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Aug 6 (Thu) - Metal Thursday LXIX: Nocturnum, Eternal Embrace, Baliset (ex-maudlin of the Well / Kayo Dot) & Avariel - Ralph's Chadwick Square Rock Club (Worcester, MA)

August 6th @ Ralph's - Metal Thursday LXIX: Nocturnum, Eternal Embrace, Baliset (ex-maudlin of the Well / Kayo Dot) & Avariel 21+ 9PM $5

[show listing]  _______________________________________
[Jul 7,2009 12:18am - MetalThursday ""]


[Jul 7,2009 7:27am - Yeti ""]
nice, haven't seen Nocturnum in a while.
[Jul 7,2009 8:18am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
isnt Dana (DS) in Baliset?
[Jul 7,2009 8:23am - boblovesmusic ""]
Dammit, I have to decide between this and Zoroaster... Grr, this looks awesome!
[Jul 7,2009 9:19am - sinistas ""]
Tom, yeah, Dana plays bass for Baliset. This is gonna rule.
[Jul 19,2009 12:27pm - MetalThursday ""]
[Jul 24,2009 3:14pm - BURZUMBLAACK ""]
Yeah, Baliset is awesome, somewhat of a supergroup!
[Jul 24,2009 3:15pm - RichHorror ""]

boblovesmusic said:Dammit, I have to decide between this and Zoroaster... Grr, this looks awesome!

[Jul 24,2009 3:16pm - MikeOv  ""]
ex-MotW? I may have to attend.
[Jul 25,2009 1:22pm - dreadkill ""]
DS and Baliset played the midway this past monday. baliset was awesome, so people should go see them at metal thursday.
[Jul 28,2009 1:37pm - Beorht-Dana ""]
bippity boppity BUMP
[Jul 28,2009 1:38pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Jul 28,2009 11:31pm - MetalThursday ""]
Nocturnum is playing a whole bunch of new songs at this from what I hear.
[Aug 2,2009 6:09pm - MetalThursday ""]
up - this week
[Aug 3,2009 5:33pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Aug 4,2009 3:19pm - Beorht-Dana ""]
Only two days away! Baliset is practicing tonight. Greg has been away for over a week and we need to get our shit together!
[Aug 4,2009 4:11pm - Aegathis ""]
Damn it, working one night this week and it just has to be this one.
[Aug 4,2009 9:10pm - MetalThursday ""]
I think I'm gonna jam the Baliset album again right now...
[Aug 4,2009 9:38pm - sinistas ""]
The Baliset cd is pretty cool - Black Light Moon tying it all together.
[Aug 6,2009 7:10am - MetalThursday ""]
[Aug 6,2009 9:57am - arilliusbm ""]
who is going, who is on the fence, and/or who needs a possible ride from the south shore
[Aug 6,2009 10:00am - boblovesmusic ""]
if I can go to the entire Friday Zoroaster show (might not be able because of the picking up of people from airport), then I'm coming to this. If not, I won't be.
[Aug 6,2009 10:10am - the_reverend ""]
I don't have my camera today.
[Aug 6,2009 10:15am - arilliusbm ""]

the_reverend said:I don't have my camera today.

You don't have a backup camera?
[Aug 6,2009 10:29am - the_reverend ""]
I have to clean them. I tried using them at mayhem fest and the pictures were all blurry. weird that you can't see the blurriness on the web shots
that one is all smeared looking on my computer.
[Aug 6,2009 10:39am - Yeti ""]
i don't know if i have any money, but if i do, i might just venture down.
[Aug 6,2009 10:41am - Yeti ""]
turns out i have a little bit of money. i'll venture across the thousands of miles of barren wastelands that separate my house from Ralph's.
[Aug 6,2009 10:46am - arilliusbm ""]
yetis don't need money. yetis barter with animal skins
[Aug 6,2009 10:48am - boblovesmusic ""]
yetis would just barge in without paying anything...
[Aug 6,2009 11:24am - Jumpin Jerk  ""]
Yetis go gay for jack links
[Aug 6,2009 1:36pm - boblovesmusic ""]
Ok it's official. I'm coming to this!
[Aug 6,2009 3:48pm - Rick Terror  ""]
[Aug 6,2009 5:29pm - boblovesmusic ""]
[Aug 6,2009 6:23pm - Samantha ""]
[Aug 6,2009 8:05pm - sinistas ""]
[Aug 7,2009 7:41am - MetalThursday ""]
Awesome show! As much as I enjoyed all the bands, the highlight of the night may have been the Crazy Dan / cute chick makeout action at the bar.
[Aug 7,2009 9:27am - the_reverend ""]
you concider yourself a cute metal chick now?
[Aug 7,2009 9:35am - Samantha ""]

MetalThursday said:Awesome show! As much as I enjoyed all the bands, the highlight of the night may have been the Crazy Dan / cute chick makeout action at the bar.

[Aug 7,2009 9:39am - boblovesmusic ""]
That was a great show! A nice change from the usual death/thrash/grind/black metals we usually get (not that I don't love those styles)! Some melodic, catchy, proggy stuff!

Avariel provided some melodic epic muscle, Baliset brought some hard rockin prog type music, Eternal Embrace slowed things down while keeping things symphonic and epic, and Nocturnum ended the night on a full frontal symphonic black metal burst! Indeed an awesome night!

God dammit Crazy Dan, I was eyeing that chick! haha
[Aug 7,2009 9:46am - sinistas ""]
I'm psyched that Baliset went over so well. I was worried that the MT crowd might not dig the lighter stuff.
[Aug 7,2009 10:11am - boblovesmusic ""]
I really enjoyed Baliset's set, but then again I'm a bit more open minded about metal than most people. I know one dude was like "I'm kinda disappointed by this. It's not really metal!" haha. I'd disagree, but I kinda see where he's coming from. It's nice to see MT taking some chances with certain bands!

Again, I loved the swirly guitars too!
[Aug 7,2009 10:15am - sinistas ""]
They really sit on the rock/metal line, so I understand that.
[Aug 7,2009 10:16am - boblovesmusic ""]
my only complaint is that there wasn't more swirly guitars.
[Aug 7,2009 10:46am - josh_hates_you ""]
I was supposed to get up for work 6 hours ago. apparently i got drunker than i thought.

avariel - liked the chicks vox they where rough in some spots. very after forever ish. guitar player played keys from time to time. sounded like they where playing along to a prerecorded keyboard track when he wasn't actually playing. maybe i was tripping who knows.

Baliset - not metal. fucking awesome. anyone who doesn't like this band for not being metal is a retard. then again i drove to and from the show rocking to tom waits so what do i know?

eternal embrace - too slow. somewhat boring. but that violin player was fucking amazing. violin definitely carried a lot of the music forward from the slow droning pace that was.

nocturnum - i like this band but they rely way too much on keyboards. more guitars please. other than that i was drunk and dancing my face off so i forget how that set went.

drunk chick making out with metal dan - although i missed the makeout session at the bar everyone is talking about i did see said girl passed out in a fetal position outside after with a large stream of puke trailing away from her face. I think someone said it was the same chick.
[Aug 7,2009 11:32am - I_am_not_me ""]
I wanted to go, dammit...but I was ridiculously tired from having to work way earlier than I should've had to. People getting fired sucks.
[Aug 7,2009 11:43am - boblovesmusic ""]
speaking of which, YETI WHERE WERE YOU!?
[Aug 7,2009 11:58am - gregbaliset ""]
i just wish it to be known that despite what you may or may not think...i do in fact eat metal and shit chains...

every day in fact
[Aug 7,2009 12:02pm - boblovesmusic ""]

gregbaliset said:i just wish it to be known that despite what you may or may not think...i do in fact eat metal and shit chains...

every day in fact

Just for the record, I was the dude who bought your album yesterday! Still haven't listened to it yet (at work grr), but I really loved your set! Swirly guitars ftw!
[Aug 7,2009 12:12pm - gregbaliset ""]

boblovesmusic said:

Just for the record, I was the dude who bought your album yesterday! Still haven't listened to it yet (at work grr), but I really loved your set! Swirly guitars ftw!

well i appreciate it greatly. =)
[Aug 7,2009 12:37pm - Beorht-Dana ""]
Good show! All the bands were cool and lots of people had nice things to say about us which I appreciate. I was digging Avarial, I second the After Forever comparison and add a smidge of Epica. Listening to the Avarial CD that I found on the floor right now. Whoever left it there is missing out!

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