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[show listing]  ________________________________
[Oct 8,2007 9:00pm - W3 nli  ""]
so were trying to hit the road at the end of dec into the first week of jan.

right now we got some good people helping us out with dates but we could still use some help if you know of any basement or house parties going on in these area that you could help us get on or get us intouch with the right people please feel free to drop us a line.

Dec 28 2007 CLEVELAND, OHIO w/ Macerated
Dec 29 2007 INDIANA W/ Decrypt and Macerated
Dec 30 2007 CANTON, OHIO W/ Macerated
Dec 31 2007 PITTSBURGH, PENN. W/ Macerated
Jan 1 2008 NY/ NJ HELP basement or house shows
Jan 3 2008 BOSTON, MASS.
Jan 4 2008 BALTIMORE, MD. W/ Macerated
Jan 5 2008 Vabeach W/ Pulling Teeth

Jan 18 2008 Tampa Bay w/ S.W.W.A.A.T.S and Maruta
Jan 19 2008 MIAMI w/ S.W.W.A.A.T.S and Maruta
Jan 20 2008 ORLANDO w/ S.W.W.A.A.T.S and Maruta

as always thanks for all the help and support, if you live in the southeast were always looking for basement or house shows.
[Oct 8,2007 9:01pm - W3 nli  ""]
[Oct 8,2007 9:03pm - RichHorror ""]
On January 3rd, do you need a show just for you guys or you guys and Macerated as well?
[Oct 8,2007 9:06pm - W3 nli  ""]
itd just be us.

Dave, Ray or Keith if any of you doods could help us out with a Club Hell should thatd be awesome.
[Oct 8,2007 9:07pm - W3 nli  ""]
W3 nli said:itd just be us.

Dave, Ray or Keith if any of you doods could help us out with a Club Hell show thatd be awesome.

yeah thats what i said.
[Oct 8,2007 10:05pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Kidnap Decrypt and bring them to Massachusetts. You will be paid very generously.
[Oct 8,2007 10:07pm - RichHorror ""]
We were supposed to play with Decrypt once. I think maybe in Brooklyn. They rule.
[Oct 8,2007 10:12pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Decrypt is probably the most intense band in the history of time. I forced them to let me make a t shirt design for them, haha.
[Oct 8,2007 10:14pm - RichHorror ""]
They should come here and let me book them with other good time harrys.
[Oct 8,2007 10:17pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
They should come here and never fucking leave.
[Oct 8,2007 10:55pm - Dankill  ""]
Decrypt is heavier then ya mom, son.

Seriously, they kill.
[Oct 9,2007 3:30pm - W3 nli  ""]
[Oct 9,2007 3:59pm - Lamp ""]
I was digging the stuff on your Myspace, I'll go to the Providence show if it gets booked for sure.
[Oct 9,2007 5:42pm - W3 nli  ""]
[Oct 10,2007 11:13am - W3 nli  ""]
sucks were missing chances to play with weedeater and arsis cause our singer is gonna be in pittsburgh
[Oct 10,2007 9:02pm - W3 nli  ""]
slayer, minor threat, eyehategod and primus covers all go together right
[Oct 10,2007 9:53pm - Lamp ""]
Guilty of being the Frizzle Fry?
[Oct 10,2007 9:55pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
You're gonna make me drive all the way to Boston to see you guys?
[Oct 10,2007 10:05pm - W3 nli  ""]
pretty much yeah, but hey itll be worth it. ill buy you a frostie.
[Oct 10,2007 10:09pm - W3 nli  ""]
Lamp said:Guilty of being the Frizzle Fry?

well kinda...

filler/i dont wanna hear it
too many puppies
jackass in the will of god

we should have two splits for these shows if anyone is interested.
[Oct 11,2007 4:41pm - W3 nli  ""]
the rednecks here in my new neighborhood need to die by having the titanic fall on them
[Oct 12,2007 2:03pm - W3 nli  ""]
were playing Fjord on sunday
[Oct 17,2007 8:53pm - w3 nli  ""]
[Oct 18,2007 7:53pm - RichHorror ""]
January 2nd will in fact be at O'Briens.
[Oct 19,2007 9:48pm - W3 nli  ""]
the barclay house is hosting this in Baltimore.

we should have two new tracks posted on our myspace after this weekend.
[Oct 20,2007 12:25pm - W3 nli  ""]
just got added to the Fjord and the Network show down here.
[Oct 20,2007 1:24pm - W3 nli  ""]
[Oct 21,2007 5:37am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Oct 21,2007 11:33am - W3 nli  ""]
[Oct 21,2007 1:26pm - W3 nli  ""]
john did you take a listen?
[Oct 21,2007 1:31pm - yummy ""]
I'll be at the RI show. Can't wait to see you guys!
[Oct 21,2007 1:34pm - W3 nli  ""]
word, thats cause you the man aaron.
[Oct 21,2007 6:13pm - yummy ""]
I have achieved that status? Super duper!
[Oct 21,2007 11:49pm - W3 nli  ""]
ok you just went down to Gregg Piava status on that last comment.
[Oct 22,2007 2:58pm - yummy ""]
and you just dropped to a 3rd grade spelling level for misspelling Paiva.
I suppose I should have just said thanks to begin with.
[Oct 22,2007 3:02pm - W3 nli  ""]
how does not knowing how someone spells their lastname drop me to a third grader.

wait, what state is this elementary school in?

aaron, i love how youre the only member from TNC to give a shit that my new band away from Throwing Shrapnel is trying to tour thru new england and not one other member has been kind enough to give a fuck.

sweet deal yo.
[Oct 22,2007 3:14pm - yummy ""]
Honestly, it was the only thing I could think of besides go fuck yourself. Me and Gregg are cool. Yes, I'm sure you were kidding too....maybe fourth? I dunno.


I guess I'm just glad to see people still rockin out with their cock out. Gregg just sent me his bands' cd thru the mail. I like. You guys should definately do a split.
I couldn't tell you why nobody else has said anything to you. Maybe because I'm the only one (besides Murf) not in a band...or multiple bands that is. ? notta clue dude. Or maybe it's because I'm the only one who's come to terms with sucking cock. Who knows?

I really gotta read a book on being serious via internet.

It would be awesome to see you guys up here. I was hoping you wouldn't move and just forget about doing the music thing altogether so it'll be a treat when you come up.
[Oct 22,2007 3:25pm - W3 nli  ""]
im gonna go order a pizza and dream about punching brian williams in the gut
[Oct 22,2007 5:45pm - yummy ""]
[Oct 22,2007 7:30pm - W3 nli  ""]
up for PVD help on Jan 3rd.
[Oct 23,2007 4:27pm - RichHorror ""]
I might have something for 1/3 in PVD really soon, actually.
[Oct 24,2007 12:42pm - greggdeadfacenli  ""]
W3 nli said:ok you just went down to Gregg Piava status on that last comment.

i didnt know i had a status....

its hard being first class when your white trash...roach class all the way!!!!
[Oct 24,2007 3:25pm - chrisabomb ""]
[Oct 24,2007 3:33pm - Yeti ""]
greggdeadfacenli said:its hard being first class when your white trash...roach class all the way!!!!

[Oct 24,2007 4:09pm - greggdeadfacenli  ""]
Yeti said:greggdeadfacenli said:its hard being first class when your white trash...roach class all the way!!!!


[Oct 25,2007 1:15pm - chrisabomb ""]
[Oct 25,2007 6:31pm - RichHorror ""]
Composted [MSD & Mark Richards slamfest] is now on the 1/2 date.
[Oct 25,2007 9:34pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
[Oct 25,2007 11:14pm - W3 nli  ""]
mark there better be ravioli
[Oct 26,2007 2:16pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
When is there not ravioli?

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