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Ascendancy and Goratory on 88.9 WERS Nasty Habits...Sunday Nov.16th

[Oct 27,2003 12:49am - Terence ""]
We'll have some free tickets to give away on the show.
[Oct 27,2003 1:12am - joe/notcommon ""]
i listened to nasty habits tonight, part of it anyway
what the gay?!
what band got signed to roadrunner who has a song with gay ass wannabe clean singing about darkness?
lamb of god maybe?
it was gay
the song before it was gay too
and so was the napalm death song they played
and cannae is gay
[Oct 27,2003 1:31am - Terence ""]
haha. Joe, you have to understand, that EVERYTHING IS GAY.
[Oct 27,2003 1:37am - joe/notcommon ""]
everything but charles s. dutton
[Oct 27,2003 2:28pm - Terence ""]
Im pretty sure even Roc took it up the ass once in a while.
[Oct 27,2003 2:50pm - RustedAngel ""]
[Oct 27,2003 4:28pm - Terence ""]
:satancross::satancross:fucking bump.
[Oct 27,2003 4:52pm - xPaulBLAHBLAHx ""]
Charles s Dutton rules in surviving the game hahaha
[Oct 27,2003 5:39pm - the_reverend ""]
[Oct 27,2003 6:24pm - Terence ""]
xPaulBLAHBLAHx said:Charles s Dutton rules in surviving the game hahaha

oh man who else was in that movie. was that with Ice T? Didnt he try to fight an Alien in Alien 3 as well, or something like that
[Oct 27,2003 11:46pm - Terence ""]
[Oct 28,2003 2:53pm - Terence ""]
[Oct 28,2003 3:02pm - succubus ""]
last night i heard the rev talk about giving tix away too..then i fell asleep

[Oct 28,2003 3:44pm - Terence ""]
yup, I heard that sexy bitch's voice say,"we'll give away some free tickets on the show to Gorgasm!" thanks rev, you are my obsession. :shocker:
[Oct 28,2003 7:34pm - Terence ""]
[Oct 29,2003 3:39pm - Terence ""]
[Oct 29,2003 6:09pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Hahah, mother fuckin' Alf and shit.
[Oct 30,2003 12:49am - Terence ""]
[Oct 30,2003 2:19pm - Terence ""]
[Oct 30,2003 2:22pm - litacore ""]
haha, Meet the Feebles owns.
[Oct 31,2003 12:44am - Terence ""]
[Oct 31,2003 12:47am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Terence said:[img]

Gore for kids!!
[Nov 1,2003 4:05am - Terence ""]
[Nov 1,2003 3:44pm - HiImPaul ""]
The best part about that nick nolte picture is that they pulled hiim over on rufies. WTF?
[Nov 1,2003 3:46pm - Terence ""]
HAHA thats so awesome. I hate Hollywood
[Nov 2,2003 7:00pm - Terence ""]
[Nov 3,2003 6:55pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
I'll kill myself live on the air if it'll get people to tune in.
[Nov 4,2003 1:22am - Terence ""]
[Nov 4,2003 11:32pm - Terence ""]
[Nov 5,2003 9:49am - litacore ""]
DeOdiumMortis said:I'll kill myself live on the air if it'll get people to tune in.

no need for that dude, I'm not gonna miss it. Not the Bomshelter show either:stupidflanders:
[Nov 5,2003 4:38pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
How about I kill a homeless guy?
[Nov 7,2003 10:32pm - Terence ""]
[Nov 8,2003 1:46am - easyed_69 ""]
joe/notcommon said:i listened to nasty habits tonight, part of it anyway
what the gay?!
what band got signed to roadrunner who has a song with gay ass wannabe clean singing about darkness?
lamb of god maybe?
it was gay
the song before it was gay too
and so was the napalm death song they played
and cannae is gay

Dude, everything is gay to you except Ravage, who are the gayest...

[Nov 8,2003 2:54am - BornSoVile ""]
easyed_69 said:
Dude, everything is gay to you except Ravage, who are the gayest...

Ravage are kings. Open your eyes beyond the Shackles of the Night.
[Nov 9,2003 4:03am - Terence ""]
[Nov 11,2003 3:27pm - Terence ""]
[Nov 11,2003 3:32pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
easyed_69 said:joe/notcommon said:i listened to nasty habits tonight, part of it anyway
what the gay?!
what band got signed to roadrunner who has a song with gay ass wannabe clean singing about darkness?
lamb of god maybe?
it was gay
the song before it was gay too
and so was the napalm death song they played
and cannae is gay

Dude, everything is gay to you except Ravage, who are the gayest...

haha that isn't true. i like lots of music.
i even like napalm death, but the song they played sucked.
Ravage is awesome though.
[Nov 12,2003 1:28am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
[Nov 12,2003 1:57am - MyDeadDoll ""]
I still have all the pound puppies my daddy bought
me when I was little....
[Nov 13,2003 2:43am - Terence ""]
[Nov 13,2003 2:55am - MyDeadDoll ""]
i want a pony...
[Nov 13,2003 3:55am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
I am a pony.
[Nov 13,2003 3:10pm - Terence ""]
a complication has arised, things are being dealt with...more on that later.
[Nov 15,2003 2:20am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
[Nov 15,2003 3:24am - MyDeadDoll ""]
i want to beat up eeyore....
[Nov 15,2003 3:25am - MyDeadDoll ""]
and the ass that put that picture here....
[Nov 15,2003 9:40pm - Terence ""]
alright, this shit is going down in almost 24 hours, everything is cool. BUMP
[Nov 15,2003 10:00pm - phantos ""]
can we stream the show?
[Nov 15,2003 10:12pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
I couldn't find a link to a stream.
This is their tower's range:
Just drive south 'til it comes in, hehe.
[Nov 15,2003 10:42pm - phantos ""]
haha. thnx.
hope it goes well for ya mohawk.
[Nov 16,2003 1:37am - MyDeadDoll ""]
mohawk... hahahahaha... doesn't your mom
cut your hair.... hehehehehe
[Nov 16,2003 2:10pm - Terence ""]
[Nov 16,2003 10:27pm - T-Dog @ WERS  ""]
Yo whatsup, this is T-Dog hanging with G-Unit up in WERS. we're gonna tear some new asshole pretty soon. Doing the sound check now. ALL YA'LL BETTER LISTEN IN NOW.
[Nov 17,2003 2:16am - MyDeadDoll ""]
T-Dog @ WERS said:Yo whatsup, this is T-Dog hanging with G-Unit up in WERS. we're gonna tear some new asshole pretty soon. Doing the sound check now. ALL YA'LL BETTER LISTEN IN NOW.

But what about poor little girls like me that are
stranded in the desert?
[Nov 17,2003 2:37am - dyingmuse ""]
ill be there \m/
[Nov 17,2003 4:36am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
It happened. It was metal. It was a lot of fun. It ran a bit late. It involved headbanging on the sidewalk. If you missed it you owe satan some extra worship and owe your crack another smoke. It's through. Thanks for reading.
[Nov 17,2003 7:11am - the_reverend ""]
I hope it went down well.
NJMHF+me+cold virus=sleeping
[Nov 17,2003 7:23am - succubus ""]
yeah sorry i couldn't hear it

let us know if we can DL it anyplace
[Nov 17,2003 9:44am - litacore ""]
I thought it was frickin' brutal. good job guys!
seeya Saturday in Nu-hampshire--
[Nov 17,2003 11:34am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
After I process the CD we got of it at least a song or two should make it up onto our website. When it does we'll let everyone know.

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