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House okays Iraq pullout

[Mar 23,2007 7:21pm - hungtableed  ""]
even if we impeached Bush and the subsequently impeached Cheney - do we really want NANCY PELOCY as president? Even if the process could get that broad in office tomorrow, it ain't worth it my opinion
[Mar 23,2007 8:42pm - pam ""]
BUSH WOULD STILL BE IN OFFICE. If we impeached him and started the legal proceedings, he would continue to be a dick and fuck things up. You think the presidential duties stop while you're being impeached? You have no idea what you're talking about.
[Mar 23,2007 9:18pm - yummy ""]
the same people that want to pull our troops out are the same who continue to give money to the war on terror and know damn well the troops aren't getting it.
[Mar 23,2007 10:55pm - hungtableed  ""]
yummy said:the same people that want to pull our troops out are the same who continue to give money to the war on terror and know damn well the troops aren't getting it.

A lot of the money allocated in the bill had nothing to do with the war. This bill was fucking loaded with pork. Makes me wonder if it was really ever about the war in the first place. http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/na...8688.story?coll=la-headlines-nation

"Included in the Democrat priorities is $283 million for the Milk Income Loss Contract program, $74 million for peanut storage costs, $60.4 million for salmon fisheries, $50 million for asbestos mitigation at the U.S. Capitol Plant, $13 million for ewe lamb replacement, $24 million for sugar beet producers, $40 million for tree assistance and $25 million for spinach growers."


ugghh, way to go - make sure you vote to pull out them troops.....*cough* and the $74mil for peanut storage...who said that?
Sleaze bag-cum rags!
[Mar 24,2007 12:43am - Hoser ""]
They write the law honey. Welcome to real politics.
[Mar 24,2007 12:56am - yummy ""]
how do you like your honey?
I wasn't talking about the money allocated in this bill. the people. It's no secret that Nancy Pelosi is filthy rich and funds the war. Actually, I think I was agreeing with you about not wanting her as an alternative presidential figure, but thanks for the tidbits of info.
[Mar 24,2007 1:03am - the_reverend ""]
penis penis penis.
rockets are shaped like peniseses
[Mar 24,2007 1:06am - yummy ""]
peniseses are shaped like rockets
[Mar 24,2007 1:11am - anonymous  ""]
i am 100% behind this war.
[Mar 24,2007 1:11am - anonymous  ""]
i am 100% behind this war.

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