paganmegan ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:Well the point is, metal on the radio will probably come to a complete hault, and the government will force it's ways onto the internet and broadband radio shit. This is bad news for us.

The scary thing is its probably true.. and clubs and bars will be even more cock sucking now about having bands play

just because of one trigger happy bastard
[Dec 9,2004 10:56am - dreadkill ""]
it sucks because the recent violent incidents at metal shows have been isolated incidents. the dimebag shooting, the woman getting paralyzed at the cradle of filth show, and the bouncer stabbing that guy at that other headbangers ball show were all isolated incidents, the paralyzation one being an accident.
[Dec 9,2004 10:57am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I definately think it's true. Thank god the Middle East is still independently owned.
[Dec 9,2004 10:57am - paganmegan ""]
the media is going to misconstrue it of course, and everyone will suffer
[Dec 9,2004 10:58am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I bet insurance companies will use all the events as a way to stick it to the clubs for higher costs. We can expect less venues in the near future as well.
[Dec 9,2004 11:21am - paganmegan ""]
These things really do not happen all that often... an isolated instance occurs , people shouldn't lose their heads ,less venues would suck, because there really aren't that many now...
[Dec 9,2004 11:23am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I honestly believe this is what will happen now. That murder will just be the trigger
[Dec 9,2004 11:24am - paganmegan ""]
You are probably right and the prospects of such things fill me with hate and dread
[Dec 9,2004 11:25am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
The clubs it would probably effect the most would be smaller places like Obriens, TT the bears, the Midway Cafe, etc
[Dec 9,2004 11:26am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Oh, and bigger ones that are corporate like on lansdowne street, they wont hold much anymore id imagine because they dont need to.
[Dec 9,2004 11:26am - paganmegan ""]
obriens already seems to be going to hell in a hand basket
[Dec 9,2004 12:33pm - armageddonday ""]
First thing I thought when I heard the news: we're so screwed.

My dream of eventually opening a club just got crushed. I can see metal detectors and ticket prices at $40 next show at the Palladium.

It's going to be tough, but heavy metal will overcome...as always. Hopefully with less posers.
[Dec 9,2004 12:35pm - the_reverend ""]
that won't happen. carina and I've been e-mailing back and forth with the girl that runs massconcerts all day.
[Dec 9,2004 12:36pm - succubus ""]
the_reverend said:that won't happen. carina and I've been e-mailing back and forth with the girl that runs massconcerts all day.

i was just going to reply something similar
[Dec 9,2004 12:39pm - armageddonday ""]
What the fuck does she know?
Club owners won't have any saying in that shit, it's going to be city codes, building inspectors and all that crap.
[Dec 9,2004 12:53pm - litacore ""]
armageddonday said:It's going to be tough, but heavy metal will overcome...as always. Hopefully with less posers.

[Dec 9,2004 1:10pm - damnose ""]
yeah, I don't think metal will suffer all that badly. the media has jumped all over it before, especially during the 80's with the ozzy/priest lawsuits and less so with the black metal killings. Now Ozzy is a warm and fuzzy tv star, and even black metal has been watered down enough for ozzfest and headbanger's ball.

metal is still relatively safe as far as shootings, stampedes, stabbings, etc. go; let's hope common sense wins out here.

[Dec 9,2004 1:11pm - dreadkill ""]
there are idiots who jump to all the wrong conclusions whenever something bad happens. it'll happen again this time, but metal will survive it. it might be rough for a little while, but things will be ok.
[Dec 9,2004 1:13pm - litacore ""]
*horns up*
*group hug*
*larissa sprays patchouli everywhere*
[Dec 9,2004 1:17pm - armageddonday ""]
Patchouli? WTF? Hippie Metal Larissa?
[Dec 9,2004 1:18pm - litacore ""]
hahaha, sugar magnolia and Hallmark greeting cards too
[Dec 9,2004 1:20pm - damnose ""]
ack! if I go to work smelling like patchouli my dorky boss will think I'm high
[Dec 9,2004 1:54pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Anne likes her natural stench, no soap or perfume for her.

[Dec 9,2004 2:25pm - largefreakatzero ""]
I can already see the stupid media tying this in with shit like the club fire down in RI -- "Are Heavy Metal Concerts Safe?" -- a 48 Hours "exclusive" with John Stossel. I hate that moustached fuck.
[Dec 9,2004 2:27pm - paganmegan ""]
If you can get shot walking down the street scratching your ass, you can get shot at a concert. End of story.. has nothing to do with metal

"the riffs made me do it"
[Dec 9,2004 2:31pm - litacore ""]
riffs make me eat meat
[Dec 9,2004 2:34pm - paganmegan ""]
they make me wanna attack yngwie
[Dec 9,2004 2:36pm - litacore ""]
*sweep arpeggio slicing through yngwie's twenty chins*
[Dec 9,2004 2:38pm - largefreakatzero ""]
mmmm...sweep arpeggios...
[Dec 9,2004 2:39pm - paganmegan ""]
litacore said:*sweep arpeggio slicing through yngwie's twenty chins*

thats what I had in mind, pretty much
[Dec 9,2004 2:41pm - litacore ""]
Yngwie, to Pantera : "I do not like jelly donuts"

you've unleashed the fucking fury
[Dec 9,2004 2:44pm - paganmegan ""]
maybe yngwie had him hit
[Dec 9,2004 2:45pm - litacore ""]
i dunno, Yngwie's in such a different orbit

and I do mean ORBIT
[Dec 9,2004 2:49pm - paganmegan ""]
hes not thinking too much beyond " I am a guitar god, I am god, I must eat everything I see"

I think I heard somewhere he has scantily clad 80s video groupies walk around lighting his cigarettes for him because he is such a guitar god

[Dec 9,2004 2:51pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
paganmegan said:Joe/NotCommon said:Well the point is, metal on the radio will probably come to a complete hault, and the government will force it's ways onto the internet and broadband radio shit. This is bad news for us.

The scary thing is its probably true.. and clubs and bars will be even more cock sucking now about having bands play

just because of one trigger happy bastard

i'm not sure if it'll go in that direction. it might be like 9-11 with security in the airports. instead of make insurance higher, the insurance companies might require metal detectors at the door and more security which might make ticket prices go up. just my thought.
[Dec 9,2004 2:55pm - blob  ""]
it comes down to the lyrics. i think peopple know that the more offensive shit is more just a part of the "act" so its not so scary to them now.
and there seems to be alot more "uplifting" lyrics now too, so hopefully people will see the good as well as the bad
[Dec 9,2004 4:06pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Fuck him, I am glad he's dead.
[Dec 9,2004 4:07pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Stupid venue should had been more responsable.
[Dec 9,2004 5:50pm - armageddonday ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:Anne likes her natural stench, no soap or perfume for her.

Indeed but after 3 days without shower I finally gave up 30 minutes ago, and went home in the middle of the day to have a beer and a shower.
[Dec 9,2004 6:38pm - retzam ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:Fuck him, I am glad he's dead.

Will you stop posting these ludicrous messages all over the place? No one cares about your mindless opinion, which appear to be "he was in a few bands I don't like, so he deserved to die." Isn't that the jist of it?
[Dec 9,2004 6:39pm - retzam ""]

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