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From my friend who's teaching Korean kids

[Mar 31,2010 4:27pm - Wet Blanket  ""]
Koreans will be forced to do special labor in camps without toilets. They will have to break rocks with toothpicks covered in the juices of Bob Hope. He is a special envoy to our Lord. He will turn you to the truth of the good books like magazines.
[Mar 31,2010 4:47pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
well at least we know who "Wet Blanket" is now
[Mar 31,2010 5:22pm - ouchdrummer ""]
i really have no idea why... but i just read all of that.
[Mar 31,2010 5:30pm - Wet Blanket  ""]
I will shit on your face, with a special concentration on your eyes. Jesus will stand by me as you enter a world of shit. You may find peace in the reacharound.
[Mar 31,2010 5:36pm - aaron_michael ""]
this was an e-mail sent to me from a friend who's teaching 7-year-olds in Korea cool things that the kids i teach have done lately:

-called me all of the following: osama bin laden's mother baby gorilla african (a real insult here), dinosaur ears (?), osama bin laden's girlfriend, giant baby

-told me that i eat all of the following: osama bin laden's dung my own dung voldemort's dung (they don't know the word "crap" or anything)

-mashed a brown crayon on the floor and called it "dung" -made me a card that said "teacher, i'm harry. today is lost day, and i'm lost day too. love, harry."

-when asked to draw a picture of our school they instead drew: a thousand monsters a huge fire a picture of the american flag and the japanese flags on fire that said "japan american fuck die" a picture of me with horns

-asked me how old i was and believed me when i said i was 56 and i had been married five times and i eat children

-believed that my name was really jason

-and the number one thing they did this week was one boy who made a valentine card. on the front was a big pink heart. you opened it up and there was a huge picture of a middle finger and a caption reading "FUCK YOU!"

this is lulz
[Mar 31,2010 8:54pm - sxealex ""]
see the problem is that they must construct additional pylons
[Mar 31,2010 8:56pm - sxealex ""]
[Mar 31,2010 10:01pm - ArilliusBM ""]
I prefer Supply Depots or Colonies over pylons.
[Mar 31,2010 10:32pm - sxealex ""]

[Apr 1,2010 3:46am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
[Apr 1,2010 9:28am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
moar piglons?

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