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i challenge TurtleBoy to a trolling wa-- ...oh, who the hell cares?

[Feb 23,2019 11:24am - grandmotherweb ""]
hello, Aidan Kearney
[Feb 24,2019 12:17am - AIDS FILTER FUCKING DEEP HOLE  ""]

[Feb 25,2019 7:53am - nobody cares  ""]
I'm Brett Lucien!!! Or wait....I'm Aiden Killorman! I have so many personalities! I is CONFUSE!
[Feb 25,2019 4:05pm - WHAT THE FUCK  ""]
Those 2 personalities are trash though.

Take some medication, fistfuls!
[Feb 25,2019 11:29pm - A reasonable person  ""]
It's no wonder when a person is chronically alone, hence the incessant need for attention - It's not because of "multiple personalities" but because every facet of you is annoying. When all of your "personalities" are an asshole, you're just an asshole.
[Feb 27,2019 3:02pm - BLOCK BY BLOCKOCK  ""]

[Mar 6,2019 12:40pm - Betterthantherapychangedme  ""]
Don't trust the evil psychiatrists! They want to pump you full of BIG PHARMA DRUGS to MANIPULATE and CONTROL YOU. They want to make the pharmaceutical companies FILTHY RICH.

There is a much better treatment out there. It has shown me the true meaning of life and love. The true meaning of being free from all mental resistance to life. What is this cure? It is called Dianetics. It is amazing. It has totally transformed my life.

Please look into taking a personality test with a qualified auditor to benefit from this treatment. I also recommend buying a copy of Dianetics the book by Elrond Hubbard from Amazon.

Seriously. It will change your life. Forever.
[Mar 7,2019 5:05pm - grandmotherweb ""]
this is what happened to the last guy who tried to dox me:

[Mar 7,2019 5:14pm - nobody cares  ""]
Guess what?
[Mar 8,2019 8:12am - nobody cares  ""]
Oh, and for today....here's my preemptive "nobody cares". Just to save you the posting time.
[Mar 8,2019 10:08am - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:hello, Aidan Kearney

I see you lurking outside of the courtroom with your kids.
[Mar 8,2019 11:51am - grandmotherweb ""]
Aidan Kearney doesn't like the way I look at him, whining to the judge, "She's staring me down!"

happy International Women's Day, asshole!
[Mar 8,2019 3:42pm - nobody cares  ""]
I can honestly say that I have no idea who Aiden Kerney is, nor does anyone here care. You're a fucking weirdo.
[Mar 8,2019 3:42pm - nobody cares  ""]
Oh, and before I forget....nobody cares.
[Mar 8,2019 5:52pm - grandmotherweb ""]
Aidan Kearney is super pissed.

[Mar 8,2019 6:07pm - Doxxing assholes  ""]
nobody cares
[Mar 8,2019 7:08pm - grandmotherweb ""]
'She lives in Boston and would never eat in Worcester.'

I highly recommend the fine dining establishments in Worcester, including Ralph's Diner and the Kenmore Diner.

'The police obviously did not take her seriously so she went to the courthouse to file for a harassment order.'

The police obviously did take me seriously, which is why they advised me to go to the courthouse to file for a harassment order.

'This is Suffolk County ADA Margaret Hegarty. She's a silver spooned Becky from Belmont. [...] She responded by saying, “We’re not done with you yet, and we’ll be pursuing criminal charges against you.”'

I'm sure you'll be getting to know each other real well very soon.
[Mar 8,2019 9:56pm - Brett  ""]
You’re a fucking weirdo bro
[Mar 8,2019 11:01pm - grandmotherweb ""]
[Mar 8,2019 11:37pm - grandmotherweb ""]

bye-bye, LOL
[Mar 8,2019 11:54pm - grandmotherweb ""]
I have blocked so many people on Facebook today.

[Mar 9,2019 1:08am - Can we get back to metal?  ""]
Can we get back to talking about metal? The NE metal scene has nothing to do with this turtle boy blog.
[Mar 9,2019 1:14am - Can we get back to metal?  ""]
Besides, I think any Lawyer would advise you to not talk about the case on here. I'm no lawyer, but just my guess.
[Mar 9,2019 3:59am - Can we get back to metal?  ""]
I am sure it's been rough feeling with hate spam and harassment on FB. I don't mean to be unsympathetic. But it can't help your court case to keep talking about it on here. Also it doesn't feel great that this forum is showing up in a court case now. He mentioned some
Metal bars in his blog, I doubt they want to get associated with this stuff.

I can't see any good coming from him blogging about the metal scene, or the burner scene, for that matter. Just more unwanted negative attention on scenes that are already struggling.
[Mar 9,2019 6:59am - grandmotherweb ""]
we all love attention, don't we?


[Mar 9,2019 8:14am - Doxxing assholes  ""]
nobody cares
[Mar 9,2019 8:21am - Uuuugggghhhh  ""]
Who cares what bands this Bret guy likes. Just because he likes those bands doesn't mean anything about those bands or the rest of the fans. Malevolent Creation are awesome, mayhem are awesome, burzums music is awesome but Varg is an asshole

And I have no idea who Bret Killjoy is.

Friggin all sorts of people listen to all sorts of bands. Some are dicks. Doesn't mean anything about the music.

So sick of this guilt by association bS.
[Mar 9,2019 8:25am - Doxxing assholes  ""]
this charlotte chick is lame. she just shit posts here because she gets banned everywhere else. I agree with nobody cares, because nobody cares
[Mar 9,2019 9:01am - Thank you so much  ""]
Thank you so much for sharing with us that Bret Kavanaugh has such good taste in music.
[Mar 9,2019 9:25am - Nagachabafaba  ""]
Is this woman an ANTIFA?!?!?!?
[Mar 9,2019 10:44am - Don't feed the trolls  ""]
Don't feed the trolls
[Mar 9,2019 10:45am - Don‘t feed the trolls  ""]
And don't troll the trolls.

Seriously. Just let it die. Stop. Everyone. Just stop.
[Mar 9,2019 12:49pm - Nodoxxitsbad  ""]
Isn't doxxing illegal?
[Mar 9,2019 1:06pm - grandmotherweb ""]
[Mar 14,2019 1:28pm - grandmotherweb ""]
hello, TurtleBoy.

[Mar 14,2019 5:31pm - nobody cares  ""]
Hey retard....if you haven't figured it out yet. Nobody gives a single flying fuck.
[Mar 14,2019 5:36pm - grandmotherweb ""]
sure, you do
[Mar 14,2019 10:54pm - EMEM ME! ! ! ! !EM EM !  ""]

Nagachabafaba said:Is this woman an ANTIFA?!?!?!?

IS this douchebag a trumper?!??!?!?!?!?!??!!??!?!?!?!

Mindless shitty 90s pick up driving white trash = you and 99% of TBS subscribers.

Their female counter parts...Love nickleback and think Metallica St.Anger is their best.

TBS collectively are losers in life regardless of what they do for jobs.
[Mar 14,2019 11:00pm - nobody cares  ""]

grandmotherweb said:sure, you do

Nope.....not a soul cares one bit. This is a metal forum retard, not your personal dumping ground. Thanks for playing.

[Mar 14,2019 11:01pm - nobody cares  ""]
"Oh hello Ralphy Jones, Oh hello Chasbin Crancus....Blah Blah Blah....."

[Mar 14,2019 11:02pm - nobody cares  ""]
So predictable....what a damned numb douche
[Mar 14,2019 11:05pm - grandmotherweb ""]
you care enough to triple-post about it. talking to yourself, much?
[Mar 15,2019 7:38am - Aiden  ""]
You failed to identify the last poster with some wild guess based upon nothing. You're getting lazy, I see. In order for you to maintain your reputation, you must misidentify anyone who makes fun of you (which lately seems to be everyone). I would like to know who I am as well.

Please do so in your typical format, as in "Hello, *insert name here". I would also like you to finish every post with "LOL, BYE", as it proves to us all that you have somehow cast away whoever your evil serpent of the week is. ***Please make sure to call everyone by someone's name that nobody in this forum has ever heard of or cares about.***

PS-You will so win the internet if you do this
[Mar 15,2019 7:40am - Assumed  ""]

EMEM%20ME!%20!%20!%20!%20!EM%20EM%20! said:
Nagachabafaba said:Is this woman an ANTIFA?!?!?!?

IS this douchebag a trumper?!??!?!?!?!?!??!!??!?!?!?!

Mindless shitty 90s pick up driving white trash = you and 99% of TBS subscribers.

Their female counter parts...Love nickleback and think Metallica St.Anger is their best.

TBS collectively are losers in life regardless of what they do for jobs.

So only Trumpers hate Antifa?

And all Trumpers and "TBS" (Trans Binary Socialists?) are white, drive pickup trucks, and that amazing taste in music?

I don't know what kind of Jobs the Trans Binary Socialists have but ma'am this is a lot of assumptions.

Try to be more open minded.

Trans Binary Socialist Trump Supporters are humans too.
[Mar 15,2019 7:44am - Aiden  ""]
You forgot "LOL, BYE!"
[Mar 15,2019 9:42pm - ME 2  ""]

Assumed said:
EMEM%20ME!%20!%20!%20!%20!EM%20EM%20! said:
Nagachabafaba said:Is this woman an ANTIFA?!?!?!?

IS this douchebag a trumper?!??!?!?!?!?!??!!??!?!?!?!

Mindless shitty 90s pick up driving white trash = you and 99% of TBS subscribers.

Their female counter parts...Love nickleback and think Metallica St.Anger is their best.

TBS collectively are losers in life regardless of what they do for jobs.

So only Trumpers hate Antifa?

And all Trumpers and "TBS" (Trans Binary Socialists?) are white, drive pickup trucks, and that amazing taste in music?

I don't know what kind of Jobs the Trans Binary Socialists have but ma'am this is a lot of assumptions.

Try to be more open minded.

Trans Binary Socialist Trump Supporters are humans too.


yea because you know exactly what TBS represents in the turtleboy sports thread.

Antifa can suck my dick too along with trumpers.

Try to kill yourself, tonight.
[Mar 18,2019 10:21am - grandmotherweb ""]
hello from Leominster District Court. #TitForTat
[Mar 18,2019 2:53pm - grandmotherweb ""]
FTR, I do not now nor have I ever had an Adam's apple.
[Mar 18,2019 3:34pm - EM P TREE  ""]

grandmotherweb said:hello from Leominster District Court. #TitForTat

Hello From the New Bedford District Court.

[Mar 18,2019 11:13pm - Goodness Gracious!!!  ""]
Wait, she has an Adam's Apple AND tossed her shit streaked undies into dude's backpak.....LOL GROSS!!!

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