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Brutal Drummer ... Or WWE Luchador

[Aug 20,2004 2:51pm - honor4death ""]
[Aug 20,2004 2:54pm - powerkok ""]
DORK is the word u were looking for.
[Aug 20,2004 2:56pm - powerkok ""]
that guys sayin...Im a personal trainer by day, but at night I paint my face, but carefully not around the eyes, so that I can wash it off easily, and play on my sepultura sticker drum kit.
[Aug 20,2004 2:56pm - honor4death ""]
i remembered seeing that pic on the teratism site, and i was like...nelson definitly doesn't look grim...he looks more like....shit what do you call those flying mexican wrestlers on tv.....LUCHADORS
[Aug 20,2004 2:57pm - honor4death ""]
also...thats the drummer of teratism
[Aug 20,2004 2:58pm - powerkok ""]
which teratism??
[Aug 20,2004 2:59pm - honor4death ""]
massdeath teratism, they painted their faces to mock the other one..
[Aug 20,2004 3:00pm - assuck ""]
the good teratism from around here. they played that show w/ corpsepaint to make fun of the gay minnesota teratism
[Aug 20,2004 3:00pm - assuck ""]
[Aug 20,2004 3:01pm - powerkok ""]
honor4death said:massdeath teratism, they painted their faces to mock the other one..

hahahaha ok I was gonna say!!! Nice dig guys@!!!
[Aug 20,2004 3:17pm - Blue ""]
i thought thats how they always looked. its way more br00tal that way.
[Aug 26,2004 9:13am - Robdeadskin ""]
[Jul 29,2005 4:07pm - anonymous  ""]
too bad nell fucking quit i thought you were a pro band. looks like all yer shit talk did nothing but prove you are pussies who couldn't hack it. at least they tour and by the looks of things there are more than 3 sites that talk about them and not you. also by my count i have seen more reviews that are positive in their favor and people only discover you because of them. like satan and the church they are your best friends for having kept you in buisness this long....
[Jul 29,2005 4:17pm - the_reverend ""]
Account for domain massdeath.com has been suspended
[Jul 29,2005 4:25pm - BornSoVile ""]
woooo, message board warriors encountering a fierce battle of wittyness.
[Jul 29,2005 4:51pm - brian_dc ""]
now that we're talking about Teratism and I don't care at all about shittalking...Rob, how did you do in LA?
[Jul 29,2005 5:28pm - Whoremastery ""]
anonymous said:too bad nell fucking quit i thought you were a pro band. looks like all yer shit talk did nothing but prove you are pussies who couldn't hack it. at least they tour and by the looks of things there are more than 3 sites that talk about them and not you. also by my count i have seen more reviews that are positive in their favor and people only discover you because of them. like satan and the church they are your best friends for having kept you in buisness this long....

teratism has not gone anywhere, and have not lived in the shadow of the other teratism...get your useless opinion in check. After all they got their name from us thinking we were inactive...Just because a drummer has left..that means teratism couldn't hack it? Teratism is still in progress.. just shot a video and have shows lined up, and hopefully the same tour that was offered as long as we find the right guy...which we have found a few..... so pat yourself on the back for having no idea what your talking about.....and next time log in as somthing so people have more respect for you.

[Jul 29,2005 5:39pm - Whoremastery ""]
the_reverend said:Account for domain massdeath.com has been suspended

the account is still active and being paid for..there is some fuck up on there end...massdeath.com is just on some safari vacation in the world of the internet right now.
[Jul 29,2005 5:41pm - Whoremastery ""]
brian_dc said:now that we're talking about Teratism and I don't care at all about shittalking...Rob, how did you do in LA?

L.A. was awesome bro...good times!!! thanx for asking....now just workin on teratism..and whoremastery as of now...I will do it again next year and get back to L.A.
[Jul 29,2005 11:59pm - DomesticTerror ""]
anonymous said:too bad nell fucking quit i thought you were a pro band. looks like all yer shit talk did nothing but prove you are pussies who couldn't hack it. at least they tour and by the looks of things there are more than 3 sites that talk about them and not you. also by my count i have seen more reviews that are positive in their favor and people only discover you because of them. like satan and the church they are your best friends for having kept you in buisness this long....

hey dude, let us all know when yer dad stops violating the "good touch/bad touch rules. i guess years of him slamming that sweet puckered starfish between yer cheeks kinda made you a wanker...

[Sep 17,2005 3:57pm - anonymous  ""]
i couldn't care less about yer respect. I know you haven't gone anywhere and never will you go anywhere. OOOOOOO a video big deal. And the same tour? Must not be very big. And domesticterror seeing as you have vast knowledge of sodomy are you the pitcher or the catcher? My guess is you've tried both you tosser. And regardless of all the tom-foolery the Mn Teratism is still accomplishing more than you have no matter how long you've been active. You have 2 cds and a gay video. They're on their 4th full length have songs on 4 comp cds they have a split record coming out with another band and have completed their second tour. The've been to both coasts and everywhere in between not my fault you can't get it done
[Sep 17,2005 4:12pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
The MN Teratism is so successful that they hardly ever have to go stir up old messageboard crusades.
[Sep 17,2005 4:19pm - anonymous  ""]
I am not in the mn teratism just a fan I have met them twice. On their last tour. They played Long Island and Utica making those their 3rd and 4th shows in NY respectivley. I am just saying regardless of opinions of them they have done far more for the name then you clowns. They've played L.A. twice making that a total of 5 shows in California. They have simply gone more places and have made a larger impact in the metal scene than you and they will continue to do so
[Sep 17,2005 4:32pm - anonymous  ""]
Also I would like to add that they seem to have the support of the NYDM scene as their show in Long Island was booked by Pasqual the vice president of the NYDM who also bought them drinks after they played and was discussing further shows when I met them the first time and Will from Mortician was also there and seemed to know them quite well as he was hanging out with their guitarist Murder alot. So it seems the've impressed the right people
[Sep 17,2005 4:37pm - eddie ""]
anonymous said:I am not in the mn teratism just a fan I have met them twice. On their last tour. They played Long Island and Utica making those their 3rd and 4th shows in NY respectivley. I am just saying regardless of opinions of them they have done far more for the name then you clowns. They've played L.A. twice making that a total of 5 shows in California. They have simply gone more places and have made a larger impact in the metal scene than you and they will continue to do so

Well you're so nice to make the band look like a bunch of egotistical assholes, they should thank you.
[Sep 17,2005 4:44pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
well said
[Sep 17,2005 4:49pm - anonymous  ""]
That may be but you all have consistantly ragged on them making you look like whinning immature assholes so yer welcome And I am just stating facts whether you or they like it or not

[Sep 17,2005 5:09pm - anonymous  ""]
And further more it's obvious you are all egotistical you hypocrites. It's alright if you call 'em gay and all of this but low and behold if someone defends them then we are the assholes just shoot yerself
[Sep 17,2005 5:18pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I've never called them gay or made fun of them.
[Sep 17,2005 5:26pm - eddie ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:I've never called them gay or made fun of them.

[Sep 17,2005 5:36pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
eddie said:menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:I've never called them gay or made fun of them.


Same here, and I'm in the damn band.
[Sep 17,2005 5:57pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
It's unanimous then. We're a bunch of assholes who should just shoot ourselves.
[Sep 17,2005 7:27pm - babyshakernotlogged  ""]

wicked grim dreads and leather pants faggot
[Sep 17,2005 8:20pm - DomesticTerror ""]
only girls and clowns wear makeup.
[Sep 17,2005 8:42pm - KeithMutiny ""]
black metals gay
[Sep 17,2005 9:54pm - DomesticTerror ""]
anonymous said:i couldn't care less about yer respect. I know you haven't gone anywhere and never will you go anywhere. OOOOOOO a video big deal. And the same tour? Must not be very big. And domesticterror seeing as you have vast knowledge of sodomy are you the pitcher or the catcher? My guess is you've tried both you tosser. And regardless of all the tom-foolery the Mn Teratism is still accomplishing more than you have no matter how long you've been active. You have 2 cds and a gay video. They're on their 4th full length have songs on 4 comp cds they have a split record coming out with another band and have completed their second tour. The've been to both coasts and everywhere in between not my fault you can't get it done

looks like i hit a sore spot...

Are you under some moronic assumption that every band in the world has the intent or desire to "make it?" You can't be that stupid. If I wanted fame and fortune, i wouldn't be playing death metal. If MN Teratism is living their dream, great! I'm happy for them. I've got my own goals, and taking time off of work to drive to New Mexico to play some shithole isn't high on the list.
Also, i hate to break it to you, but not every person in the world is gonna like your favorite band.
Can you handle that? Will you find a way to go on with your life?
Apparently not, since you feel compelled to scour the internet and play messageboard warrior on their behalf. .

and i am officially done wasting my time with you. Get a life, you goon. turn off the pc, and go out and meet women. They're everywhere, talk to them.

[Sep 17,2005 9:57pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
that was fucking fantastic
[Sep 17,2005 9:57pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Fucktastic, even!
[Sep 17,2005 11:10pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
I like both Teratisms, I guess that makes me the odd man out.

[Sep 17,2005 11:12pm - Dissector ""]
Two thumbs up.
[Sep 18,2005 12:36am - anonymous  ""]
If you are so happy for them and you really don't care then why do you continue to berate them? I mean it's so consistant on this message board. You obviously care otherwise you wouldn't harp on them everychance you get.....And need I point out that you at one time wore the make-up to mock them.....So you've proven that you are not above being gay yerself
[Sep 18,2005 12:42am - mOe_RK ""]
isnt the other Teratism a BLACK METAL band?....'nuff said
and it doesnt matter how much you tour, hell any band could tour and play to 5 people every night...idiot
[Sep 18,2005 1:07am - anonymous  ""]
not any band can tour moron it's expensive and brutal and you make no money. And I can say that they had more than 5 people at their shows or at least the 2 i was at. An domestic terror you are a hypocrite you said yer hoping to do the "same tour" yet touring is not high on yer list obviously you want to make a dent somewhere other wise you wouldn't release yer stuff an' play shows
[Sep 18,2005 1:08am - anonymous  ""]
[Sep 18,2005 1:33am - eddie ""]
anonymous said:not any band can tour moron it's expensive and brutal and you make no money. And I can say that they had more than 5 people at their shows or at least the 2 i was at. An domestic terror you are a hypocrite you said yer hoping to do the "same tour" yet touring is not high on yer list obviously you want to make a dent somewhere other wise you wouldn't release yer stuff an' play shows

its called for fun jerk

oh yeah i forgot blackmetal

no trends
no fun
[Sep 18,2005 12:18pm - babyshakernotlogged  ""]
ahahah def no fun
[Sep 18,2005 12:54pm - DomesticTerror ""]
anonymous said:not any band can tour moron it's expensive and brutal and you make no money. And I can say that they had more than 5 people at their shows or at least the 2 i was at. An domestic terror you are a hypocrite you said yer hoping to do the "same tour" yet touring is not high on yer list obviously you want to make a dent somewhere other wise you wouldn't release yer stuff an' play shows

ok, i've found more time to waste. kick off is in 15 minutes...
i wanna do the same tour...? where do you come up with this shit? where does it say that? read the thread punk. i attacked you.
and i release shit and play shows cuz it's fun. Again, you're gonna have to brush up on those reading comprehension skills. They're kinda important, especially when you run your mouth.

(notice no response to the "talk to women" part...)

[Sep 18,2005 1:01pm - DomesticTerror ""]
anonymous said:If you are so happy for them and you really don't care then why do you continue to berate them? I mean it's so consistant on this message board. You obviously care otherwise you wouldn't harp on them everychance you get.....And need I point out that you at one time wore the make-up to mock them.....So you've proven that you are not above being gay yerself

I what? every chance i get? I think you're exaggerating here. the only one going out of their way for any of this bullshit is YOU.
Are you holding me accountable for what people on the east coast think of black metal? all of them? that's kinda a weak argument at best, don't ya think?
yep, make up one time to mock black metal. key word mock. again with the reading comprehension. it doesn't just apply to what i say. you have to understand what you, yourself wrote also.

[Sep 18,2005 1:02pm - DomesticTerror ""]
this is fun, but the pats game is on. talk later. i love you too.
[Sep 18,2005 4:32pm - Worm  ""]
way to grab an old thread fuckstick...I went to L.A., and im going to utica to play with vader..and im playing with mortican oct.2nd in queens....am I in the cool club now!?

Just wanna make sure we live up to your standerds of what a REAL musician's life should consist of...And what do you do??? Suck your favorite bands dicks?

Its to bad you cant deal with a shit stain in your underware...
[Sep 18,2005 4:38pm - KeithMutiny ""]
any band can tour.
[Sep 18,2005 4:39pm - KeithMutiny ""]
ps- black metal is gay, we all know that, no matter who you are.
[Sep 19,2005 10:21am - moe rk nli  ""]
Come on, Keith...what the fuck....Black Metal is so heavy, and brutal...and just goddamned interesting
For Shame! I will say "good day" to you, sir
[Sep 19,2005 12:12pm - RustedAngel ""]
[Sep 19,2005 5:32pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Pimpin' ain't easy.
[Sep 19,2005 5:36pm - scoracrasia ""]
I don't give a fuck about much, but why do I feel violated? FUCK OFF!!!
[Sep 22,2005 10:37pm - anonymous  ""]
whoremastery is in yer band yes? He said "we'll still do the same tour offered if we find the right guy" Shit stains in ones underwear is easily avoided with proper whiping techniques and a good diet. I shouldn't have to comment on talking to girls or as you put it women. I am currently dating a woman infact and a hot burlesque dancer at that. So l driving to play a shithole isn't high on yer little list but if you tour you would be driving to play several shitholes. What I do for a living shouldn't concern you however I will clue you in I have been the production manager for a night club for the last 4 years. A landmark of a night club I might add. We had Obituary and Napalm Death 2 weeks ago..We've had Overkill, Megadeth, Slayer, Cannible Corpse, Nile, Hate Eternal, Dimmu Borgir, Cradle of Filth and many others.....I've met and drank with most of 'em....Also our club can hold 2000 people in our main room and we have 2 other smaller rooms. So I end up talking with and drinking with hundreds of women in any givin week. Doesn't mean I sleep with them all but I have had plenty more opportunities than you I am sure....I have scene more shows than I can count and have made awesome contacts and never have I rubbed that in anyone's face no need.....So you may think what you want of me I won't lose any sleep over it. I saw MN Teratism and in my humble opinion they are killer. And by far the coolest thing about them is that I asked them what they thought of you guys and they simply said you guys do what you do and they do what they do and they could care less if there were 100 teratisms in the world either way you look at it no one will likely forget the name Teratism. Quite professional and not abrasive. They never once bad mouthed you at all and so I come here and find you all spouting off that they stole the name from you and all this blah, blah, blah.....Prove it. They've been playing since '92. When is it you started....And just because they had nothing on the internet doesn't mean jack shit....
[Sep 22,2005 10:42pm - DomesticTerror ""]
I wish I were you. really.
[Sep 22,2005 11:07pm - DomesticTerror ""]
Apparently, Rena is a lesbian.
[Sep 23,2005 4:01am - eddie ""]
anonymous said:whoremastery is in yer band yes? He said "we'll still do the same tour offered if we find the right guy" Shit stains in ones underwear is easily avoided with proper whiping techniques and a good diet. I shouldn't have to comment on talking to girls or as you put it women. I am currently dating a woman infact and a hot burlesque dancer at that. So l driving to play a shithole isn't high on yer little list but if you tour you would be driving to play several shitholes. What I do for a living shouldn't concern you however I will clue you in I have been the production manager for a night club for the last 4 years. A landmark of a night club I might add. We had Obituary and Napalm Death 2 weeks ago..We've had Overkill, Megadeth, Slayer, Cannible Corpse, Nile, Hate Eternal, Dimmu Borgir, Cradle of Filth and many others.....I've met and drank with most of 'em....Also our club can hold 2000 people in our main room and we have 2 other smaller rooms. So I end up talking with and drinking with hundreds of women in any givin week. Doesn't mean I sleep with them all but I have had plenty more opportunities than you I am sure....I have scene more shows than I can count and have made awesome contacts and never have I rubbed that in anyone's face no need.....So you may think what you want of me I won't lose any sleep over it. I saw MN Teratism and in my humble opinion they are killer. And by far the coolest thing about them is that I asked them what they thought of you guys and they simply said you guys do what you do and they do what they do and they could care less if there were 100 teratisms in the world either way you look at it no one will likely forget the name Teratism. Quite professional and not abrasive. They never once bad mouthed you at all and so I come here and find you all spouting off that they stole the name from you and all this blah, blah, blah.....Prove it. They've been playing since '92. When is it you started....And just because they had nothing on the internet doesn't mean jack shit....

why are you still talking?
[Sep 23,2005 10:00am - Robdeadskin ""]

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