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Fuuuuuck, Skybar closes.

[Jun 20,2007 5:36pm - RichHorror ""]
I just got this from Anderson. This shit is fucking weak.


I was looking forward to having you set up more shows
at Skybar...but I recently found out we're losing the

Not because of finances or low attendance, mind you
(I'm told I brought up attendance by 72% since last
October when I took over) but because someone called
the Somerville Fire Dept. and reported us for not
having a $30,000 "Rhode Island style" sprinkler
system. So yeah, they're shutting us down...possibly
as soon as JULY 15th. The owner doesn't have the $ to
renovate, which is going to leave me and all my staff
out of work. I'm scrambling to find another venue to
book so my sorry arse can stay off of disability. All
I wanted to do was help local New England artists and
it seems even that dream is being taken from me, too.

Matthew and I are trying to figure out our next step.
If you have any leads, or know of any clubs that want
professionalism, promotion, great music, and someone
who is ethical and honest, feel free to put them in
contact with me.

Thanks, and I look forward to working with you in the
[Jun 20,2007 5:50pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
What a stupid reason.
[Jun 20,2007 5:51pm - zyklon ""]
About time...
[Jun 20,2007 5:55pm - sinistas ""]
Yeah, because 70% of Boston's metal shows have been happening here since January. This is fucking gaysauce.
[Jun 20,2007 5:56pm - RichHorror ""]
[Jun 20,2007 6:04pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
not having a $30,000 "Rhode Island style" sprinkler

The same reason Area Venue got shut down.

[Jun 20,2007 6:16pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
that fucking sucks. i've only been to the skybar 2 or 3 times, but it was an awesome venue.
[Jun 20,2007 6:20pm - necco skybar  ""]
this is all the skybar needs to be able to open back up.. this video really explains it all! there is hope!

[Jun 20,2007 6:21pm - RichHorror ""]
'I'm a little whiiiiiiite boy with a big ol' blaaaaaaaaaaack voice'
[Jun 20,2007 6:27pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Jun 20,2007 6:36pm - Revocation ""]
this blows boat loads of hobo choads
[Jun 20,2007 6:39pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Revocation said:this blows boat loads of hobo choads

dildo gaggins runs amok!
[Jun 20,2007 6:42pm - Samantha ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:not having a $30,000 "Rhode Island style" sprinkler

The same reason Area Venue got shut down.


It's also the same reason why a few other clubs have been shut down.
[Jun 20,2007 6:47pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Jun 20,2007 6:48pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Fucking snitches get stitches!!
[Jun 20,2007 7:03pm - the_reverend ""]
they sucj from the grave.
[Jun 20,2007 7:05pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
necco skybar said:[WHATEVER]

Hah - some dude whose dad works for Necco brought boxes of Necco wafers and Sky Bars to work, today. I've eaten so many of those damn things, it's disgusting.
[Jun 20,2007 7:15pm - tomv212121  ""]
damn that is wicked gay that they have to close down. but in all honesty, fire safety is obv very important and we wouldn't want one of our shows to go the way of that great white BS in RI.

it def sucks, but it is the owner's responsibility to provide a safe environment for bands to play - not sure how unsafe it was, i have never been. hopefully they can get their shit squared away as i believe we had two shows coming up there.
[Jun 20,2007 8:50pm - FleshFries ""]
that blows....i played my first show at the skybar
[Jun 20,2007 10:56pm - the_reverend ""]
I thought this was a vicious rumor?
[Jun 20,2007 11:07pm - Mess ""]
zyklon said:About time...

[Jun 20,2007 11:12pm - RichHorror ""]
Yeah, thank fuck there's one less place to have shows at.
[Jun 20,2007 11:27pm - Mess ""]
[Jun 20,2007 11:41pm - the_reverend ""]
serious, all we need with all the bands there are now are more places for the bands to play.
[Jun 21,2007 1:59am - narkybark ""]
Didn't this surface like a month ago? And it was dispelled then? Or is this something new and just plain suckage?
[Jun 21,2007 4:01am - rhys ""]
tomv212121 said:fire safety is obv very important and we wouldn't want one of our shows to go the way of that great white BS in RI.

it def sucks, but it is the owner's responsibility to provide a safe environment for bands to play

as long as the place isn't made of foam and there are no pyrotechnics it shouldn't be a huge concern
[Jun 21,2007 4:23am - doomwhore ""]
If I remember correctly an entire wall in the Skybar is made up of windows. There is also several objects which can be thrown at those windows in the event of an emergency that will require a life saving mass exodus.

There. There is your fire safety plan Boston.

[Jun 21,2007 5:11am - jesus ""]
[Jun 21,2007 5:11am - jesus ""]
google is behind this
[Jun 21,2007 5:19am - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
fucking Skynet.

Seriously though, this fucking sucks something fierce. Hopefully they don't close down before our show July 6th.
[Jun 21,2007 8:53am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
This absolutely blows.

Chris_From_Shit_Fuck said:fucking Skynet.

Seriously though, this fucking sucks something fierce. Hopefully they don't close down before our show July 6th.

You guys are on that now? Nice. We shall share the stage yet again.
[Jun 21,2007 9:07am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
maaaan... i was just about to book a show there. lameness.
[Jun 21,2007 10:47am - Yeti ""]
rhys said:tomv212121 said:fire safety is obv very important and we wouldn't want one of our shows to go the way of that great white BS in RI.

it def sucks, but it is the owner's responsibility to provide a safe environment for bands to play

as long as the place isn't made of foam and there are no pyrotechnics it shouldn't be a huge concern

that should be the way, but the place could be solid concrete and steel and they would still make a big deal out of it.
[Jun 21,2007 11:26am - dyingmuse ""]
wow, this is seriously bumming news
[Jun 21,2007 11:32am - metal_church101 ""]
At least I had the oppertunity to play there once.
[Jun 21,2007 11:50am - Greg D  ""]
It was probably one of the locals who live around there who was pissed about having loud bands there. I hate Somerville.
[Jun 21,2007 1:22pm - pam ""]
Guess those "vicious rumors" were true.
[Jun 21,2007 1:23pm - the_reverend ""]
pam, I already said that.
[Jun 21,2007 1:27pm - Niccolai ""]
All there shows were 21+

Fuck 'em
[Jun 21,2007 1:28pm - pam ""]
pfff, like I read what you post.
[Jun 21,2007 1:28pm - pam ""]
Niccolai said:All there shows were 21+

Fuck 'em

Get older.
[Jun 21,2007 1:29pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Jun 21,2007 5:29pm - Niccolai ""]
[Jun 21,2007 5:42pm - pam ""]
hahaha. awesome.
[Jun 21,2007 10:17pm - Lamp ""]
Get older? How about play shows that anyone can get into. Shows without kids aren't any fun.
[Jun 21,2007 10:22pm - Niccolai ""]
In the old people's defense, lamp, most show-related drama that goes down is by the 16-20 year old younger crowd (perticularly hardcore) and they ruin it for everyone.
[Jun 21,2007 11:59pm - bleh  ""]
will the shows for june still be going on?
[Jul 20,2007 12:05am - the shadows smile  ""]
sky bar will always be our first home!
[Jul 20,2007 12:08am - timjohn  ""]
i think we've all moved on by down
[Jul 20,2007 12:25am - Hungtableed  ""]
Forget the Station night club fire, the firefighters are the ones to blame here! Fuck heroes!


Skybar is a dive bar and that's why they cannot afford the sprinkler upgrades. Who gives a shit about that fag bar and darksky productions....even though they run "11% of the boston underground scene"...

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