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The draft will start in 2005

[Jun 6,2004 2:53pm - Abbath ""]
i say just move to Norway with me!
[Jun 7,2004 4:35pm - iFuck ""]
the_reverend said:we just need to get more ignorant people from the south to go into the military I guess

no way man.. look at the civil war! if we left it up to them, we'd be fucked for life! all of us speaking ach ach-do-ko-click-click or some shit like that. fuck it.. if you get drafted (which wont happen) do your time like a man, get the job done and get your ass home safely!
[Jun 7,2004 4:58pm - dread_104 ""]
hoser, holy shit! you must have some stories
[Jun 7,2004 6:47pm - hoser ""]
There really isn't much to tell Dread...I did what I had to do. You get there, do your time, chew the same dirt that your forefathers before you chewed...and get home safe. It's never fun, it's never as glorified as you'd think it would be, but the pride lives on forever. That's all I have to offer you. And sure, I have stories.....but we'll save those for a time when I can sit down and drink a 5th of Jaeger with you assholes.
[Jun 7,2004 6:49pm - hoser ""]
By the way....iFuck is also a veteran, and a buddy of mine. Notice that we share the same asshole traits?
[Jun 7,2004 6:58pm - morkul ""]
How old are you Hoser? I work with a bunch of ex-Jarheads. All Desert Storm vets. My aunt is USMC. She's a Major. Last I heard she was stationed in PA. Me, I am a full on Military Brat. I am actually the first in my family to not join one of the Armed Forces.
[Jun 7,2004 7:28pm - the_reverend ""]
my forefathers never went to iraq to chew iraqi dirt.
they chewed on hash cubes.
[Jun 7,2004 7:34pm - hoser ""]
I'm 29 dude.....too fucking old. I was stationed at Camp LeJeune, NC. Rotated out in 1999. I was a Sergeant.
[Jun 7,2004 7:36pm - the_reverend ""]
I come from along line of laundry owners, vodka drinkers, and hippies.
[Jun 7,2004 7:38pm - powerkok ""]
I just shoot people from my window. I guess im lazy.
[Jun 7,2004 10:10pm - silky ""]
I wouldn't call you lazy. I'd call you a hero.

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