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Do musicians require "passion"?

[Feb 12,2009 3:53pm - MillenialKingdom ""]

[Feb 12,2009 3:54pm - alexc ""]
think what you want about this subject. but i wouldnt be moving out of my beautiful apartment to live in squalor to afford tour and working the shittiest job ever that lets me take time off if i was anything less than passionate about my music. if you're talking about music in terms of "being hired" then you're going about it in a way that seems incredibly superficial to me. I require everyone in my band to have passion AND skill. Both are incredibly necessary to its functioning in the right way and we definitely dont suck at our instruments or suck as a band, at least not in my humble opinion.
[Feb 12,2009 4:02pm - dreadkill ""]
fully funching
[Feb 12,2009 4:03pm - alexc ""]
we are fully funching band
[Feb 12,2009 9:58pm - Ryan_M ""]

Yeti said:i'd rather listen to someone who is sloppy and passionate than something like Necrofaggots who possess technical prowess but no heart. prime example, Bathory. Quorthon wasn't the best vocalist and was a sloppy musician, but there is more passion in his music than most bands combined. same with Godflesh and Jesu. JKB doesn't always hit the right note, nor is he loaded with insane technicality, but he made up for all of that in his ability to create incredible music.

My feelings exactly. Discharge is pretty much my favorite band for this reason; their songs had maybe 1-2 simple riffs per song, the same drum beat, and their lyrics were just a few short lines shouted over and over, but Goddamn they sounded like they slammed you up against a fucking wall and tore you a new asshole - they weren't talented musicians but the fury in their songs was unmistakable and that's what I love in a band, the ability to express true feeling and create an atmosphere regardless of their technical abilities.
[Feb 12,2009 10:13pm - Conservationist ""]

Gregdbass said: Thought I had an account here. Here is my information. So much for being anonymous.

What Gregdbass does

Yes, yes, indeed.
[Feb 12,2009 10:20pm - BSV  ""]
i don't know. to me, being passionate is about performing and practicing hard. it's about making the best of your craft on both those levels and pushing it to the best of eternity. it's about sacrifice. dedication. love for what you're doing. watching performers who aren't passionate is a waste of time. you can feel it on record too.

bathory - twilight of the gods = passion

"you can only love so many people but you can be passionate towards a million" - paul stanley

"thus spoke zarathustra"
[Feb 13,2009 8:01am - corpus_columbine  ""]

RustyPS said:If you're not passionate about music, what's the point of playing it? that's a completely honest question

financial gain and notoriety? :shocked:
[Feb 13,2009 8:03am - corpus_columbine  ""]

the_reverend said:wow...ellesarusrex posting?!?

not exactly.
[Feb 15,2009 6:43pm - ellesarusrex ""]

corpus_columbine said:
the_reverend said:wow...ellesarusrex posting?!?

not exactly.

you will get lashings for this boy.

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