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Who gets the last word?...

[Sep 10,2004 2:41pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
apparently i'm not ghetto enough to know the correct way to say it
[Sep 10,2004 2:42pm - retzam ""]
I always thought y'all was more of a Lousiana type thing then a ghetto thing.
[Sep 10,2004 2:43pm - christraper ""]
GUETTO????? Im from Texas darlin'!!!!!
[Sep 10,2004 2:45pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
texans scare me. i have family there.

and what's guetto?
[Sep 10,2004 2:50pm - christraper ""]
Im from Austin, the not so scary part. And im not sure what exactly defines "guetto" but i know that i wouldnt fit any of the descriptions.
[Sep 10,2004 2:54pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
i don't think i've been to austin... just to houston where my family is and to a few places around the gulf. my dad was born in corpus christie and still has family there too, but i've never met any of them. =(
[Sep 10,2004 2:56pm - christraper ""]
Ican see why you think Texans are scary if youve been to Houston. The only people i knew in Houston were angry drunk white power skins.
[Sep 10,2004 2:58pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
maybe it's just that i don't care for my family there... my aunt is part japanese, so my cousins are like wierd mexican/japanese and they're all losers. not that race has anything to do with that... but they don't really even resemble anyone in my close family here
[Sep 10,2004 3:00pm - christraper ""]
All my family is in Texas except my father up here and some distant relatives in England.
[Sep 10,2004 3:10pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
mine only spans texas, california, and here in arizona.
[Sep 11,2004 12:55pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I've only been in the texas airport.
[Sep 12,2004 11:36pm - christraper ""]
nice try, its still me! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

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