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Club Therapy (Olnyville, RI) - [cattle_decapitation][in_dire_need][nefarious][randomshots][the_black_dahlia_murder][the_nightmare_continues][vital_remains]
[May 10,2004 7:02pm - morkul ""]
It looks like in the pictures he took the triggers off for Vital Remains? Was he triggered?
[May 10,2004 10:03pm - xericx ""]
the_reverend said:

in dire need: only one guitar player, but they still rocked. the bass was way toooooo loooouuudddd. it was grossly distorted. At some point, I think they need to get a new guitar player and record that more stuff.

Rev, we are recording very soon, and we have picked up a new guitar player, and is in the process of learning the songs....check out the new cd on encryptic records late summer.

[May 10,2004 11:14pm - handinjury ""]
morkul said:It looks like in the pictures he took the triggers off for Vital Remains? Was he triggered?

only his kicks were triggered.
[May 11,2004 1:48pm - morkul ""]
Nice. That is all you need triggered anyway.
[May 11,2004 1:51pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
yeah... he was exactly like the cd
[May 11,2004 2:03pm - morkul ""]
Awesome! He is an incredible drummer.
[May 11,2004 4:37pm - handinjury ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said:yeah... he was exactly like the cd

What cd? Im pretty sure dave played drums on the album.
[May 11,2004 4:41pm - Dread_104 ""]
i think they meant he played just like the cd sounded, not just like "he played" on the cd
[May 11,2004 5:08pm - morkul ""]
[May 11,2004 5:35pm - BornSoVile ""]
Glen Benton sounded just like the cd when he said "Let the Killing Begin" he should remember to turn on that artsy fartsy wireless next time. Dave Suzuki is pound for pound one of the best dude's I've ever had the pleasure of meeting in Metal. He's always at the shows, takes time to talk to people, never full of himself. Plus he'll always grab a flyer from a kid passing them out, fold it up in his pocket, and tell the dude to have a nice night. I need to post my pics of him with Al and everyone.

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