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False Memory Syndrome Foundation dissolves

[Dec 31,2019 1:06pm - grandmotherweb ""]
The Satanic Temple's Grey Faction is next. #GheyFraction


'FMS Foundation dissolving on December 31, 2019

“It has been called “a pseudoscientific syndrome that was developed to defend against claims of child abuse.”

“(Ralph) Underwager and Wakefield were also instrumental in helping the Freyds organize the (FMS)foundation”

“PAIDIKA: Is choosing paedophilia for you a responsible choice for the individuals?

RALPH UNDERWAGER: Certainly it is responsible. What I have been struck by as I have come to know more about and understand people who choose paedophilia is that they let themselves be too much defined by other people. That is usually an essentially negative definition. Paedophiles spend a lot of time and energy defending their choice. I don’t think that a paedophile needs to do that. Paedophiles can boldly and courageously affirm what they choose. They can say that what they want is to find the best way to love.”

“The court remains convinced [the psychologist (Ralph Underwager)] did not have the qualifications to testify as a doctor. (Bold added)”'
[Dec 31,2019 1:46pm - Cave of Forgotten Dreams  ""]
I forgot about this
[Dec 31,2019 2:09pm - grandmotherweb ""]
I have Disqus commenting on my Tumblr now: https://grandmotherweb.tumblr.com/post/189980587488/fbi-investigating-those-who-facilitated-epstein
[Jan 1,2020 8:07am - Guess what?  ""]
[Jan 1,2020 2:05pm - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:kill yourself, pedo

[Jan 1,2020 2:40pm - Guess what?  ""]
When are you chopping your boobs off on the taxpayer's dime?
[Jan 1,2020 2:53pm - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:kill yourself, pedo

[Jan 1,2020 7:43pm - Guess what?  ""]

Guess%20what? said:When are you chopping your boobs off on the taxpayer's dime?
[Jan 1,2020 7:45pm - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:virgins can't give birth

[Jan 2,2020 7:13am - Guess what?  ""]

Guess%20what? said:
Guess%20what? said:When are you chopping your boobs off on the taxpayer's dime?

[Jan 3,2020 12:39pm - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:kill yourself, pedo

[Jan 3,2020 12:41pm - grandmotherweb ""]

'In December 1995, two women filed ethics complaints with the American Psychological Association (APA) against Elizabeth Loftus, PhD, regarding her published statements about two legal cases involving delayed memories of sexual abuse. Citing procedural considerations, however, the APA has declined to investigate the women's ethics complaints.

Jennifer Hoult (a concert harpist living in New York) and Lynn Crook (a Washington State consultant) each filed separate complaints with the APA, alleging that Loftus mischaracterized the facts of their legal cases in published articles. Both women brought successful civil suits because of the sexual abuse that the fathers (and the mother, in Crook's case) perpetrated against them during their childhoods. At their trials, they presented corroborative evidence that met the requirements for judicial proof of their allegations.

Loftus serves on the Scientific and Professional Advisory Board of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation, Inc (FMSF). She also had been an active member of the APA since 1973, but she resigned in January 1996, shortly after the filing of the complaints. In a brief telephone interview with TREATING ABUSE TODAY, Loftus confirmed her resignation from the APA, but she denied any knowledge of the ethics complaints. She also cautioned that TREATING ABUSE TODAY should not state or imply that she resigned from the APA to avoid investigation of the ethics complaints.'
[Jan 3,2020 3:53pm - #Facts  ""]
Can anyone without mental illness follow this psychobabble?
[Jan 3,2020 4:27pm - Guess what?  ""]
No, because nobody cares.
[Jan 3,2020 4:42pm - grandmotherweb ""]
i am literally all you care about

[Jan 3,2020 4:47pm - grandmotherweb ""]

"The measures used to reinvestigate her case are alleged by Taus to include misrepresentation, defamation, and invasion of privacy. For instance, Taus alleges that the defendants hired a private investigator to learn her true identity and that Loftus then began contacting family members to gather data about her without her knowledge or consent. Taus alleges that Loftus misrepresented herself to gain the cooperation of her foster mother. Taus claims that Loftus claimed misidentified herself as Dr. Corwin's colleague and supervisor--someone she trusted. At the same time, Loftus apparently befriended Taus' birth mother, who had lost custody due to physical and sexual abuse."

gee, who else needs to lose custody of their kids due to sexual abuse? Christians, that's who.
[Jan 4,2020 6:27am - Guess what?  ""]
Nobody cares.
[Jan 4,2020 12:42pm - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:i am literally all you care about


[Jan 4,2020 5:06pm - Guess what?  ""]
Nobody is you narcissistic piece of trash
[Jan 5,2020 2:50am - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:I live in your head rent-free, loser
[Jan 5,2020 9:08am - Guess what?  ""]
You live in your mother's basement sucking up SSI checks and blogging about shit that literally NOBODY gives a shit about. Don't fool yourself.
[Jan 5,2020 9:09am - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:I live in your head rent-free, loser

[Jan 5,2020 2:40pm - Guess what?  ""]

Guess%20what? said:You live in your mother's basement sucking up SSI checks and blogging about shit that literally NOBODY gives a shit about. Don't fool yourself.
[Feb 26,2020 5:13pm - grandmotherweb ""]
the Satanic Temple picks up where the False Memory Syndrome Foundation left off:


'We, the undersigned, in advocacy for standards of care that protect mental health consumers from exploitative, harmful, dubious, and/or pseudoscientific treatments, hereby respectfully request that the International Society for the Study of Trauma & Dissociation (ISSTD) discontinue the endorsement and propagation of speculative, implausible theories including, but not limited to, alleged programs of government and/or secret society “mind control,” Satanic, Illuminati, and/or occult “ritual abuse,” and paranormal phenomena, at its conferences, in its webinars, and within its published materials.'
[Feb 26,2020 7:36pm - Real Name  ""]
I wish your posts were a false memory of mine
[Feb 27,2020 9:06am - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
nobody%20cares said:What about Lucien's association with violent white supremacists who kidnap their wives at gunpoint?


[Feb 27,2020 9:41am - nobody cares  ""]
Your ancestors do not like your posts. They are concerned for you.

[Feb 27,2020 7:02pm - grandmotherweb ""]
how are those people supposedly related to me? oh right, they're not.

[Feb 27,2020 7:05pm - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:the Satanic Temple picks up where the False Memory Syndrome Foundation left off:


'We, the undersigned, in advocacy for standards of care that protect mental health consumers from exploitative, harmful, dubious, and/or pseudoscientific treatments, hereby respectfully request that the International Society for the Study of Trauma & Dissociation (ISSTD) discontinue the endorsement and propagation of speculative, implausible theories including, but not limited to, alleged programs of government and/or secret society “mind control,” Satanic, Illuminati, and/or occult “ritual abuse,” and paranormal phenomena, at its conferences, in its webinars, and within its published materials.'

'Trauma care is extremely important, and those who would treat victims of trauma should be commended, encouraged, and guided by the best available resources. We intend this letter not as an indictment, but as an opening of a potentially fruitful dialogue. We trust that the ISSTD will see fit to revise its current standards to best serve mental health consumers who seek treatment for traumatic psychic injury.

We, the undersigned, request that the ISSTD reply to this letter before their 2020 Annual Conference. We request that any reply directly address each and every bullet-pointed item following the heading “We Hereby Request These Actions.”'

no one cares about the Satanic Temple's opinions on mental health.

for real.
[Feb 27,2020 7:52pm - k....  ""]
so what you're trying to say by all of your weird shit is that the martinsville saskatchewan "brotherhood of the ram" was a real thing and all those children were victims of satanic ritual abuse up to an including axe handles stuck in their asses and human sacrifices and dead children all over the place in 'the devils church' outside of town?

because that's what it sounds like. except there were no dead children. and none of that happened. false memories based upon leading questions during interviews by parents and law enforcement alike, and games of chinese whispers. false memories are a real thing.
[Feb 27,2020 7:54pm - grandmotherweb ""]
MKULTRA is a real thing

you don't even know what that means
[Feb 27,2020 9:27pm - #Facts  ""]
MK Ultra is a real thing. And?
[Feb 27,2020 9:29pm - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:you don't even know what that means

[Feb 27,2020 9:30pm - #Facts  ""]
What does this have to do with anything? Are you suggesting that the gaytanic temple are MK Ultra victims?
[Feb 27,2020 9:32pm - grandmotherweb ""]
read the link and find out, illiterate one
[Feb 27,2020 9:55pm - #Facts  ""]
"Dad was considered 'closer' to perfection because he had the blond hair and gray-blue eyes and was in excellent physical condition."

Point taken. Keep reaching for the stars.
[Feb 27,2020 10:07pm - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:the ILLUMINATI are after me, yo


[Feb 27,2020 10:10pm - #Facts  ""]
If the illuminati were actually after you, you seriously think they would be unsuccessful?
You think you can outwit the government?
Delusions of grandeur.
[Feb 27,2020 10:11pm - grandmotherweb ""]
you think that you can troll this forum, when you are so utterly non-metal

[Feb 28,2020 7:31am - nobody cares  ""]
Maybe she's drunk, or retarded. She makes no sense. She should connect with her ancestors.

[Feb 28,2020 10:26am - grandmotherweb ""]
you should go to jail, dtx
[Feb 28,2020 4:30pm - nobody cares  ""]
I was just asked by your ancestors what a false memory is.

They looked at me like this:

[Feb 28,2020 7:03pm - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:you should go to jail, dtx
[Feb 28,2020 8:17pm - nobody cares  ""]
I am not dtx....whoever that fag is.

[Feb 28,2020 9:25pm - grandmotherweb ""]
yes, you are

grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
dtx120 said:Adams Apple

[Feb 29,2020 7:36am - nobody cares  ""]
No, I am not....promise. Guess again. Or seek guidance from your ancestors.

[Feb 29,2020 9:25am - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:yes, you are

grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
dtx120 said:Adams Apple

[Mar 1,2020 7:33am - nobody cares  ""]
No I am not. Consult your ancestors whacko.

[Mar 1,2020 1:01pm - grandmotherweb ""]
yes, you are, and you will never live down the fact that you made fake screenshots to "prove" that I have an Adam's apple
[Mar 1,2020 4:04pm - nobody cares  ""]
So the Adam's apple is the new obsession. Went from TST, to MK Ultra, to Christians, and now the Adam's apple thing....you are one repetitive dumbass.....when do your ancestors get their attention that you are so badly in need of?

[Mar 1,2020 8:34pm - grandmotherweb ""]
you're the one obsessed with my nonexistent Adam's apple and some random picture of people I'm not actually related to.
[Mar 1,2020 8:38pm - grandmotherweb ""]
"Currently over 300 signatures on our petition to the #ISSTD. Can we get a thousand before the end of the day?"

nope, not today, not ever,
and even if they did, it wouldn't matter, because no one cares about the Satanic Temple's opinions on mental health

for real
[Mar 2,2020 8:10am - nobody cares  ""]
.....and now we're back to TST.

[Mar 11,2020 9:05am - grandmotherweb ""]
the Satanic Temple hates organizations that advocate for the removal of child pornography from the internet, calling them "pro-censorship":

[Mar 19,2020 5:13pm - grandmotherweb ""]
ISSTD's annual conference has been cancelled due to coronavirus.

so has TST's Salem Art Gallery event bashing ISSTD. #karma

[Mar 19,2020 9:14pm - #Facts  ""]
Legit LOL
[Mar 19,2020 9:34pm - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:[img]
hello, Russia

[Mar 20,2020 7:11am - nobody cares  ""]
Hey Gmaweb......What's the next crusade you're going to go on? Are you back on TST? What will it be next? We're all stuck at home and waiting for your next blathering.
[Jan 19,2021 6:26pm - grandmotherweb ""]
"On December 31, 2019, the False Memory Syndrome Foundation abruptly announced it would dissolve. [...] The foundation gave birth to a number of offshoots; its Australian counterpart is also defunct, while the British False Memory Society remains active. The Satanic Temple, a religious group with chapters in 21 states, has a vocal false-memory subgroup called the Grey Faction. The temple’s co-founder, a 43-year-old man named Doug Misicko (who uses the pseudonym Lucien Greaves), earns a living creating content for 1,097 fans on Patreon. If the FMSF are the genteel, gray-haired grandparents, the Grey Faction are their online, cult-obsessed sons."
[Feb 9,2021 11:42am - SmEnGAyF ""]

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