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[Aug 28,2005 3:55am - rupturedzine ""]
[Aug 28,2005 3:56am - KeithMutiny ""]
do you know what grind is?
[Aug 28,2005 3:57am - KeithMutiny ""]
hahaha, wait, what was i thinking, even asking that
[Aug 28,2005 4:01am - rupturedzine ""]
[Aug 28,2005 4:06am - KeithMutiny ""]
your intelligence is amazing, i love how you dilute the fact you have no basis for your "shitty grindcore" information...

id like you to continue, your helping me.

... i smell something burning in the kitchen... shouldnt you be watching that?
[Aug 28,2005 4:12am - rupturedzine ""]
hey uh, faggot...I never said all grind was shitty. There is shitty metal, shitty grind, shitty food...You just need another excuse to play the vigilante scene faggot. Which is funny cause no one actually likes you. Secondly, you have no place insulting anyones intelligence when you spell and speak like a mongoloid. Lastly, save the kitchen BS, you cried in your van to my GIRL about how you looooved her...you know...after a couple weeks of dating her. You're pathetic and a loser. Everyone talks about you behind your back and you should really just kill yourself.
[Aug 28,2005 4:19am - KeithMutiny ""]
KeithMutiny said:hahahahahaha, i love it

[Aug 28,2005 4:20am - KeithMutiny ""]
that funny, very ironic the whole "talkin shit behind your back" deal

within minutes
[Aug 28,2005 4:22am - rupturedzine ""]
I like that you're still talking. It's cute.
[Aug 28,2005 4:30am - KeithMutiny ""]
im done with this,

it was fun, and for that fact i never had an issue with you so its interesting you would speak in such a mannor, but thats the horrid ways of human nature. For that matter, the seldom times we spoke i thought you had very good taste in people and music. But, again, perhaps i was wrong, or maybe not, it may just be a mear dissagreament on a specific issue, and if thats the case, its simply that, a minor dissagreement.

as for now, have fun... ill keep keep gettiing booked for shitty grindcore shows and you have a good time playin with you band. I havent heard them, as im sure you have yet to hear mine, and for all i know i may enjoy what you do... only time will tell.

you have fun, be well, and i've enjoyed enough for the evening.
[Aug 28,2005 4:30am - KeithMutiny ""]
im too tired for this, perhaps tomorrow?

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