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Do you plan to vote on November 4th?

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[Nov 4,2008 1:36pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Nov 4,2008 2:02pm - pam ""]
>College educated people know nothing!! Voting is dumb!!! RAHRAHRAHRAH

Then stay home. None of us give a shit.
[Nov 4,2008 2:06pm - darkwor  ""]

y_ddraig_goch said:
darkwor said:let's see if america likes a dictator.

you're just too complacent to see we already have one. the bank.

whatever. get off your ass and vote
[Nov 4,2008 3:12pm - pam ""]
No. Don't vote. If you're not smart enough to know why you should vote, I'd rather you keep your dumb ass home.
[Nov 4,2008 3:20pm - Aegathis ""]
This sucks, I cant vote, I never got to register to vote here and I dont have time to head back down to the cape today in time to do it. Oh well Ive been in and out of the country for the past several months so I hardly know what the hells going on any way :/
[Nov 4,2008 3:25pm - pam ""]
You wouldn't have been able to today anyway, Anthony. Registration were cut off like a week or so ago. Next time: absentee ballot!!
[Nov 4,2008 3:33pm - RichHorror ""]
[Nov 4,2008 6:11pm - DomesticTerror ""]

ConquerTheBaphomet said:Decriminalizing pot is definitely not a top concern for this country.

apparently it is to MA, cuz we're voting on it. not sure about the other 49 states. btw, i don't smoke pot.
[Nov 4,2008 6:24pm - W3 nli  ""]

[Nov 4,2008 7:19pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Yeti said:would that mean you'd have to have over an oz of THC in your system?

I sure hope it doesn't make voting with THC in your system illegal, or I may have made a boo-boo... *gulp*
[Nov 4,2008 7:37pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

W3%20nli said:


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