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Shameless show begging

[Nov 21,2005 6:05pm - pam ""]
So Smite The Righteous has only one show in January coming up, and being as I despise any time of rest I was hoping to pick up a few shows by shameless begging. SO if anyone has any room or knows of any vacant spots for an agressive metally/thrashy/melodicy band, please let me know.

We have some MP3's up on our site and on myspace, that's not me screaming but you get the idea. We're somewhat clean and well-behaved...somewhat.
[Nov 21,2005 7:21pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
well behaved will get you nowhere
[Nov 21,2005 7:35pm - dreadkill ""]
that's why i act like an asshole whenever i can.
[Nov 21,2005 7:43pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Look at how far it got me.
[Nov 21,2005 8:00pm - dyingmuse ""]
i will keep you in mind if we get anything. we only have 2 shows through jan and one is in Va. but eitherway if we get anything good i'll let ya know. \m/
[Nov 21,2005 8:01pm - dreadkill ""]
i wish i was going to be in warm VA in january. at least i get to go to vegas for a week.
[Nov 21,2005 8:03pm - dreadkill ""]
dreadkill said:i wish i was going to be in warm VAG for a week.

ha, i can't believe i said that. what a hilarious pervert.
[Nov 21,2005 8:03pm - dyingmuse ""]
that will be a blast for ya! dude, casinos, tits and booze, what else do you need?
[Nov 21,2005 8:04pm - dreadkill ""]
dyingmuse said:that will be a blast for ya! dude, casinos, tits and booze, what else do you need?

i'm going to watch so many lezbo shows at the nudie bars. i'll be so fucking broke when i get home.
[Nov 21,2005 8:06pm - dyingmuse ""]
ha ha ha but happy!
[Nov 21,2005 10:32pm - pam ""]
the well behaved was kind of a joke...jackasses. lol.

thanks dan!
[Nov 21,2005 10:39pm - dreadkill ""]
hahaha, we ruined your thread with vegas debauchery.
[Nov 21,2005 10:47pm - pam ""]
pff I didn't think this thread would even get looked at so whatever. haha.
[Nov 21,2005 11:10pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
dreadkill said:i wish i was going to be in warm VA in january. at least i get to go to vegas for a week.

dood i dont know what you're talking about but VA is not warm in Jan, it's about 20/30s and the part they'll be is the same weather as up here. they'll still be above the mason dixon line

boooya gotta be in SC or below for the warm
[Nov 21,2005 11:11pm - dreadkill ""]
true. i forgot that they still get the cold winter, just alot more mild than it is here and with less snow.
[Nov 21,2005 11:15pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
not so, where they're playing it'll be like our winter. ive lived in southern va off and on over the last 6 years.

i will say that even though it did dip into the 20 i wore my shorts all winter the last time i lived there. ah how i miss the beach life ha
[Nov 21,2005 11:20pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
you know you guys are gonna be on anything i may have in the future
[Nov 21,2005 11:32pm - pam ""]
you're the shit sac...hahah that sounds wrong
[Nov 21,2005 11:33pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
it's ok...when we got the master of our new cd i actually wrote "sac master" on it not even thinking
[Nov 21,2005 11:33pm - pam ""]
[Nov 22,2005 10:11am - dyingmuse ""]
sac master lol thats awesome!!

when i lived in va(franklin) it didn't snow once and was way warmer than here. however va is a large state.
[Nov 22,2005 10:24am - babyshaker ""]
we should set somthing up at deniros casue my band is gay and its the only place we every play lol
[Nov 22,2005 10:26am - dyingmuse ""]
i'd love to play there, from what i hear it's a cool club. jeremy keeps trying to get us to get a date there that we all can agree on.

how is the sound there?
[Nov 22,2005 10:27am - dyingmuse ""]
how about your band, smite, our band and the accursed? someone had mentioned that lineup earlier

you guys have a myspace?
[Nov 22,2005 10:28am - babyshaker ""]
small stage no booze but its easy to pack and it sound pretty good
[Nov 22,2005 10:29am - babyshaker ""]
p.s but theres always boozin in the parking lot
[Nov 22,2005 10:31am - dyingmuse ""]
shit do i hear the words "car bar" going on here?
[Nov 22,2005 10:34am - babyshaker ""]
[Nov 22,2005 10:41am - dyingmuse ""]
[Nov 22,2005 10:50am - babyshaker ""]
have jeremy talk to the dude who does the shows from deniros casue hes never around when im there and im pretty sure he has his contact info
[Nov 22,2005 10:51am - babyshaker ""]
either that or i can try to hunt him down on wensday
[Nov 22,2005 11:02am - dreadkill ""]
dyingmuse said:how about your band, smite, our band and the accursed? someone had mentioned that lineup earlier

you guys have a myspace?

i mentioned that lineup, but with DS on it too. let's book it.
[Nov 22,2005 11:06am - dreadkill ""]
my band always gets left off of shit. we need some shows for december and january. once we get word on when our CDs will be shipped to us, we'll be booking a release show. we'd love to have some rttp bands on it.
[Nov 22,2005 11:08am - babyshaker ""]
so it would be

smite the rightous
the accursed

and i think coffin birth would be a nice addition to that get another band on and for once there would be a bad ass all metal show there
[Nov 22,2005 11:09am - dreadkill ""]
post by dreadkill at Nov 20,2005 3:17pm
i think shroud, the accursed, and smite the righteous should all play a show with my band because i like those bands and the people in those bands are good people. the end.

jesus christ, do i exist here or what?
[Nov 22,2005 11:10am - babyshaker ""]
hahah and dreaded silence could be that last band
[Nov 22,2005 11:10am - babyshaker ""]
thats your band right? or am i a douche
[Nov 22,2005 11:11am - dreadkill ""]
yes sir, dreaded silence, that's us.
[Nov 22,2005 11:12am - dreadkill ""]
just don't book it betweeen 1/5/06 and 1/11/06. i'll be in vegas. otherwise, we're pretty open.
[Nov 22,2005 11:16am - babyshaker ""]
this could shape up to be a pretty damn good show
[Nov 22,2005 11:20am - dreadkill ""]
it would definitely be one of the best lineups we've been on.
[Nov 22,2005 11:29am - dyingmuse ""]
hmm, lets do it!

sounds awesome!
[Nov 22,2005 11:30am - Aegathis nli  ""]
Oh man it would be awsome to play at deniros, but i dont think we left off with that show booking guy to well when we had to cancel that 1st show there that we were supposed to do.But ya id like to get us in there some how, maybe even for a cd release when our cd is done.
[Nov 22,2005 11:36am - babyshaker ""]
ehh i dont think it would be a problem anthony it should be fine....ill try to see if i can hunt down shane this wensday if not ill talk to jeremy about it

[Nov 22,2005 11:47am - dyingmuse ""]
im chatting jeremy now
[Nov 22,2005 11:49am - babyshaker ""]
you da man
[Nov 22,2005 2:11pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
*cough, cough, cough*
[Nov 22,2005 3:06pm - pam ""]
lol, geez ... did this thread actually AMOUNT to something??? fuckin a. I am always down for DeNiros. The First 2 weeks in January are iffy for us, I just found out Chris (drummer) will be in FL for at least the first week and I'm tripping to Montreal for Sodom and Finntroll on the 9th I believe, after that we're clear.

I *really* wish I had the means to book an all-day kinda thing, so I could get ALL the bands I wanna play with in one show.

I emailed a buncha clubs too, looking for open nights to book, so I'll keep you guys posted on that, hopefully I can pull something together.

For Shroud, lets make sure the soundguy and club give them some extra set up time and shit so they don't get hijacked their set. The stage is wicked small dan, tell the crew to suck it in. lol.
[Nov 28,2005 8:57pm - jrb2971 ""]
Shane from Deniro said he was booked till Feb and Chris from Bane is doing a monthly metal show there starting Dec 17. If that suceeds then perhaps we can have some of the bands above jump in a show there soon.
[Nov 28,2005 9:00pm - dyingmuse ""]
that sound killer, i hear ya with the small stage, but it's cool, we can fit...lol maybe we can all hit the gym lol

i'll look for clubs around here also.

and thanks pam

pam said:lol, geez ... did this thread actually AMOUNT to something??? fuckin a. I am always down for DeNiros. The First 2 weeks in January are iffy for us, I just found out Chris (drummer) will be in FL for at least the first week and I'm tripping to Montreal for Sodom and Finntroll on the 9th I believe, after that we're clear.

I *really* wish I had the means to book an all-day kinda thing, so I could get ALL the bands I wanna play with in one show.

I emailed a buncha clubs too, looking for open nights to book, so I'll keep you guys posted on that, hopefully I can pull something together.

For Shroud, lets make sure the soundguy and club give them some extra set up time and shit so they don't get hijacked their set. The stage is wicked small dan, tell the crew to suck it in. lol.

[Nov 28,2005 9:12pm - Sinistas ""]
I second Ken's "DS should be on this" sentiment.
[Nov 29,2005 12:56pm - pam nli  ""]
Update on this impending show: we were brutally blown off by DeNiros. Try and try again. If anyones got any venues in mind, feel free to clue me in.
[Nov 29,2005 12:57pm - pam nli  ""]
and I will happily play with DS. It will happen. Someday.
[Nov 29,2005 2:17pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i don't think deniro's wants to have us play, at least that's the vibe i got

we got fucked out of a show there when that dam almost broke in taunton center and we didn't have money to give him for tickets or a way/reason to get out there and give him tickets back
[Nov 29,2005 3:50pm - BSV@school  ""]
Pam should book some roller derby action and play that shit, I'd be there in a heartbeat.
[Nov 29,2005 3:51pm - pam nli  ""]
dude I have such a girl hard-on for roller derby
[Nov 29,2005 3:52pm - BSV@school  ""]
I have an natural man hard-on for lassy roller derby.
[Nov 29,2005 3:53pm - pam nli  ""]
it would be a collective hard on fest
[Nov 29,2005 10:15pm - babyshakedoesnt feel like loggin in  ""]
sac how bout some of those other clubs you book alot like the complex or somthing
[Nov 30,2005 1:20am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
the last of those shows is december 9...i may or may not do more, but they don't want to do anymore 18+ shows which throws a wrench in all sorts of gears

i'll cook something new up...i just have to find the right place

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