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Do you plan to vote on November 4th?

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[Oct 18,2008 7:12pm - samYam ""]
So, do you plan to vote?
[Oct 18,2008 7:21pm - archaeon ""]
i turn 18th on the 11th

[Oct 18,2008 7:29pm - josh_hates_you ""]
vote yes on #2.
[Oct 18,2008 7:34pm - ......  ""]
never have, never will. voting means nothing, didn't the last election teach us that?
[Oct 18,2008 10:53pm - succubus ""]
i can't..so no
[Oct 18,2008 11:48pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
no, because a republican vote dont matter in a state like mass.
[Oct 19,2008 12:02am - goatcatalyst ""]
Keep believing you have a voice and that you matter, plebians ;)
[Oct 19,2008 11:16am - Septic Mountain Fountain  ""]

corpus_colostomy said:no, because a republican vote dont matter in a state like mass.

nick, surely you realize your vote would matter on #2
[Oct 19,2008 11:57am - Conservationist ""]

goatcatalyst said:Keep believing you have a voice and that you matter, plebians ;)

That's the truth.

Still, I plan to vote -- and be well-armed
[Oct 23,2008 5:44pm - samYam ""]
[Nov 3,2008 7:09pm - samYam ""]
tomorrow folks!
[Nov 3,2008 7:27pm - grizloch ""]
yep, out of sheer boredom
[Nov 3,2008 7:31pm - SkinSandwich ""]
No. I am so tired of this presidential bullshit. Tired of the same old damn slogans, CHANGE THIS, AND CHANGE THAT". Anyone who thinks they are making a difference voting, or EITHER candidate will make a difference or "CHANGE" is just part of the herd.



All of this shit, in reality, is disgusting.
[Nov 3,2008 7:36pm - goatcatalyst ""]
I hope the Martians invade tomorrow and shoot us all with Muslim ray guns and America collapses.

PS- your vote doesn't count, faggot.
[Nov 3,2008 7:45pm - Lamp ""]
I'm much more tempted to vote in the NC senatorial election than the presidential one. Apparently the Democratic candidate accepted money from a group without knowing it was a "godless church" that wanted to keep government secular. The Republicans responded by calling this woman godless and saying a vote for her is a vote against God.
[Nov 3,2008 7:48pm - ddrummer ""]
i will not vote

and i will say nothing about the outcome

what happens will happen and i will have no part of it, forfeiting my vote forfeits my right to say anything about the result. i realize and accept this but all this is just so fucked.

in the words of rob brown

[Nov 3,2008 7:55pm - SkinSandwich ""]
[Nov 3,2008 8:01pm - Lamp ""]

SkinSandwich said:No. I am so tired of this presidential bullshit. Tired of the same old damn slogans, CHANGE THIS, AND CHANGE THAT". Anyone who thinks they are making a difference voting, or EITHER candidate will make a difference or "CHANGE" is just part of the herd.

Translation: I don't know anything about any candidate be it the two major ones or someone in a third party. To make myself look like the smart person in this scenario, I'll insult the intelligence of all those who plan to vote when in all reality, I will just be insulting myself through a thin veil in the process.
[Nov 3,2008 8:17pm - Whoremastery ""]

ddrummer said:

in the words of rob brown


[Nov 3,2008 8:38pm - DomesticTerror ""]
yeah, candidate x can't win in MA, so fuck voting on the decriminalization of marijuana or eliminating MA state income tax. it's not like any of those things would affect us...
[Nov 3,2008 9:30pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Decriminalizing pot is definitely not a top concern for this country.
[Nov 3,2008 10:24pm - pam ""]

josh_hates_you said:vote yes on #2.

I met my knit group (shut up) tonight and found out that every single one of them, from age 18 to mid seventies...smokes the reefer now and again.

That shit is as good as passed.
[Nov 3,2008 10:25pm - pam ""]
Oh and fuck yes I'm voting, I'm getting up early to do it before my morning class and then me and my camera and shooting the lines, the signs and the voters all day. Can't wait.
[Nov 3,2008 10:45pm - Lamp ""]

ConquerTheBaphomet said:Decriminalizing pot is definitely not a top concern for this country.


Do you know how much room would be freed up in jail? Do you know how much taxpayer money that would save? Do you also know how much money it would save to not make advertisements and programs against pot?
[Nov 3,2008 11:17pm - pam ""]

Lamp said:
ConquerTheBaphomet said:Decriminalizing pot is definitely not a top concern for this country.


Do you know how much room would be freed up in jail? Do you know how much taxpayer money that would save? Do you also know how much money it would save to not make advertisements and programs against pot?

Not to mention the whole CORI record thing for non-violent pot heads...nothing like trying to get an honest job and having the same mark on your record as a fucking pedophile!

Anything that lessens the strain on our jails, taxpayers, and otherwise law-abiding citizens is top priority for this country.
[Nov 4,2008 1:02am - CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY  ""]
I'm voting for McCain.
[Nov 4,2008 7:20am - Yeti ""]

ConquerTheBaphomet said:Decriminalizing pot is definitely not a top concern for this country.

let me guess, you have no part of marijuana so that means its not important except to a bunch of stoners man who just want, you know, to like smoke without worrying man? its an extraordinarily important fucking issue that does in fact directly affect you. decriminalization would show that this fucking world is advancing and seeing the faults behind some of their ancient policies. think, man.
[Nov 4,2008 8:15am - Lamp ""]
Not to mention anyone who's looked into the history of why it was banned in the first place knows it was banned on false pretenses and racism.

[Nov 4,2008 11:11am - SkinSandwich ""]
[sarcasm]Yeah, that is why I wrote that lamp.[/sarcasm]

I am just fed up with this whole thing, and tired of the sheep on tv acting like they are making a difference. I know the deal with both presidential hopefuls. Especially what happened with the voter rigging during the past elections, why should I, or anyone else for that matter believe votes really count for shit. It is all lip service to me.
[Nov 4,2008 11:38am - MillenialKingdom ""]

Yeti said:
ConquerTheBaphomet said:Decriminalizing pot is definitely not a top concern for this country.

let me guess, you have no part of marijuana so that means its not important except to a bunch of stoners man who just want, you know, to like smoke without worrying man? its an extraordinarily important fucking issue that does in fact directly affect you. decriminalization would show that this fucking world is advancing and seeing the faults behind some of their ancient policies. think, man.

Pot does not encompass anything relatively important. It's a plant you smoke. Either way, I don't care but I don't feel it's important.
[Nov 4,2008 11:45am - y_ddraig_goch ""]
fuck voting, nothing will change really. shits been the same since the federal reserve was created, president's just a puppet.

plus why waste hours of your day that you could be bettering yourself.

...though technically i'm just spending it online right now.

but obama's gonna win and not live up to his shit, don't get me wrong he'll be better than mccain...but don't look forward to better money or universal healthcare
[Nov 4,2008 11:47am - Lamp ""]

y_ddraig_goch said:plus why waste hours of your day that you could be bettering yourself.

Hours? I walked in, voted, walked right out. No line at all.
[Nov 4,2008 11:53am - darkwor  ""]
voting took 5 minutes. i ran over before work right after the polls opened, it seemed like there were people waiting in line for the polls to open because it was jammed for people trying to leave. i walked right in and out. if you think voting is a sham and a waste of time, let's see if america likes a dictator.
[Nov 4,2008 11:55am - pam ""]
Took me 10 minutes.
[Nov 4,2008 11:55am - the_reverend ""]
got there and back in 10 minutes.
[Nov 4,2008 12:04pm - Lamp ""]

MillenialKingdom said:Pot does not encompass anything relatively important. It's a plant you smoke. Either way, I don't care but I don't feel it's important.

You only replied to the vaguest of fucking replies (only made vague because everything that needed to be said was already said) and still had the gall to say pot was unimportant after all the information given to you. There's a reason for everything being brought up as an issue and they are all important because they all affect something.
[Nov 4,2008 12:14pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]

darkwor said:let's see if america likes a dictator.

you're just too complacent to see we already have one. the bank.

[Nov 4,2008 12:15pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
prediction: obama wins, does not live up to promises...only lasts one term.

or mccain wins and lives up to promises...country gets fucked over
[Nov 4,2008 12:19pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
the only thing Obama really promised was to make an effort to positively change this country. i believe he will follow through with that promise.
[Nov 4,2008 12:27pm - Lamp ""]
I believe the economy is too fucked for Obama to really do much whether he would want to or not.
[Nov 4,2008 12:58pm - W3 nli  ""]
a day of illusions and even more disillusions.
a day of pretending that your vote even counts.
a day of casting a vote more against one person than for another.
a day where the lesser of two evils sounds like a winning idea to you.
a day when the propagandists laugh and celebrate.
a day where you're fed an ugly log of shit yet pretend you've never been so satisfied.
a day of proving to the global tyrants that Americans are as dumb as you take us for.
a day of trading honest consciousness for media persuasion.
a day of illusions and even more disillusions.
a day of illusions and even more disillusions.
a day of illusions and even more disillusions.
a day of illusions and even more disillusions.
a day of illusions and even more disillusions.
[Nov 4,2008 1:01pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

Lamp said:I believe the economy is too fucked for Obama to really do much whether he would want to or not.

i cant disagree with that. however he can at least alleviate some of the problems before then.
[Nov 4,2008 1:23pm - RichHorror ""]
If Obama wins the last 8 years never happened, he's taking us all out of ice cream floats and rebuilding the towers with eye beams comprised entirely of the hopes and dreams of every man woman and child.
[Nov 4,2008 1:24pm - Sacreligion ""]
waiting at the verizon store took longer than voting.

i don't know if anyone read the fine print on question 2, but said law also changes the definition of possession to having THC in your system. I'm not quite sure if that opens a window to random drug screening by police, but it's on there.
[Nov 4,2008 1:26pm - Yeti ""]
would that mean you'd have to have over an oz of THC in your system?
[Nov 4,2008 1:27pm - Sacreligion ""]
haha maybe. i'm pretty sure i'd fail if that were the case.

i'm not sure why that's on there, but i feel a little off about it.
[Nov 4,2008 1:28pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

RichHorror said:If Obama wins the last 8 years never happened, he's taking us all out of ice cream floats and rebuilding the towers with eye beams comprised entirely of the hopes and dreams of every man woman and child.

i am a strong proponent of free ice cream.
[Nov 4,2008 1:29pm - Sacreligion ""]
"Barack Obama - Ice Cream and Eye Beams in 2008"
[Nov 4,2008 1:30pm - RichHorror ""]
Communist Socialist Israeli Terrorist Scum
[Nov 4,2008 1:34pm - Sacreligion ""]
On a strange side note, I was watching an episode of the X-Files last night and it was about a test the government was running by affecting television waves and brainwashing people into believing their worst fears. Mulder and Scully were scanning through tapes of broadcasts and I distinctly remember seeing what appeared to be a "McCain" banner from a time when he was running for the Senate.

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