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Jarrod's Place = No More

[Dec 6,2005 5:05am - anonymous  ""]
this sucks! i liked that place! i saw enslaved there and got TANKED barfed all over the side of my buddies truck! good times!
[Dec 6,2005 5:12am - anonymous  ""]
i wish the fuckin pissladium would close! i won't go no matter whos there now! fuck the pissladium!
has anybody thought of opening chapter11 or sneakers or whatever the fuck name anyone remembers?
that place ruled!
[Dec 6,2005 5:42am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
anonymous said:i wish the fuckin pissladium would close! i won't go no matter whos there now! fuck the pissladium!
has anybody thought of opening chapter11 or sneakers or whatever the fuck name anyone remembers?
that place ruled!

yeah that's a completely logical idea

lets close pretty much the only place in MA that hosts larger acts

[Dec 6,2005 8:12am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
if the Palladium closes then some other venue will take those larger tours, and hopefully it won't be way out in gay worcester
[Dec 6,2005 10:34am - Cecchini ""]
[Dec 6,2005 11:13am - HailTheLeaf ""]
wow, Jarrod's is closing...not that I was planning on playing there again anyways...anyone else almost kill themselves getting gear down those fucking stairs? If the Palladium closes I'll be pissed...instead of driving a half hour to Worcester I'll have to drive into fucking Boston for every show, sit in traffic, not be able to park...fuck that.
[Dec 6,2005 11:26am - pam ""]
yeah I hate the palldium and all but fuck a whole bunch of driving to boston.
[Dec 6,2005 3:43pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
now why wouldn't you want to hang out in worcester? by far the best city in MA
[Dec 6,2005 3:50pm - Beakey ""]
Oh yeah, Worcester is a great place.
[Dec 6,2005 3:53pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
you're god damn right it is
[Dec 6,2005 3:53pm - Hooker nli  ""]
i love to just stroll around and drink in all the scenery whenever i'm there.
[Dec 6,2005 4:19pm - Beakey ""]
You can always pick up some Assumption College chicks and bible fuck them.

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