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Bands Needed July 9 For The 2011 Connecticut MetalFest

[show listing]  __________________________________
[Jun 13,2011 2:45pm - ShadowSD ""]
Looking for bands to play The 2011 Connecticut MetalFest with us (Suicide Dream) on Saturday, July 9, this event is held yearly at The Outdoor Pavilion in Windham, CT and always draws well (averaging anywhere between 150-200 people throughout the course of the show between pre-sell and band members, pretty consistently solid considering there aren't national acts). The Pavilion is the best sounding venue out of the hundred-plus we've played, it's private property so it's green friendly, and has a great vibe and atmosphere as anyone who has played there will vouch for. Bands keep 100% of ticket sales after expenses.

If your band is interested and available to play, please reply to this thread or shoot me a private message with a contact phone number ASAP.
[Jun 13,2011 2:52pm - ShadowSD ""]
There are no shitty afternoon slots or 1 am slots on this, BTW - bands go on starting at 6 pm and the last band is usually done by around midnight.
[Jun 13,2011 3:43pm - yildundave ""]
Check your inbox - PM sent.
[Jun 13,2011 3:48pm - yildundave ""]
Actually I'm not sure if my message went through. Autolatry would love to play this. You can contact Dave at 860-230-1176.
[Jun 13,2011 6:29pm - saxlbeckett  ""]
ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS? I summon slarcus and ancient master to weigh in on this.
[Jun 13,2011 6:39pm - hauptpflucker ""]
Katahdin did this last year. It was a good time. In fact we may be interested in doing it again, let me talk to the other guys.
[Jun 14,2011 2:23pm - ShadowSD ""]
Cool, sounds good, let me know.
[Jun 14,2011 3:57pm - KEVORD ""]
It can't be a festival. Vital Remains isn't headlining.
[Jun 14,2011 4:08pm - zyklon ""]
Vital Remains is playing at the palladium with Hate Eternal on the same day
[Jun 14,2011 4:09pm - KEVORD ""]
Fest at the Palladium.
[Jun 14,2011 4:18pm - aaron_michael ""]
This place is actually pretty neat. You remember those open walled "cabins" your parents used to take you to for big family cook-outs? It's one of those with the picnic tables cleared out.
They've got a brick stove/fire pit next to it, so you can do some cookin' too!
[Jun 14,2011 4:25pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

[Jun 14,2011 7:32pm - ShadowSD ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:RIP ASS DAN

[Jun 14,2011 9:27pm - ShadowSD ""]
Autolatry is confirmed.
[Jun 15,2011 9:28am - ShadowSD ""]
To add a little more to the picture for those who haven't been there, The Pavilion itself covers standing room for 300 - 350 people, plus the band playing as well as a bar on the side, and there's also a massive grass field around it that could hold thousands were there ever somehow more people than the Pavilion itself could hold (not that that's in any way an expectation, the Pavilion has always been plenty of room).

The venue is actually very hard to get into to play as a band, it's rented out only about twenty days the entire year, dates fought over by biker rallies, parties, pagan festivals, and everything else under the sun, which also means that it's booked several months in advance with a steep rental despite them not providing a doorperson or in-house PA or anything else. As a result of all the different people trying to book it for events lately, The 2011 Connecticut MetalFest is literally the ONLY concert there this year, as every other day is booked by private events or those not featuring live bands. So yeah, very tough for bands to get into - but so worth it, because by design or by accident, the balance of mostly open walls and rafters in that place carry the sound with incredible clarity, unlike typical outdoor setups which so often have issues with the sound seeping up into the sky. For bands already thinking about having someone come to one of their shows to get a good quality live audio recording, but not sure where to do it, this is the place.
[Jun 15,2011 9:33am - sixstringcarnage ""]

zyklon said:Vital Remains is playing at the palladium with Hate Eternal on the same day

Already have tix for Origin. Otherwise Forced Asphyxiation would be down. Maybe next year.
[Jun 15,2011 9:55am - AndrewBastard ""]
how can i book an outdoor shindig at this place?
[Jun 15,2011 12:58pm - ShadowSD ""]
They usually don't start booking the new year until at least December or January or later, so you wouldn't be able to get in for a while, but at the beginning of next year, you can try calling Mike at The Franco American Civic and Social Club in Windham and ask about renting The Outdoor Pavilion for a concert, as they own the property that it is on.

Fair warning: it's a $500 flat rate up front with a deposit in advance, and again the venue does NOT provide a PA system, lighting, or make tickets for you, and they do NOT offer staff such as a doorperson, soundguy, security, or anything - except for a bartender upon request (although they may ask you to cough up an extra $100 for that). When you add up all those extra things that have to be provided by the show which the venue doesn't provide, it will easily run you in excess of a grand just in out of pocket expenses to put on a show there, so unless you have a bunch of bands that are all working hard to reliably pre-sell and bring a lot of people, it's a non-starter. The one upside in that regard at least is since the hall requires a flat rate, they can't ask for more money if the show does really well, which means the bands are able to keep 100% of the profit from their ticket sales (that's the way we've always done it anyway), and as a result so we've had some bands at previous CTMetalFests make $100, $200, $300, even $500 at this place just for playing a half hour set. I should also give fair warning before you consider booking there that there is no built in crowd or promotion engine for this venue either, zero - you could wait literally until you starved to death before a random walk-in showed up off the street because it's not that kind of area - so the draw is 100% what the bands bring through their own promotion.
[Jun 15,2011 1:05pm - AndrewBastard ""]
can people tent out over night etc?
[Jun 15,2011 2:20pm - ShadowSD ""]
That's a good question, I would have to ask. My guess would be no, but it's possible that's allowed by special request.
[Jun 15,2011 4:18pm - AndrewBastard ""]
i'd only even consider it if people could camp out and I could make a weekend out of it.
[Jun 15,2011 4:22pm - ShadowSD ""]
I'll find out for you the next time I talk to Mike. I know that they often let parties on Saturdays set up the night before, so it's not outside the realm of possibility.
[Jun 15,2011 4:26pm - Alx_Casket ""]
If this could be run like an open-air fest that allows camping, you could get more people there from further out and charge more for tickets, in addition to other revenue options like renting out merch tents and food booths. It would definitely live up to the "fest" moniker more, given those attributes.
[Jun 15,2011 4:37pm - Eddie ""]
pm sent
[Jun 15,2011 4:38pm - ShadowSD ""]
True, that's a really good point - although we've always just included some sort of food the last few years as part of the ticket price, I don't think I could be associated with those food booths the way they typically operate and always seem to overcharge at festivals, I hate those fuckers. It's the same sort of thing as why I think one reason a lot of people go to this every year is because the drinks are fairly cheap, and people are glad to be paying $3 - $4 per drink instead of $8 - $10 per drink like the typical fest, and prefer paying a dollar or less for a water/soda instead of $5. Those are opportunities to make more revenue for the bands once people are there but I'd gladly pass them up.
[Jun 15,2011 4:58pm - AndrewBastard ""]
If I could get this place for a Saturday and Sunday and let people came Saturday night for a reasonable price and I take care of everything else... (PA, Lights, Bar, Food etc)...I'd do it in a second.
[Jun 15,2011 8:17pm - ddrummer ""]
Forevers' Fallen Grace may be interested in playing this. Contact Ken at ffgmetal@gmail.com .
[Jun 15,2011 8:50pm - Sam Adler  ""]
This venue is awesome, I just went to a wedding there. When we got there, at first we had a hard time finding a place to park, but eventually we just drove our car a little ways into the woods, I guess you could call the parking spot some kind of meadow or lawn. We were worried that we would get in trouble for messing up some of the bushes (I just got my license last month), but when we left we checked they were OK.
[Jun 15,2011 10:35pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Yeah, I didn't say charge arena pricing, just enough to make a 2 day fest worth your while. If this venue has serious potential for a camp-out, then all I'm saying is that the sky's the limit.
[Jun 16,2011 12:36am - goatcatalyst ""]
Arghoslent confirmed. ANTIFA f-word N-words cannot fade us!!!!!b!!!!b!b!!b!!b!!
[Jun 16,2011 1:03am - ShadowSD ""]

Alx_Casket said:Yeah, I didn't say charge arena pricing, just enough to make a 2 day fest worth your while. If this venue has serious potential for a camp-out, then all I'm saying is that the sky's the limit.

You're right, the camping aspect would appeal to a larger audience, it lets everyone drink all they want without having to worry about driving home later.
[Jun 16,2011 8:58am - ShadowSD ""]

zyklon said:Vital Remains is playing at the palladium with Hate Eternal on the same day

The two events are an hour drive apart from each other and in some ways have different selling points, so I'm not really worried about a conflict. CTMetalFest is outside, has free parking, cheap drinks, and perhaps best of all you don't ever have to look over your shoulder for some orange or yellow security shirt if you partake, because that’s 100% openly accepted there (the only staff on site is the doorperson we hire and a bartender the venue provides, both of whom partake themselves). Different crowds will be at both shows as a result.
[Jun 16,2011 7:26pm - ShadowSD ""]
I'm hoping to finalize the line-up by tomorrow afternoon/early evening, so any bands who still want to get on this or who have expressed an interest but haven't given me a final confirmation yet, please get in touch by tomorrow afternoon/evening if at all possible.
[Jun 16,2011 7:29pm - ancient master  ""]
shits mad ghetto
[Jun 16,2011 7:45pm - BlessedOffalNLI  ""]

KEVORD said:Fest at the Palladium.
made lol
[Jun 16,2011 7:50pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Nightbitch would have been down but our bassist has a rally that day
[Jun 17,2011 8:34am - ShadowSD ""]
One of these days we'll figure something out for a show together, I'm sure this will be held again next year and in the meantime if we end up booking a show this fall at a place like Cherry Street or Daniel Street, we'll definitely be in touch to see if you guys want to play.
[Jun 17,2011 2:20pm - ShadowSD ""]
Volatile is confirmed.
[Jun 17,2011 11:57pm - ShadowSD ""]
Due to the fact that in addition to the confirmed bands, there are also still at least five bands in the maybe column who still have yet to get back with a yes or a no pending talking to all their members, I'm going to give this a few more days before finalizing the bill.

The cut off for adding bands will now be Tuesday at noon.
[Jun 18,2011 3:58pm - ShadowSD ""]
This will sound kind of obvious, but sometimes needs to be said from time to time, so I'll just come out and say it: if you are a band who has expressed an interest in playing but your answer is no, don't just assume I'll figure it out if you don't contact me, because there are plenty of times bands have legitimately taken a few days to track everybody in the group down before giving me a yes, so no word means I don't know what's going on at all.

If the answer is a no, it's cool, five seconds in a phone call or e-mail saying "no we can't do it" makes not just my life easier but that of each band that will ultimately be on the bill, a bill which will be finalized earlier instead of waiting around for bands that have internally decided not to play but didn't take five seconds to tell anybody.

Common sense, I know, and most of us know better than to leave others hanging, but I find it needs to be said with some bands who are talented and good people but nonchalantly take the "he'll just assume" approach because they don't realize the problems it causes. That kind of stuff is actually a real drag on putting shows together as any band who has done so will tell you. Obnoxious rant over.
[Jun 19,2011 3:17pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Ticket selling involved?
[Jun 20,2011 1:28pm - ShadowSD ""]

ShadowSD said:Bands keep 100% of ticket sales after expenses.
[Jun 20,2011 1:33pm - ShadowSD ""]
Also, I didn't mention this above, but anyone who pays at the door, 100% of that money is split evenly between the bands, and all band members eat for free. Bands keep everything after their first twenty tickets sold which goes towards expenses, although if we end up ahead at the end of the night because each band did their part, bands split 100% of the overage equally.
[Jun 20,2011 1:41pm - dreadkill ""]

ShadowSD said:This will sound kind of obvious, but sometimes needs to be said from time to time, so I'll just come out and say it: if you are a band who has expressed an interest in playing but your answer is no, don't just assume I'll figure it out if you don't contact me, because there are plenty of times bands have legitimately taken a few days to track everybody in the group down before giving me a yes, so no word means I don't know what's going on at all.

If the answer is a no, it's cool, five seconds in a phone call or e-mail saying "no we can't do it" makes not just my life easier but that of each band that will ultimately be on the bill, a bill which will be finalized earlier instead of waiting around for bands that have internally decided not to play but didn't take five seconds to tell anybody.

Common sense, I know, and most of us know better than to leave others hanging, but I find it needs to be said with some bands who are talented and good people but nonchalantly take the "he'll just assume" approach because they don't realize the problems it causes. That kind of stuff is actually a real drag on putting shows together as any band who has done so will tell you. Obnoxious rant over.

speaking to this point, i apologize for not getting back to you yet about this. we're not going to have our new set of songs ready in time to play this year, but i hope you do it again next year. the time we played a few years back was a lot of fun.
[Jun 20,2011 2:05pm - ShadowSD ""]
Dark Passenger is confirmed.
[Jun 20,2011 2:44pm - ShadowSD ""]

dreadkill said:speaking to this point, i apologize for not getting back to you yet about this. we're not going to have our new set of songs ready in time to play this year, but i hope you do it again next year. the time we played a few years back was a lot of fun.

Thanks man, we'll definitely be in touch for next year, appreciate the post.
[Jun 20,2011 10:16pm - ShadowSD ""]
Forever's Fallen Grace is confirmed.

That's five confirmed bands so far, still have room for one or two more as long as they can get in touch with me by noon tomorrow (Tuesday).
[Jun 21,2011 1:16am - DJ DEath  ""]
EERIE, my drone band would LOVE to play this. A wall of amps, and roaring volume. Give me a call at 603-475-5808. I confirm 100% Yes
[Jun 21,2011 1:32am - DJ DEath  ""]
Unfortunately, My other guitarist might not be able to do it. Call me tommorow anymore so i can confirm Yay or Nay
[Jun 21,2011 9:38am - GeminiII ""]
Still waiting for the other guitarist to respond
[Jun 21,2011 10:06am - ShadowSD ""]
Cool, thanks, let me know.

I also just read a public comment message sent yesterday from a band called Aversed that asked to play this as well, in case one of them is reading this before they get around to checking their e-mail, please check it and give me a call within the next few hours in order to get on the bill.
[Jun 21,2011 10:11am - xgodzillax ""]
Only scott lee eating chocolate dipped flaming hot cheetos is real
[Jun 21,2011 10:55am - Redleaves  ""]
If ticket sales are not reached does the band have to cover the rest?
[Jun 21,2011 11:12am - ShadowSD ""]
We're at the point where there are enough bands confident in their ability to sell a lot of tickets that NO ONE is going to have to go out of pocket, I can't imagine it unless at least three bands simultaneously sold no tickets/disappeared into the Bermuda Triangle/spontaneously combusted at the same time. Fact is if everybody does their part, we will end up ahead at the night enough to give everyone back extra.

But let me make it clear, we want bands that are serious about trying to shoot for a lot of tickets sold, because that's the basis on which I can even make the above statement.
[Jun 21,2011 11:48am - ShadowSD ""]
[Jun 21,2011 11:50am - ShadowSD ""]
There is still one slot left if another band contacts me soon, otherwise that's it.
[Jun 21,2011 2:21pm - ShadowSD ""]
Aversed is confirmed, the bill is full.
[Jun 21,2011 9:41pm - Redleaves  ""]
What kinds of metal bands are playing?
[Jun 22,2011 8:13am - ShadowSD ""]
Pretty good range of stuff, in order of appearance:

Aversed (Thrash and Black Metal)
Forever's Fallen Grace (Epic Doom Metal)
Dark Passenger (Doomy Death Metal)
Autolatry (Black Metal)
Volatile (Thrash Metal)
Suicide Dream (Female-Fronted Gothic/Thrash/Power Metal)
[Jun 22,2011 12:49pm - jmcnasty ""]
Wooo! Cant wait!

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