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Scaphism is signing autographs and taking your money now. DO NOT SUPPORT

[Jan 19,2012 2:38pm - Samantha ""]
[Jan 19,2012 2:41pm - black folks  ""]
"limited addition" lulz
[Jan 19,2012 3:15pm - Yeti ""]
above post is false. black folks can't spell, therefore cannot point out a spelling error.
[Jan 19,2012 3:26pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

black%20folks said:"limited addition" lulz

ya i've had this pointed out to me several times. typos happen. thing wont let me edit the section any more.
[Jan 19,2012 3:39pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

Samantha said:I'm way too poor to be able to donate any significant amount of money, but I have been meaning to buy a shirt from you guys. Do you still have the girlie ones that all the hipster boys love to wear?

yes we have "limited addition" hipster shirts available. what size should i put aside for ya?
[Jan 19,2012 3:48pm - josh_hates_you ""]
Attention black folks: amidoinitrite?

[Jan 19,2012 5:10pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Jan 19,2012 9:16pm - Samantha ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:
Samantha said:I'm way too poor to be able to donate any significant amount of money, but I have been meaning to buy a shirt from you guys. Do you still have the girlie ones that all the hipster boys love to wear?

yes we have "limited addition" hipster shirts available. what size should i put aside for ya?

... and in charge!
[Jan 20,2012 8:36am - xmikex ""]
'Elloooo? Scaphism world tour, open for beeznesss....
[Jan 20,2012 9:44am - burnsy ""]
This is a pretty cool idea. Good luck gents.
[Jan 20,2012 10:36am - Yeti ""]

xmikex said:[img]
'Elloooo? Scaphism world tour, open for beeznesss....

my kids need wine!

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