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i challenge TurtleBoy to a trolling wa-- ...oh, who the hell cares?

[Jul 17,2017 2:39pm - grandmotherweb ""]
not like anyone reads this site anyway.


'Turtleboy’s founder, while he has been identified in previous news reports, again refused to speak to New Boston Post unless he was granted anonymity.' -- IT'S AIDEN KEARNEY, YOU GUYS!

'“The bottom line is that our bloggers are mostly a bunch of moms who want to say what everyone is really thinking but can’t because they don’t want a pack of SJW (social justice warriors) vultures to attack their families, call them racist, and harass them at work,” Turtleboy added.'

um.. yer mom is not "a bunch of moms", jock-face.


'The folks at Turtleboy Sports, who value their anonymity, have long contended that Aidan Kearney does not run the blog, but rather the company that monetizes the website.

That’s not what Kearney told Evan Lips at the New Boston Post, who wrote at length about Kearney’s troubles with Turtleboy Sports Facebook page suspensions. The Post, a conservative blog,
has it that Kearney approached them for an interview and, in the first draft of the story, which ran June 19, Kearney is on-record as the founder.

“Earlier this month, founder Aiden (sic) Kearney reached out to New Boston Post,” the original version, still available on Internet Archive, read.

But it didn’t stay that way.

Look at the story now, and it reads, “Earlier this month, the blog’s founder connected with the New Boston Post. He agreed to speak, on condition of anonymity.”'
[Jul 17,2017 3:10pm - GrandMotherWebMD  ""]
Time to take your meds
[Jul 17,2017 4:02pm - susurrate ""]
no idea what this is about but turtleboy sports is a kickass blog which exposes street trash and degenerates for the scumbags that they are.
[Jul 17,2017 8:26pm - Paul Hamkike  ""]
TIL that Turtleboy is liked by a faggot.
[Jul 18,2017 8:40am - Better Dead Than Ezra  ""]

susurrate said:no idea what this is about but turtleboy sports is a kickass blog which exposes street trash and degenerates for the scumbags that they are.

Tim Riley confirmed for bootlicker
[Jul 18,2017 9:30am - Grandmotherweb ""]
TurtleBoy doxxes anyone they don't like and harasses them for lulz, then pitches a hissy fit about their own anonymity.
[Jul 18,2017 3:55pm - grandmotherweb ""]
the only reason i even know that TurtleBoy exists is literally this forum, and the fact that they've been spamming a lot of burners lately.
this is what happens when you "poke the turtle", apparently.

[Jul 18,2017 4:00pm - grandmotherweb ""]
go on, then. troll me.

[Jul 18,2017 5:03pm - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:the only reason i even know that TurtleBoy exists is literally this forum, and the fact that they've been spamming a lot of burners lately.
this is what happens when you "poke the turtle", apparently.



"Once again, if you can show us a single blog in which we encourage violence or racism we will take the blog down forever. This offer has been on the table for quite some time now and we haven’t had any takers. Weird."

um... do you read your own posts, dude?


"one of our bloggers harassed underage kids, and then they got in trouble in school because of it" = not a problem somehow?

why, WHAT a lovely community of trolls we have here... say hello to RttP, your new best friend:

[Jul 19,2017 4:11am - Dept of hey guys whats going on here  ""]
I don't understand what is going on in this thread?

Fuck Turtle Boy, Fuck Grandmother web...and before he shows up Fuck kingdoucerstool.

grAte thread guys 1/100000hundred million billions.
[Jul 19,2017 11:58am - Grandmotherweb ""]
The turtle has been doxxing and spamming burners lately, for signing a petition against them.
Get doxxed, bro.
[Jul 19,2017 12:34pm - do not entry web  ""]
turning thread into bolt thrower

[Jul 19,2017 12:34pm - do not entry web  ""]

[Jul 19,2017 12:35pm - do not entry web  ""]
bolt thrower, a good musics. i feel support of the scene. good day

[Jul 19,2017 4:38pm - grandmotherweb ""]
sign this petition about it:


[Jul 19,2017 5:45pm - grandmotherweb ""]

'CUCKIN IT UP: If I may take this remaining space to respond to my first turtling, as some have come to call it… The semi-anonymous author of Turtleboy Sports took to his blog last week to blast Worcester Magazine for…
something… after our editor, Walter Bird, called the website fake news or whatever on a TV show. It’s pretty hard to make out what Turtleboy was trying to say, but, in the post, the author hides behind his anonymity
to hurl some really creative insults my way. Get this – he called me “Buttmunch Billy Shaner” and said I look like a “JV Apostle.” Like wow dude, I also went to middle school. You should the read the post though.
It’s a wonderfully manic tirade of insults that could only come from the hurried keystrokes of a Very Triggered Person. Butthurtness unmatched by the purest of snowflakes.'
[Jul 20,2017 1:28pm - grandmotherweb ""]

is anyone seriously moderating this shitshow?

[Jul 20,2017 2:30pm - susurrate ""]
"a forum so vile"


[Jul 20,2017 10:04pm - The Kitchen Hutch of Satanski  ""]

grandmotherweb said:http://turtleboysports.com/guy-who-posted-...business-page-with-negative-reviews

is anyone seriously moderating this shitshow?


I don't see anyone being trolled to sucided on this thread so why would you promote something that is not clearly happening unless you have feeled triggered lately which would make sense seeing as you got rkt in that shit storm thread.

DiD you hope they would come in troves to post here? Apparently not, also who the fuck is turtle boy sports, I wouldn't waste my fucking time looking up that garbage so just explain it in your response that will include possibly....

a meme of some douche from the douche of satans anus church
a meme of yourself douching yourself because your a douche
a link to some douche editorial like 100 people read
a screen capture of some faggot conversation you had with some straights that are complete faggots
some more memes
or something really stupid.

[Jul 21,2017 8:51am - Grandmotherweb ""]
yes, I totally expect turtleriderz to show up here in droves, because they have nothing better to do.

I'm ready for my close-up, Mr. Kearney: just add my name to the list of "Boston burner cult" "circus freaks" who don't like the way you look or something.
[Jul 21,2017 11:42am - anonymous  ""]
Hahaha @ anyone who thinks this site is still relevant for trolling. You're a little late to the party, Charlotte.
[Jul 21,2017 11:52am - grandmotherweb ""]
ooh, look: more butthurt against anyone who signs the TurtleBoycott petition. when do i get my close-up, Mr. Kearney?


'I’ve only recently become aware of the event you’d like to hold in Lancaster next month, which sounds interesting. I am writing because I was contacted by someone who was concerned that your event is advertising on a local racism/hate blog called “Turtleboy Sports.” I tried to confirm this myself and did see that you’ve linked to that blog from a Facebook page, and I saw that the Turtleboy blog wrote an article about your event. Is it correct that your event is a sponsor of the Turtleboy blog? If so, I’d like to know more about why you’ve picked that demographic in particular and how it ties into your event. I’d like to apologize in advance if this is a misunderstanding.

Thank you,
Russell Williston'

'of course he calls Turtleboy a “local racism/hate blog,” which of course is libelous because Turtleboy has never, ever promoted racism. Ever.'


"amputate illegal immigrants!"
[Jul 21,2017 11:57am - grandmotherweb ""]
"Since he apparently sees nothing wrong with harassing people at their work, which has nothing to do with them, then he would probably see nothing wrong with large groups of people calling his work and letting them know what a corrupt, bullying liar he is."

oh, TurtleBoy... and where is it that you do your "work", exactly? yer mom's basement?

[Jul 21,2017 2:42pm - Are you confused  ""]
Are you confused to who you are replying too. I don't believe any of the last 2 posters have mentioned they are turtle boy fuck bois.

Again, Turtleboy is lame and YET AGAIN you are fucking cunt complaining about more garbage.

Go light your anus on fight you fake fucking SJW snowflake, in fact go suck on turtleboys fuck bois cocks in a huge bukkake party.
[Jul 22,2017 12:06am - Rttp Africa  ""]
Intu nobo

Weeb weeb
[Jul 22,2017 3:45pm - grandmotherweb ""]
"Yup, they’re now engaging in organized campaigns of harassment. Something they claim we do, which allegedly is beneath them. But of course we know there is nothing these gutterpumps won’t do when they don’t get their way. Nothing is too low for them. Nothing."

"This coming from a group of Internet thugs who hate Turtleboy because we use anonymity. The hypocrisy of these ding dongs never gets old."


TurtleBoy cyberstalks burners and threatens to rape and murder them, as well as destroy their businesses, if they so much as give TBS the side-eye, let alone report them for blatant harassment.


"We had a bunch of local boobs call in today to talk with the Turtle, so feel free to call in at 508-799-7453 if you wanna yell at us. Should make for good radio."

oh, i'll bet.

hey, FertileBoi...

whatever you do, do NOT invade my Facebook and/or Tumblr page and share your thoughts on my tactics. please. i beg you..


[Jul 22,2017 4:21pm - grandmotherweb ""]


'Kearney told the few people that approached him that he continues to receive death threats for his association with the blog.

"Why would I go in there to just get this?" said Kearney, indicating the people who were yelling things at him and questioning the blog.

Kearney eventually retreated to his car.'

you'll retreat further than that, by the time we're done here.

[Jul 22,2017 5:17pm - Old News  ""]

grandmotherweb said:http://www.masslive.com/news/worcester/ind...aidan_kearney_subjects_of_turt.html


'Kearney told the few people that approached him that he continues to receive death threats for his association with the blog.

"Why would I go in there to just get this?" said Kearney, indicating the people who were yelling things at him and questioning the blog.

Kearney eventually retreated to his car.'

you'll retreat further than that, by the time we're done here.


Old News. Please fuck off and make a personal blog to deal with your insane banter.
[Jul 22,2017 8:49pm - Grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:

hey, FertileBoi...

whatever you do, do NOT invade my Facebook and/or Tumblr page and share your thoughts on my tactics. please. i beg you..


[Jul 22,2017 10:43pm - Law & Order  ""]

[Jul 23,2017 3:28pm - grandmotherweb ""]
^ yawn

the satanic temple tried that already. didn't work out for them, either.

Lady%20Adrian%20Dangerous said:
grandmotherweb said:TST just called the cops on me for trolling them

* experiences sudden wave of enthusiasm and sympathy for the police

grandmotherweb said:ambulance: *leaves without me in it*
cops: *awkward silence*
me: "so.. do you want me to light you on fire, or...? 'cause i have waivers for this."
cop #1: "maybe when the weather's nicer."
me: "why don't you head over to 64 Bridge St. in Salem and tell them that filming without consent at a rape survivors' conference is highly illegal?"
cop #2: "we'll see what we can do."
cop #1" "have a good day."

grandmotherweb said:[img]
[Jul 23,2017 3:33pm - grandmotherweb ""]


would you like a Pepsi with that?
[Jul 23,2017 9:51pm - Grandmotherweb2  ""]
[Jul 25,2017 4:03pm - grandmotherweb ""]

'Only recently, no one dared to “poke the turtle,” lest an army of “Turtleriders” bully them through phone calls, fake profiles, threats, and so on...

The real problem is the Internet trolls, those who will attack you or “dox” you for voicing a dissenting opinion.'

hey, turtle-fuckers, check this out:

[Jul 25,2017 4:45pm - grandmotherweb ""]
[Jul 26,2017 5:26pm - grandmotherweb ""]

^ to no one's surprise, this rabid attack dog is a pre-existing member of the Satanic Temple.
[Jul 26,2017 5:40pm - grandmotherweb ""]
this business supports TurtleBoy. according to #PizzaGate logic, the triangle in their logo means they are pedophiles. #CheckTheBasement !!

[Jul 27,2017 5:31pm - grandmotherweb ""]
how many times to i have to tell you people, seriously?

[Jul 27,2017 6:15pm - Clinical Diagnosis  ""]
^ Mentally Retarded
[Jul 29,2017 5:29pm - Grandmotherweb ""]

[Aug 2,2017 5:23pm - grandmotherweb ""]

Grandmotherweb said:TurtleBoy got me suspended from FB for a week, for telling their trolls repeatedly to kill themselves. Guess they didn't like that...

Oh well, I'll just have to post on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, and this forum instead.

the offending post that broke the camel's back was as follows: "TurtleBoy Sports fans are all Nazi rapist scum. kill yourselves immediately."

(present company on this forum excluded, of course)
[Aug 3,2017 12:42am - TRVVVVVTTTHHH  ""]
[Aug 3,2017 1:26am - Local_Newscaster  ""]
Local unhinged twat reinforces stereotypes about liberal ideologues and gives Turtleboy more fuel to feed his followers. More at 11.
[Aug 3,2017 8:16am - Victim of Wal-Mart Changes  ""]
Word on the street is the boycott has TB / Aidan Kearney flailing at any available target. They got caught leaving former advertisers' names on their site after said businesses requested they be taken down, so clearly they're in damage control mode.
[Aug 3,2017 11:41pm - Grandmotherweb ""]
they leave lots of things on their site after the rightful owners requested they be taken down. like my friends' home addresses.

I straight up dared them to do to me what they did to my friends, and are still doing today, because they would literally throw a toddler under a bus, at this point, to save themselves.

good luck with that, precious
[Aug 4,2017 6:50pm - Grandmotherweb ""]
some people have proactively un-friended me on FB, just so that TurtleBoy will not target them by association.

because everyone knows that blog ruins lives for money. may it end with me. (not much they can ruin, anyway...)
[Aug 5,2017 12:34pm - Grandmotherweb ""]
while flailing at any available target, they seem to be focusing on "human interest" stories about dead dogs and kidnapped kitty-cats.
though the latter might still get them sued by the subject who was doxxed based on hearsay, and wants her picture taken down.

best of luck to ya!
[Aug 6,2017 10:45am - Yeah  ""]
I'm sure turtle boy is the reason people are unfriending you...
[Aug 6,2017 2:17pm - Grandmotherweb ""]
yes, because I challenged them to a trolling war, and they dox people for fun.

am I not a juicy enough target for them?
is it really necessary to fuck with random people on my friends list, because TB is afraid of me?
[Aug 6,2017 2:39pm - Grandmotherweb ""]
I am everything TB hates: a well-educated, female-bodied, bisexual genderqueer with multiple personalities, living on disability for mental illness.
I even had an IndieGoGo a while back, when I was waiting for my first check to come.

they doxxed my friends in the burner community, just for disagreeing with them on the internet.
they shut down DIY venues for spite, because they're jealous of our parties -- which they are not invited to, because they're all mindless, rapist scum.
they joke about gang-raping a 13yo "skank" they saw on TV, then get very triggered by "feministos" talking about "rape culture".

ever been gang-raped?

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