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How will you celebrate 9/11?

[Sep 17,2008 9:11am - aril  ""]
I wouldn't put it past the government to kill a few thousand of its citizens, sign the patriot act, set up the NAU and get rid of the american dollar soon, and participate in the forming of the NWO.
Wouldn't put it past them..
[Sep 17,2008 9:36am - ouchdrummer ""]

911 said:as a marine you can go fuck yourself. I served in desert storm and I am not throwing my rank as a justification for what i did. You want to believe in a tape that was edited then so be it. I bet you know alot about missiles hatred and war and thats about it. You are just justifying your bullshit tour of iraq or whatever. I was wounded asshole and I am a true patriot. you are a child, you were probably picked right out of school with no college options available to you only promises, they knew you wouldnt have the motivation to go to college after seeing war, so fuck you I am the true patriot and alex jones and all those other liers can die too. Research, any true patriot would. Would you do what I told you to do if I was your landlord and a government official without doing some research first. Hey heres one they musta not taught you, try reading a book and look at things from other perspectives. I do not honor your services, and I would hope noone honors mine. I was duped into sighing a government contract to fight desert storm and now I am fucked and my friend so are you. I bet they gave you some nifty vaccines overseas that are not fda approved just like they gave me. ad,mit it brother we did wrong.

this is a pretty nasty room.... so let me add in: Fuck you dickhead! You sound like a jerk. Some people maybe joined for other reasons than not being capable of college, or because they were duped. I personally never was in, never thought about it, and never will. Now that doesnt mean that i dont respect people that are in. Its a life decision, they are trying to make a difference, and no matter how fucked up our leaders/their orders are, these people are still trying. Anyways, not like me to get all defensive so i'll drop that.

You conspiracy people give me a good hearty gut laugh. What the hell are you talking about? Saying the world is blind, and we should all look around us and open our eyes. What? So besides rambling online, to your friends, and MAYBE even passing out literature at park st., what do YOU do? Where do YOU march? When was the last time? When was the last time you invested money in this cause? If informing people meant so much to you, you would want to invest in it, or at least give some of your time to it. Being angry all the time, bitching about injustices doesnt do anything. It does absolutely nothing. So please make us see that your not total dipshits who KNOW the rest of the world is against them, but don't wanna do anything about it.
[Sep 17,2008 9:58am - aril  ""]
I just don't want to continually get raped by our government on a physical and mental level.
I'm really considering moving out of the country in the next 5 years and going to a more progressive nation.
[Sep 17,2008 10:08am - aril  ""]
ps: I work in the Federeal Reserve bank in boston. want to know corruption? Step foot in this building.
[Sep 17,2008 10:09am - ouchdrummer ""]

aril said:I just don't want to continually get raped by our government on a physical and mental level.
I'm really considering moving out of the country in the next 5 years and going to a more progressive nation.

not a terrible idea. metals much bigger in europe...netherlands..
[Sep 17,2008 10:13am - orgymf@work  ""]

aril said:I just don't want to continually get raped by our government on a physical and mental level.
I'm really considering moving out of the country in the next 5 years and going to a more progressive nation.

WHAT ABOUT THE BAR?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

seriously though i agree that our government is corrupt....but i also am sick of psychotic, unfounded conspiracy theories.
[Sep 17,2008 10:13am - orgymf@work  ""]

ouchdrummer said:
911 said:as a marine you can go fuck yourself. I served in desert storm and I am not throwing my rank as a justification for what i did. You want to believe in a tape that was edited then so be it. I bet you know alot about missiles hatred and war and thats about it. You are just justifying your bullshit tour of iraq or whatever. I was wounded asshole and I am a true patriot. you are a child, you were probably picked right out of school with no college options available to you only promises, they knew you wouldnt have the motivation to go to college after seeing war, so fuck you I am the true patriot and alex jones and all those other liers can die too. Research, any true patriot would. Would you do what I told you to do if I was your landlord and a government official without doing some research first. Hey heres one they musta not taught you, try reading a book and look at things from other perspectives. I do not honor your services, and I would hope noone honors mine. I was duped into sighing a government contract to fight desert storm and now I am fucked and my friend so are you. I bet they gave you some nifty vaccines overseas that are not fda approved just like they gave me. ad,mit it brother we did wrong.

this is a pretty nasty room.... so let me add in: Fuck you dickhead! You sound like a jerk. Some people maybe joined for other reasons than not being capable of college, or because they were duped. I personally never was in, never thought about it, and never will. Now that doesnt mean that i dont respect people that are in. Its a life decision, they are trying to make a difference, and no matter how fucked up our leaders/their orders are, these people are still trying. Anyways, not like me to get all defensive so i'll drop that.

You conspiracy people give me a good hearty gut laugh. What the hell are you talking about? Saying the world is blind, and we should all look around us and open our eyes. What? So besides rambling online, to your friends, and MAYBE even passing out literature at park st., what do YOU do? Where do YOU march? When was the last time? When was the last time you invested money in this cause? If informing people meant so much to you, you would want to invest in it, or at least give some of your time to it. Being angry all the time, bitching about injustices doesnt do anything. It does absolutely nothing. So please make us see that your not total dipshits who KNOW the rest of the world is against them, but don't wanna do anything about it.

well said -l-
[Sep 17,2008 10:23am - aril  ""]
you have to admit, there are some LEGIT conspiracies out there, about various things.
sadly, most of the 9/11 ones are feeble attempts for explaining what happened.
because of the massive culture and impact on world politics, it is understandable why such conspiracies exist.
it's hard for me to argue for them, or even against them; I'm not sure what really happened that day.
I'm open to the possibilities of ny conspiracy because I do not trust our (shadow) government one bit.
At the same time, I think America is on a huge decline, and our "empire" will soon be in shambles.
I've mentioned this in a post before, but when Rome was burning under Nero's rule, many people praised him as a hero for his efforts in saving it. But, there are statements saying he was the reason why Rome was burning, and used it as a political tool in propaganada. If this is the case, then he abused his power in the sense where he did not care about his citizens dying - he did it for a larger purpose.
The only cool thing that came out of it is the cool CD/DVD burning software anyway.
[Sep 17,2008 10:28am - goatcatalyst ""]
the overlord jews, safe in their bunker at the center of the earth, are doing their damnedest to promulgate nuclear armageddon. of this i'm certain
[Sep 17,2008 10:33am - largefreakatzero ""]

goatcatalyst said:the overlord jews, safe in their bunker at the center of the earth, are doing their damnedest to promulgate nuclear armageddon. of this i'm certain

...don't forget their control over the media, Hollywood and the banks.

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