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today is a "spike's" day

[Jan 11,2009 9:03pm - Mess ""]
yup, i got the junyard dog and it made a hell of a journey through my bowels. my girl got the Texas Ranger and so did TomCWAF.
[Jan 11,2009 10:07pm - the_reverend ""]

niccolai said:

benny hillified FTW
[Jan 11,2009 10:23pm - Mess ""]
was this today you crazy fucker?
[Jan 11,2009 10:25pm - niccolai ""]
haha yea. within like 20 minutes of me saying I was gonna do it.
[Jan 13,2009 10:43am - SkinSandwich ""]
So what is the update Messy???
[Jan 13,2009 11:16am - BSV  ""]
i'm actually quite fond of the Patriot dog, which is basically a Texas Ranger but instead of BBQ is a spicy brown mustard. They've added new things to their menu, like isn't there now a Texas Sheriff or something?
[Jan 13,2009 11:23am - brian_dc ""]
in RI they have the RI Weenie Sauce Dog

it's fucking fantastic.

NY System dog but obviously huge and on a sub roll.
[Jan 13,2009 11:27am - Mess ""]

niccolai said:haha yea. within like 20 minutes of me saying I was gonna do it.

that was ballsy. i like yo style nucca!
[Jan 13,2009 11:30am - Mess ""]

SkinSandwich said:So what is the update Messy???

the update is, i liked the junkyard dog but i still think there's no comparison to the texas ranger dog. me and Tom drank a bunch of nips of whiskey and whatever else we had. that made the belly burn crazy. i got the meal with the curly fries and 2lbs. of salt. i tried being healthy once, for like 7er8 years. that shit's for the birds.
[Jan 13,2009 11:33am - brian_dc ""]
bennyhillified and sped up for the epic win
[Jan 13,2009 12:57pm - SkinSandwich ""]
GOOD TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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