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new grind/crusty punk (minus the lame political lyrics)

[Sep 25,2008 2:07pm - orgymf@work  ""]

shit quality demo tracks....
but they'll give ya a rough idea of what we're goin for
[Sep 25,2008 2:45pm - aril  ""]
this would be perfect for a wheelchair show
[Sep 25,2008 2:53pm - orgymf@work  ""]
[Sep 25,2008 4:22pm - RichHorror ""]
My sorta jams.
[Sep 25,2008 4:36pm - orgymf@work  ""]
Thanks Rich. glad ya dig it!
we should be ready to play shows in a little less than a month, so if R.D. ever wants to do a gig with C62, we are definately down.

we should try to put together a huge local grind/crust show.
Rampant Decay
Suffering Bastard
Channel 62

any other local crusties/grind bands that you think would be down?

[Sep 25,2008 4:38pm - orgymf@work  ""]
oh....bug jeff....see if you can make a Suffer Now reunion show part of this idea!
that would rule!
[Sep 25,2008 4:38pm - RichHorror ""]
We played with SB in RI a while back and right away they wanted to play a million more shows with us. Any show that I get to do blow off PA speakers when I'm supposed to be playing is cool with me.

Morne would be a good one, Armageddon just put out their demo. We played with them at the NEDF Pre-Fest. I dug the shit out of it, Jeff from Grief/Disrupt/Noosebomb/Slugpuncher is in it.
[Sep 25,2008 4:41pm - ouchdrummer ""]

RichHorror said: Any show that I get to do blow off PA speakers when I'm supposed to be playing is cool with me.

yet again Richhorror says something that sounds like it came out of my own mouth.

Orgy- I fucking dig you guys man, Scott's your vocalist right?
[Sep 25,2008 4:46pm - RichHorror ""]
haha, Suffer Now is dead forever. Jeff's barely in shape enough to go to the store these days, sadly.
[Sep 25,2008 4:48pm - orgymf@work  ""]
Rich - yeah, SB is cool shit
never heard Morne, i'll have to check em out....sounds cool as fuck.
either way, we should make this happen, i'll look into clubs, and see if i can get anything booked.

Jim - thanks dude...glad you're into it!
Scott wasn't on this recording....the mp3's that are up now is just drums and distorted bass.
Scott is our guitarist now, we should be recording some more demo tracks (with him on em) soon.

but vocally, it's one of those "everyone does some vocals" kinda bands.

the "2 songs" mp3 that's up right now, i do most of the vocals on actually.
[Sep 25,2008 4:48pm - ouchdrummer ""]
Rich-I think me and you have a date with the O'briens bathroom for your B-day. Or off a dumpster out back, or off a dead hookers ass.... I'll bring the candies.
[Sep 25,2008 4:49pm - orgymf@work  ""]

RichHorror said:haha, Suffer Now is dead forever. Jeff's barely in shape enough to go to the store these days, sadly.

really??? that fucking sucks,
i must have missed something.
what the fuck is wrong with jeff????
[Sep 25,2008 4:49pm - ouchdrummer ""]
Orgy-still interested in helping boarcorpse fill setup time?
[Sep 25,2008 4:50pm - orgymf@work  ""]
yes! when is the show??
[Sep 25,2008 4:53pm - ouchdrummer ""]
I am running the idea past the promoter right now, i will let you know for sure by tomorrow. Would be friekin hilarious.
[Sep 25,2008 4:54pm - orgymf@work  ""]
fucking awesome!!!
[Sep 25,2008 4:54pm - RichHorror ""]

orgymf@work said:
RichHorror said:haha, Suffer Now is dead forever. Jeff's barely in shape enough to go to the store these days, sadly.

really??? that fucking sucks,
i must have missed something.
what the fuck is wrong with jeff????

His back. The only musical thing he's planning on doing at all is coming to my birthday show.
[Sep 25,2008 4:55pm - ouchdrummer ""]
rich- you got a pm
[Sep 25,2008 4:56pm - orgymf@work  ""]
that blows.
i wonder how his back got fucked up.
it figures, he loses like two hundred pounds, and is in the worst shape ever....that is pretty gay.
[Sep 25,2008 4:58pm - RichHorror ""]
His back and neck have been fucked up forever.
[Sep 25,2008 5:01pm - orgymf@work  ""]
i was not aware.
something he never told me about.
i know when he first lost weight, he told me that the skin being so tight around his cheekbones hurt like hell.
[Sep 25,2008 5:30pm - Troll ""]
Definitely sounds like the guitarist of Spazz singing the gruff parts.
I fail to see where The Queers influence is.
Not bad though.
[Sep 26,2008 8:35am - orgymf@work  ""]
the queers influence is the lyrics.
our lyrics are 1-4 lines per song, yelled once, or repeated way too many times (like "i want cunt" or "tulu is a wimp")

vocally, i definately take from spazz, lack of interest, (early) napalm death
[Sep 26,2008 8:36am - orgymf@work  ""]
and of course, in most of our songs, i blast in the style that is typical in that type of grind (much more focused on back and forth bass drum and snare hits, not so much on shit like gravity blasts, or just playing as fast as possible)
[Sep 26,2008 12:20pm - orgymf@work  ""]
bump....(for anyone who hasn't listened yet.)
[Sep 26,2008 2:08pm - orgymf@work  ""]
[Sep 29,2008 11:02am - orgymf@work  ""]
genital wart (aka bump)
[Sep 29,2008 11:46am - Conservationist ""]
Squirty, pus-filled genital wart.
[Sep 29,2008 1:24pm - orgymf@work  ""]
such a sexy mental image
[Sep 29,2008 1:26pm - RyanPlegics ""]
I need to check this out.
[Sep 29,2008 1:29pm - orgymf@work  ""]
click the link at the top of the thread bro.

hope ya like it
[Sep 29,2008 1:38pm - RyanPlegics ""]
Yeah, just need to keep this thread near the top until I can get home in front of speakers!
[Sep 29,2008 2:03pm - orgymf@work  ""]
[Sep 29,2008 4:54pm - Lamp ""]

orgymf@work said:vocally, i definately take from spazz, lack of interest, (early) napalm death

I was gonna say Lack of Interest just because it sounds more like a dog barking while Spazz sounds more like a car horn.

Good tunes.
[Sep 29,2008 4:58pm - orgymf@work  ""]
yeah, the vocals vary from song to song.... but Lack of Interest is definately the number one influence on my vocal style in this band.

we have about a 17 song setlist now....so i have switched it up a little bit....but not that much

thanks dude...glad ya like it.
[Sep 29,2008 4:58pm - Conservationist ""]
[Sep 29,2008 4:59pm - orgymf@work  ""]

the band name is actually a movie reference.
[Sep 30,2008 9:52am - orgymf@work  ""]

Conservationist said:Squirty, pus-filled genital wart.
[Sep 30,2008 12:22pm - orgymf@work  ""]
[Sep 30,2008 4:42pm - orgymf@work  ""]
[Oct 1,2008 1:29pm - orgymf@work  ""]

orgymf@work said:-l-

[Oct 1,2008 6:18pm - RyanPlegics ""]
Awesome. More music, please.
[Oct 2,2008 11:01am - orgymf@work  ""]
glad ya liked it...
we're gonna be doing some better quality recordings soon, when those are done, we will definately post more mp3's
[Oct 2,2008 1:12pm - Conservationist ""]

orgymf@work said:the band name is actually a movie reference.

I'm a video illiterate... what movie?

I'm guessing They Live, but I haven't seen that in ages.

It's hard to sit still for video.
[Oct 2,2008 1:49pm - orgymf@work  ""]
[Oct 2,2008 3:51pm - Conservationist ""]

Still the best however:

[Oct 3,2008 9:15am - orgymf@work  ""]
yeah, that movie was ridiculous
[Oct 3,2008 9:58am - joey umbrella  ""]
sounds pretty fucking good orgy. we gotta do a show when we are ready
[Oct 3,2008 10:16am - orgymf@work  ""]
thanks joe! glad ya like it man.... i'd love to set a show up with both of our bands.

[Oct 5,2008 1:57pm - orgymfnotatworknotloggedin  ""]
shameless self plugging cont.

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