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Teratism Returns to with a Full Line-up

Center for the Arts (Natick, Ma) - [abhorred][continued_without_a_finding][teratism][the_heuristic][throwing_shrapnel]
[Dec 16,2005 10:02pm - the_reverend ""]
I made a new thread, sue me.

this place was weird. the girl got up on stage and talked between bands. this place is pretty good. the house sound system is awesome, nice lighting too. if only they had some one who knew how to run it all...

heuristic, the: I ran in for the last song and a half of their set. they f'd up around the stage cause they were mad about things to do with the stage and the sound guy. I didn't know abou any of that cause I was not there for the tension. they sounded good when I got there. at the end, george throw his guitar down at the stage.

throwing shrapnel: their set was kind of boring. they faced away from the crowd but were down on the floor. the guy running the lights kept turning them off when ever a song ended so they wouldn't be able to read the set list. this didn't just happen once, but after every single song. and they played like 3209 songs. for most of the set they all look distracted, dealing with gear or what not.

CWAF: the last time I saw them was in the library I think. they just stood there and played pretty awesomely. at least I think they did.. the bass and guitar were way too quiet. the drums were turned up too loud. let me clarify that, some of the drums were turned up too high. for the most part is was all just snare drum. still, it sounded awesome. they played a brutal truth cover that I knew from the drumming what it was. their set was non-stop.

abhorred: they got a very little amount of time so they powered straight through their set. it's been some time since I've seen them too. they gave a great performace just like you would expect from them. the guys from goratory showed up during their set. at the end of their set, ben got mad at his guitar at the end and slammed it to the ground.. then grabbed the mic which he got mad at too and threw at the ground. actually, as I'm typing this, the sound dude and the girl that runs this place as looking like confused primated at why the micy no worky. seems the sound guy forgot to turn it on or something.
[Dec 17,2005 12:03am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Dec 17,2005 12:13am - Bradster  ""]
thanks Aaron, as always. That place could be cool if it wasn't run by idiots. The Brutal Truth song was Displacement from the Need to Control album.
[Dec 17,2005 1:28am - the_reverend ""]
pictures are uploading
[Dec 17,2005 1:49am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
no teratism review?
[Dec 17,2005 1:51am - KeithMutiny ""]
the sound guy was a piece of shit, that had no buisness trying too do that job...

other than that complaint, good show, fun time, everyone sounded as good as they could with that retard behind the board.
[Dec 17,2005 2:34am - DEATH2ALLNLI  ""]
The sound guy should be anally raped. twice.
[Dec 17,2005 2:35am - DEATH2ALLNLI  ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:...and?

And you woulda seen it if you were there.
[Dec 17,2005 3:27am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
yeah what happend to the 151
[Dec 17,2005 3:41am - BornSoVile ""]
I am alive and well.
[Dec 17,2005 9:18am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:no teratism review?

[Dec 17,2005 10:34am - DreamingInExile ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:no teratism review?

[Dec 17,2005 10:38am - the_reverend ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:no teratism review?

[Dec 17,2005 10:39am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I got it.

Teratism started off with some old favorites, beefed up by their new drummer it took them to a new level. After that Rob started crying and they ended their set early.
[Dec 17,2005 11:10am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
the_reverend said:the_taste_of_cigarettes said:no teratism review?

hahah that played out like an old comedy bit
[Dec 17,2005 11:12am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
maybe if people were so interested in knowing how teratism did, hmm maybe they should have been there.

i know, i know you had other stuff to do.
[Dec 17,2005 11:14am - i_am_not_me ""]
That soundguy was a fucking douche...wow.

But I could hear the bass and guitar just fine during CWAF...but yeah, I don't think I could hear the kick drums at any point in the show.

And the Abhorred guy really DID get pissed? It looked like he was enjoying himself, aside from the mic issues. I thought it was a joke or something.
[Dec 17,2005 11:16am - Bradster  ""]
so the lady was making fun of us before we went on for changing our clothes? isn't this an art center? How much more art can you get than having uniforms to play in? And for your information, we want ORANGE m&m's and more powder for our noses!! More hairspray!! The Grow Room better have our rider EXACT or we're walkin!!
[Dec 17,2005 12:25pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i hads too go outside during teratism, i was about to punch the sound guy during the whole drum monitor episode
[Dec 17,2005 12:26pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
see the funny thing is the real show was at the after party
[Dec 17,2005 12:27pm - i_am_not_me ""]
Orange? My bad. Could've sworn it was green. I was right about brown M&Ms making you kill people, though, right?
[Dec 17,2005 12:28pm - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
KeithMutiny said:i hads too go outside during teratism, i was about to punch the sound guy during the whole drum monitor episode

Yeah I can't believe that shit, maybe if they can get more shows there he can learn what to fucking do.

Except for the fact I had to bounce early, the show was fucking awesome.
[Dec 17,2005 12:33pm - D2A-NLI  ""]
This was a great time. I had a blast & the after party was rockin too. But those 45yr old broads shouldn't have anymore shows there unless they're gonna remove a few rows of seats. And they need to raise their curfew past 10:30pm. I'll say it again.... The sound guy needs to be anally raped for a third time. I had no sound in the drum monitor... thru the whole show. actually the thing wasn't even plugged in. And he used 2 mics on the drums.... 1 overhead & 1 kick drum mic. I used my own snare mic thru my own mixer to get the snare in the mix. He was a lazy peice of shit!!! "The clock's tickin guys"...... Rushing me to set up. What a fuck face! oh well, I'm done bitchin. Thanks to sean for making this happen! thanks to everyone who played & everyone that came out. Thanks to the Rev for coming.... Awesome pics! Thanks to Mallika for tearin it up w/ us!! And thanks to Sexcrement for the after party & jams! All you guys made this a great time for me!!! \m/
[Dec 17,2005 12:38pm - D2A-NLI  ""]
Chris_From_Shit_Fuck said:KeithMutiny said:i hads too go outside during teratism, i was about to punch the sound guy during the whole drum monitor episode

Yeah I can't believe that shit, maybe if they can get more shows there he can learn what to fucking do.

Except for the fact I had to bounce early, the show was fucking awesome.

They just need someone who actually cares, to do sound. I told him it wasn't working. He responded with: "Well it was working when the show started". <<<Douche bag!! I woulda slashed his tires if I knew which car was his.
[Dec 17,2005 12:47pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
i_am_not_me said:And the Abhorred guy really DID get pissed? It looked like he was enjoying himself, aside from the mic issues. I thought it was a joke or something.

it was a combination of my picking hand giving out on me and the fucking shooting pains in my chest. before that i was having a blast.

p.s. if you were lucky enough to experience the Pooh Gloves, i lost them, so enjoy the memories...
[Dec 17,2005 12:55pm - KeithMutiny ""]

represent like WHOA! heh
[Dec 17,2005 1:02pm - D2A-NLI  ""]
KillerKadoogan said:i_am_not_me said:And the Abhorred guy really DID get pissed? It looked like he was enjoying himself, aside from the mic issues. I thought it was a joke or something.

it was a combination of my picking hand giving out on me and the fucking shooting pains in my chest. before that i was having a blast.

p.s. if you were lucky enough to experience the Pooh Gloves, i lost them, so enjoy the memories...

Oh man.... Those were nice gloves! I'm sorry man.
[Dec 17,2005 1:08pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
abhorred should have come to the after party and jammed !
[Dec 17,2005 1:11pm - DreamingInExile ""]
KeithMutiny said:[img]

represent like WHOA! heh

Scott, what model RR is that? I'm not one for white guitars, but that's a sweet looking axe
[Dec 17,2005 1:17pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
DreamingInExile said:KeithMutiny said:[img]

represent like WHOA! heh

Scott, what model RR is that? I'm not one for white guitars, but that's a sweet looking axe

pfft guitar chatter, why arent you rockin that shirt ! ha :spineyes:
[Dec 17,2005 1:19pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
That soundguy played the sickest A7X tracks. I was so ready to mosh up a storm.
[Dec 17,2005 1:31pm - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:That soundguy played the sickest A7X tracks. I was so ready to mosh up a storm.

Dude I was picking up change, didn't you see me? Man, and everytime Killswitch was on I felt my heart mosh with emotions.
[Dec 17,2005 1:48pm - dwellingsickness ""]
How do you link pics from the set like that ?...I cant figure it out I am starting to get an aneurysm
[Dec 17,2005 2:06pm - DomesticTerror ""]
DreamingInExile said:KeithMutiny said:[img]

represent like WHOA! heh

Scott, what model RR is that? I'm not one for white guitars, but that's a sweet looking axe

thanks! 1990 Jackson Pro Rhoads V neck thru quarter sawn maple poplar body wings ebony fretboard w/ mother of pearl inlays and jackson logo floyd rose liscenced snow white finish (they stopped using this white years ago)

[Dec 17,2005 2:13pm - DomesticTerror ""]
it's the most beautiful guitar i've ever seen. we've been together forever...
[Dec 17,2005 4:57pm - DEATH2ALLNLI  ""]
hmm, I guess rev isn't gonna review us?
[Dec 17,2005 8:10pm - stonewalljackson ""]
soundguy at that place, upon seeing my bass rig: "dude, ive got a FULL stack back at my place. it fuckin ROCKS".

soundguy mics the drum set, placking almost every mic in justins way.

soundguy to the heuristic: "you guys are like WAY too loud. you should turn your amps around at the curtain so i can get a better mix".

me to soundguy: "can you leave the lights on between the songs?"

me to soundguy: "please leave the lights on".

me to soundguy: "hey, excuse me, i would really appreciate it if you didnt turn the lights off".

me to soundguy (giving up on lights): could you please turn up the vocals a bit?" (i get no response. i assume he cant hear me at all over our fantastically loud band)

soundguy after throwing shrapnels set: "at least we have good music BETWEEN the bands".

i think this gentleman needs his head slammed in a car door.
[Dec 17,2005 8:14pm - KeithMutiny ""]
stonewalljackson said:
soundguy after throwing shrapnels set: "at least we have good music BETWEEN the bands".

thats funny, i specifically remember Killswitch Enguage starting up as soon as we were done, he must have been confused...
[Dec 17,2005 8:33pm - succubus ""]
DEATH2ALLNLI said:hmm, I guess rev isn't gonna review us?

you don't really believe that now do you?

he made this thread while he was at the show...he came home worked on pics and had work stuff to do..we didn't get to bed till 4am...then we got up today..went out and we got back and he left shortly after...

he'll do it:spineyes:
[Dec 17,2005 8:36pm - RichHorror ""]
This place sounds like a class act all the way.
[Dec 17,2005 8:52pm - KeithMutiny ""]
this place has a lot of potential, as long as you phase out everyone involved in running it and let us do it.
[Dec 17,2005 11:59pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
If you guys want to fuck that faggot soundguy's shit up why don't you just find his profile on BSR or go to the next Palladium show?
[Dec 18,2005 3:55am - BornSoVile ""]
[Dec 18,2005 3:56am - BornSoVile ""]
[Dec 18,2005 3:57am - BornSoVile ""]
those lights give a wicked trippy effect, there are lots of pics like that.
[Dec 18,2005 5:07am - the_reverend ""]
teratism: their set was good, cause it was them, but sounded a little old. I think if the sound guy knew what he was doing it would have sounded awesome. first off, you all know that jay is now on drums for them. it's odd hearing them with live triggers. the above mentioned x 213 monitor fo rthe drums being messed up probably didn't help things. most of the time, all I could hear was the kick. good times seeing them back together and playing shows. towards the end, they played a cover (which I can't think of at the moment), but they had a girl (mailka?) come on stage with them to sing it with them. odd cause they usually don't have girls anywhere near them (see: whoremastry). sick voice, some band should snap her up. they were 10 minutes passed 10:30, but the lady running the place let them do another song.
[Dec 18,2005 9:54am - DEATH2ALLNLI  ""]
succubus said:DEATH2ALLNLI said:hmm, I guess rev isn't gonna review us?

you don't really believe that now do you?

he made this thread while he was at the show...he came home worked on pics and had work stuff to do..we didn't get to bed till 4am...then we got up today..went out and we got back and he left shortly after...

he'll do it:spineyes:

I knew he would
[Dec 18,2005 10:00am - DEATH2ALLNLI  ""]
the_reverend said:teratism: their set was good, cause it was them, but sounded a little old. I think if the sound guy knew what he was doing it would have sounded awesome. first off, you all know that jay is now on drums for them. it's odd hearing them with live triggers. the above mentioned x 213 monitor fo rthe drums being messed up probably didn't help things. most of the time, all I could hear was the kick. good times seeing them back together and playing shows. towards the end, they played a cover (which I can't think of at the moment), but they had a girl (mailka?) come on stage with them to sing it with them. odd cause they usually don't have girls anywhere near them (see: whoremastry). sick voice, some band should snap her up. they were 10 minutes passed 10:30, but the lady running the place let them do another song.

HAHA! good stuff, thanks Aaron! Actually we brought all the girls. Mallika has already been added to a yet to be named band. The cover was "Desperate Cry", by Sepultura.:doublehorns:
[Dec 18,2005 10:55am - i_am_not_me ""]
All you could hear was the kick? I couldn't hear the kick at all.

...don't usually have girls anywhere near them? So the Teratism Teen Girl Squad isn't a regular occurrence?
[Dec 18,2005 11:05am - DEATH2ALLNLI  ""]
i_am_not_me said:All you could hear was the kick? I couldn't hear the kick at all.

...don't usually have girls anywhere near them? So the Teratism Teen Girl Squad isn't a regular occurrence?

The Teratism Teen Girl Squad will be at all Teratism shows from now on! I like to think of them as our cheer leaders.... Next time they will have uniforms.... Black Thongs, White skin tight Teratism Baby doll t's, and pom poms that spray blood when they shake.
[Dec 18,2005 11:10am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
change the pom poms to fake boobs that shoot blood...and that's a money making scheme waiting to erupt
[Dec 18,2005 11:46am - i_am_not_me ""]
DEATH2ALLNLI said:i_am_not_me said:All you could hear was the kick? I couldn't hear the kick at all.

...don't usually have girls anywhere near them? So the Teratism Teen Girl Squad isn't a regular occurrence?

The Teratism Teen Girl Squad will be at all Teratism shows from now on! I like to think of them as our cheer leaders.... Next time they will have uniforms.... Black Thongs, White skin tight Teratism Baby doll t's, and pom poms that spray blood when they shake.

Nice. Make sure they're legal this time, though. :stupidflanders:
[Dec 18,2005 12:44pm - the_reverend ""]
SacreligionNLI said:change the pom poms to fake boobs that shoot blood...and that's a money making scheme waiting to erupt

that reminds me of the family guy where peter cheats the welfare system... and then buys chris fake boobs.
"dad, these are cool"
[Dec 18,2005 12:45pm - the_reverend ""]
i_am_not_me said:Nice. Make sure they're legal this time, though. :stupidflanders:

um.. but their little step sisters going to do?
[Dec 18,2005 7:27pm - mallika ""]
Thanks to terratism for having me perform "desperate cry" with them! Awesome show!
[Dec 18,2005 8:57pm - dwellingsickness ""]

You make a great mic stand
[Dec 19,2005 12:19pm - D2A-NLI  ""]
i_am_not_me said:DEATH2ALLNLI said:i_am_not_me said:All you could hear was the kick? I couldn't hear the kick at all.

...don't usually have girls anywhere near them? So the Teratism Teen Girl Squad isn't a regular occurrence?

The Teratism Teen Girl Squad will be at all Teratism shows from now on! I like to think of them as our cheer leaders.... Next time they will have uniforms.... Black Thongs, White skin tight Teratism Baby doll t's, and pom poms that spray blood when they shake.

Nice. Make sure they're legal this time, though. :stupidflanders:

Where's the fun in that?
[Dec 20,2005 8:46am - whoremastery ""]
all the girls are to young to get in our next shows
[Dec 20,2005 9:37am - D2A-NLI  ""]
thats why all age shows are good
[Dec 20,2005 9:39am - succubus ""]
aaron, i'm surprised no one in the band noticed...

[Dec 20,2005 9:46am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
wait huh, what

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