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CNN asks "could you live on 39,000?

[Feb 23,2010 9:53am - arktouros ""]
everyone adjusts to their income. i'm lucky i paid for college up front, but as soon as i graduated i went out and got rid of my perfectly good dodge stealth and overpaid for a new car i could fit my drums in. my band room rent costs more than my apartment, between that, phone, insurance, drum expenses (i don't care what anyone says, drumming has by far the most continuous expenses), weed/food, credit card payments... it's impossible to save money. working out an excel budget helps, sticking to it is another matter. i have some side money to dump into a 403(b) and i'll be depositing every paycheck soon.

but i like spending money. traveling > saving. live your life now.

it sucks major balls to have 9,000 left of car payments on a car that's barely worth 3,000 now.
[Feb 23,2010 10:48am - Yeti ""]
i have no desire at all to save money, unless it's for something i want now. i think it's ridiculous to even consider retirement now, with how everything fluctuates so drastically i'm perfectly content in living for the now and crossing the bridges when i get to them. my dad saved his whole life and had his 401k raped during the fiscal crisis recently.
[Feb 23,2010 10:49am - Yeti ""]
plus, the less you have, the less can be taken when the economy collapses.
[Feb 23,2010 10:53am - slar you morbid?  ""]

arktouros said:i don't care what anyone says, drumming has by far the most continuous expenses


i like to analogize it to guitar players like so, "imagine if your guitar strings broke less often, but cost 200+ bucks to replace. each.

(and thats just for something that sounds halfway decent, i'll angle-grind half of the metal off my a series before i'll play a zxt)
[Feb 23,2010 10:58am - arktouros ""]

slar%20you%20morbid? said:i'll angle-grind half of the metal off my a series before i'll play a zxt)

yeah man...my 18" A projection crash has a 2" death sentence in it, and it was my favorite child. i have to buy 2 cymbals before the next show. fucking a.
[Feb 23,2010 11:55am - josh_hates_you ""]

arktouros said:it sucks major balls to have 9,000 left of car payments on a car that's barely worth 3,000 now.

[Feb 23,2010 11:56am - josh_hates_you ""]
i need cymbals too.......
[Feb 23,2010 12:07pm - xmikex ""]
I went to Bridgewater State College. Almost all the money I made from working part time during those 4 years went to paying off my loan interests and putting money towards my student loans. I still have years left on my loan payments that are the bane of my financial existence. I can't imagine what it must be like to be someone who actually went to a good school.
[Feb 23,2010 12:31pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i was trained well by my parents to live well on low income. fiscal responsibility ftw.
[Feb 23,2010 12:55pm - arilliusbm ""]
I just want to save enough money so I can own bar/venue/record store/brewery combo place.
[Feb 24,2010 12:01am - TheRidersofDoom ""]

arilliusbm said: I just want to save enough money so I can own bar/venue/record store/brewery combo place.

good luck paying the insurance, buying the licensing, paying off the mafia of mass, the government that is.

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