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i challenge TurtleBoy to a trolling wa-- ...oh, who the hell cares?

[Feb 11,2019 7:50pm - nobody cares  ""]
better than yours did. Because you are a girl. Born a female and will always be a female. Even though you apparently stuff your striped up undies in dude's backpacks to show affection. So damned weird. Heard about that one.
[Feb 11,2019 8:22pm - grandmotherweb ""]
you just made all that crap up for attention. I have multiple personalities of various genders, and our system as a whole identifies as genderqueer.

say hi to your mom for me.
[Feb 11,2019 8:24pm - A reasonable person  ""]

grandmotherweb said:you just made all that crap up for attention. I have multiple personalities of various genders.

[Feb 12,2019 7:53am - nobody cares  ""]
Why would I make up something for attention? That sounds pretty stupid to me me. I'm only saying what I heard. Something with you hiding your underwear or something and that they had shit stripes in them. As far as your gender personalities are concerned, that is such absolute horse shit. Moods are not the same as personalities. You're a female, whether you like it or not. Millions of years of biology can't be wrong.
[Feb 12,2019 11:01am - grandmotherweb ""]
you do not have the capacity to understand millions of years of biology. you just made all that crap up for attention.
[Feb 12,2019 11:02am - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:'Intersex variation (IV) is a morphological and physiological anomaly where an individual is born with “congenital conditions in which development of chromosomal, gonadal, or anatomical sex is atypical”. In essence, the reproductive organs differ from those typically associated as being male or female.'


[Feb 12,2019 11:15am - grandmotherweb ""]

"Modern neuroimaging techniques have demonstrated that DID is real: in a 2014 study, doctors performed functional brain scans on both DID patients and actors simulating DID. The scans of the actual patients displayed clear differences when compared to those of the actors, showing that dissociation has an identifiable neural activity fingerprint. [...]

There is also compelling clinical data showing that different alters can be concurrently conscious and see themselves as distinct identities. [...]

The massive literature on the subject confirms the consistent and uncompromising sense of separateness experienced by the alter personalities. It also displays compelling evidence that the human psyche is constantly active in producing personal units of perception and action that might be needed to deal with the challenges of life."
[Feb 12,2019 4:29pm - nobody cares  ""]
you need attention...but nobody cares
[Feb 12,2019 5:10pm - grandmotherweb ""]
you care enough to keep giving me your attention. I must take up a lot of space in your head.
[Feb 13,2019 8:51am - nobody cares  ""]
nobody cares
[Feb 13,2019 9:01am - grandmotherweb ""]
hello, TurtleBoy
[Feb 13,2019 9:57am - Attention whore detector  ""]
Beep beep beep
[Feb 13,2019 11:52am - Juuuussst curious  ""]
Since you put all this personal info on here I figured it would be OK to ask, and you don't have to answer if the question is offensive, buuut

If you are involved in relationships do some of your personalities date men and others date women and some of them just play the field? Or are all of your identities in relationship to the same person?

Probs someone will troll you whatever you answer, I am just a curious, and you don't have to answer.
[Feb 13,2019 12:25pm - grandmotherweb ""]
some are more attracted to men than women or vice versa, but our system as a whole is bi/pansexual and polyamorous. goes with the kink territory.
[Feb 13,2019 5:26pm - nobody cares  ""]
hope you're not into kink, you look like a pre-fucked tire
[Feb 13,2019 5:27pm - nobody cares  ""]
you also look like you smell. we're you the smelly kid in school?
[Feb 13,2019 7:01pm - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:[img]
[Feb 13,2019 10:57pm - Juuuussst curious  ""]

grandmotherweb said:some are more attracted to men than women or vice versa, but our system as a whole is bi/pansexual and polyamorous. goes with the kink territory.

Do issues of jealously come up in the relationships?
[Feb 13,2019 11:45pm - grandmotherweb ""]
oh, yeah. individual alters will monopolize time in the body around certain people and act out for attention, much to the chagrin of the others. one particularly troublesome alter is not allowed out at shows EVER.
[Feb 14,2019 12:30am - Juuuussst curious  ""]
Do partners love one personality, and hate the other?

Sounds complicated, but surely never dull!

My guess is that all the personalities need to become friends and get along to function coherently so you don't have them sabotaging each other
[Feb 14,2019 7:34am - nobody cares  ""]
oh my God.....hahahahahaha.
[Feb 14,2019 12:38pm - grandmotherweb ""]

Juuuussst%20curious said:My guess is that all the personalities need to become friends and get along to function coherently so you don't have them sabotaging each other

indeed. it sucks when alters don't communicate or forget things, or when one of them commits to plans that the others don't agree with. it leads to a lot of strained relationships.
[Feb 14,2019 2:31pm - nobody cares  ""]
This is so edgy like you know melting candle wax on your boobs....so edgy.

Imagine if that lady had immediate and explosive diarrhea and charlotte had the flame next to her asshole and it spended itself onto her but the methane is enough to ignite charlotte. Oh wow what a doozy that would of been.
[Feb 14,2019 7:37pm - grandmotherweb ""]

Grandmotherweb said:

[Feb 15,2019 5:11am - Fer fucks sake  ""]

nobody%20cares said:This is so edgy like you know melting candle wax on your boobs....so edgy.

Imagine if that lady had immediate and explosive diarrhea and charlotte had the flame next to her asshole and it spended itself onto her but the methane is enough to ignite charlotte. Oh wow what a doozy that would of been.

Sounds like you've got a scat fetish.
[Feb 15,2019 7:42am - nobody cares  ""]

grandmotherweb said:
Juuuussst%20curious said:My guess is that all the personalities need to become friends and get along to function coherently so you don't have them sabotaging each other

indeed. it sucks when alters don't communicate or forget things, or when one of them commits to plans that the others don't agree with. it leads to a lot of strained relationships.

hahahahahahaha....this is such incredible bullshit.
[Feb 15,2019 10:35am - grandmotherweb ""]
hello, TurtleBoy. say hi to the police for me.
[Feb 16,2019 7:48am - nobody cares  ""]
this is NOT turtleboy, so I'll say hi right now. Hello police!!! it's funny how you use the police to threaten anyone when you talk shit about them every other time. I can tell you from experience, that I don't even know who the fuck turtlefuck is, nor do I care. the only thing that i know is that it's some stupid blog and I don't read blogs. I read real news.
[Feb 16,2019 10:42am - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:hello, TurtleBoy.
[Feb 16,2019 1:58pm - Longtimemember  ""]
I'm just a guy that has been a member here for FAR longer than you, pointing out to you that what you constantly rant about is nonsense. You just cut and paste garbage with not a single coherent argument of your own. It's all hogwash. You don't have multiple personalities, those are called "moods". If that's the case, then we all as a species have multiple personalities. If your "personalities" don't agree with plans that you made on a specific night, that is called "having second thoughts" or "changing your mind". Your "non-binary" thoughts of human identity is called "I feel like wearing a T-shirt today instead of a bikini top". Quit it with your attention grabbing garbage and act like a productive member of society. Nobody cares about your constant need for attention and need "to be different". Seriously, nobody gives a shit. Swallow your humble pie and understand that you are human, just like the rest of us. Fuck me, you are nothing more than a girl who desperately cries for attention, and only gets it after annoying the shit out of everyone on the internet in the hopes that she will get a single response to anything that she writes. Take a break. Maybe travel (if your SSI paycheck will allow for that. Otherwise, maybe get a job like the rest of us), or find joys in life outside of your fetish for defending every weirdo right that you can come up with. You see, as a LONG time member here, I still come here to find new bands that I haven't heard about, or to laugh at the trolling. You however, have pushed it beyond that. You have an agenda that you are either trying to force on everyone, or a serious mental disorder that is far above and beyond your claimed DID problem. If you want to be an activist, here is not the place to do so. Smearing those that do not agree with you is no way to seriously debate anything. Grow up, and do a LOT of it, because the world is a nasty place. Your issues are very insignificant in the grand scheme. Be yourself, and leave the rest of us alone. We already choke on enough shit in our own lives.
[Feb 16,2019 3:53pm - grandmotherweb ""]

Longtimemember said:You have an agenda that you are either trying to force on everyone, or a serious mental disorder that is far above and beyond your claimed DID problem.

like what, pray tell? I didn't realize there were so many armchair therapists on this forum.

next you'll be trying to prescribe medication.
[Feb 17,2019 12:37am - TST REPREZENT CREW  ""]

Longtimemember said:I'm just a guy that has been a member here for FAR longer than you, pointing out to you that what you constantly rant about is nonsense. You just cut and paste garbage with not a single coherent argument of your own. It's all hogwash. You don't have multiple personalities, those are called "moods". If that's the case, then we all as a species have multiple personalities. If your "personalities" don't agree with plans that you made on a specific night, that is called "having second thoughts" or "changing your mind". Your "non-binary" thoughts of human identity is called "I feel like wearing a T-shirt today instead of a bikini top". Quit it with your attention grabbing garbage and act like a productive member of society. Nobody cares about your constant need for attention and need "to be different". Seriously, nobody gives a shit. Swallow your humble pie and understand that you are human, just like the rest of us. Fuck me, you are nothing more than a girl who desperately cries for attention, and only gets it after annoying the shit out of everyone on the internet in the hopes that she will get a single response to anything that she writes. Take a break. Maybe travel (if your SSI paycheck will allow for that. Otherwise, maybe get a job like the rest of us), or find joys in life outside of your fetish for defending every weirdo right that you can come up with. You see, as a LONG time member here, I still come here to find new bands that I haven't heard about, or to laugh at the trolling. You however, have pushed it beyond that. You have an agenda that you are either trying to force on everyone, or a serious mental disorder that is far above and beyond your claimed DID problem. If you want to be an activist, here is not the place to do so. Smearing those that do not agree with you is no way to seriously debate anything. Grow up, and do a LOT of it, because the world is a nasty place. Your issues are very insignificant in the grand scheme. Be yourself, and leave the rest of us alone. We already choke on enough shit in our own lives.


[Feb 17,2019 11:00am - Reclining chair therapist  ""]
Hey folks. Some day. On your deathbed. You will remember how you talked to eachother on this forum. You will feel guilty and sad. So please be nice to each other.

also, this may not be the best forum to seek emotional support from. You may find better support on 4chan, or on tumblr, or on therapy.com, or from a Chinese paper writing help company, but RTTP is not such a good place for emotional support.

Be kind to each other and be kind to yourself.

And if therapy, medication, and Chinese paper writing companies fail to help you. Just drink and sing sad tales to the world from the subway about the pain in your soul.
[Feb 17,2019 11:09am - grandmotherweb ""]
this forum makes Twitter look like a 12-step meeting. please never change.
[Feb 17,2019 12:51pm - nobody cares  ""]
12-steps to finding out that there are only 2 genders, despite what your friends believe. 12-steps to stop thinking that anyone that thinks you're a moron is turtlefart.
[Feb 17,2019 3:08pm - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:'Intersex variation (IV) is a morphological and physiological anomaly where an individual is born with “congenital conditions in which development of chromosomal, gonadal, or anatomical sex is atypical”. In essence, the reproductive organs differ from those typically associated as being male or female.'


[Feb 17,2019 5:26pm - nobody cares  ""]
[Feb 17,2019 5:40pm - grandmotherweb ""]
that's peer-reviewed scientific research. some teacher you are.
[Feb 19,2019 7:13am - nobody cares  ""]
wow...peer reviewed.....that sounds expensive.

still, nobody cares.
[Feb 19,2019 12:04pm - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:hello, TurtleBoy.

does the existence of intersex, transgender, and nonbinary people interfere with your illegal business of betting on high school and middle school sports games?

I sure hope so!
[Feb 20,2019 5:52pm - nobody cares  ""]
I'm trans turtleboy, known as transnobodycares. I wish to be identified as such. Also, I'm not turtleboy you mentally ill idiot.
[Feb 20,2019 10:47pm - Pepperidge Farm  ""]
Remember when grandma thought every troll was the satanic temple? Now she thinks they're all turtleboy. Like turtleboy or tst would post on this piece of shit forum.
[Feb 21,2019 1:25am - grandmotherweb ""]
Aiden Kearney is secretly trans
[Feb 21,2019 7:38am - nobody cares  ""]
Guess what?
[Feb 21,2019 5:06pm - nobody cares  ""]
I'll give you a hint. It rhymes with "oboday care". It begins with an "N" and ends with an "s".
[Feb 21,2019 10:51pm - grandmotherweb ""]
hello, Aidan Kearney
[Feb 22,2019 7:17am - nobody cares  ""]
hahahaha....she still thinks that everybody is turtleboy. What happened to blaming tst for everything? You used to say "hello Lucien" to me all the time too. Who will I be next?
[Feb 22,2019 5:01pm - grandmotherweb ""]
you're Aidan Kearney
[Feb 22,2019 6:01pm - nobody cares  ""]
Nope, I'm Lucien Greaves. Wait.....who else do you want to pin blame on. I can be that person too....psycho. I am none of the above.....just an old poster who finds your behavior boorish and moronic. There is a cure for your problems. It's called a job.
[Feb 23,2019 1:03am - nobody cares  ""]

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