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[Jan 28,2009 12:37am - KeynoteCompany ""]
I know the names... I don't know how many people would see them in Providence on a Monday.

I just got an offer for this tour though so feel free to give me information on these bands/if you'd come out.

I'm not sure how much the show will be ($10, $12, $15) depends on the response.
I'd need 2/3? openers too, again, suggestions welcomes.

[Jan 28,2009 12:42am - tylor ""]
[Jan 28,2009 12:43am - W3 nli  ""]
suffering bastard, rampant decay and dysentery best bet and yes people would come out.
[Jan 28,2009 12:47am - KeynoteCompany ""]

W3%20nli said:suffering bastard, rampant decay and dysentery best bet and yes people would come out.

I was thinking of Rampant Decay actually.
I just picked up a demo the other day and I've yet to listen to it, but I've heard good things.
Any idea of a ballpark estimate of people?
Also a good price for the show?
[Jan 28,2009 12:50am - W3 nli  ""]
good price wouldnt be what you already stated and its pvd so estimate on people coming out. yeah it's pvd there's no such thing as estimate but i did a show with AnalCunt a few years back and everything went over ok.

i'd do the show for like 10 tops but you'd need good openers.
[Jan 28,2009 12:53am - Pires ""]
rich, book that fucking show!!!
[Jan 28,2009 12:55am - KeynoteCompany ""]
I have a hold on it right now.
I'll keep everyone updated and keep sending input.
I'd need around 125 people to make this happen...
[Jan 28,2009 12:58am - titd nli  ""]
125 people? i really doubt you would get even close to that
[Jan 28,2009 1:04am - W3 nli  ""]
yeah seriously how much are they asking cause last time i booked them it wasnt that much and from a friend that booked anal blast they were asking for the same amount of cash so i dont see how youd need that many people unless you agreed to pay them a retarded amount.

then fail.
[Jan 28,2009 1:04am - rick nli  ""]
i guess that anal blast dude isnt dying eh?
[Jan 28,2009 1:07am - KeynoteCompany ""]

W3%20nli said:yeah seriously how much are they asking cause last time i booked them it wasnt that much and from a friend that booked anal blast they were asking for the same amount of cash so i dont see how youd need that many people unless you agreed to pay them a retarded amount.

then fail.

The package is $900...
Like I said I'm asking for input, this isn't something I'd normally book so that's why I came here seeking advice on what they draw/are worth.
That didn't seem like a ton, because even though it's not bands I listen to the names were very familiar.
[Jan 28,2009 1:15am - W3 nli  ""]
wow yeah would not have taken that package for that much, 600 is pushing it. goodluck to you my friend.

again there's a lot of people on here who can help out but thats a lot of money for those bands.

rampant decay, suffering bastards, sexcrement, dysentery, composted, st jude, I destroyer, sin of angels and yeah goodluck.

in all seriousness try and get grief on that shit.
[Jan 28,2009 1:26am - KeynoteCompany ""]

W3%20nli said:wow yeah would not have taken that package for that much, 600 is pushing it. goodluck to you my friend.

again there's a lot of people on here who can help out but thats a lot of money for those bands.

rampant decay, suffering bastards, sexcrement, dysentery, composted, st jude, I destroyer, sin of angels and yeah goodluck.

in all seriousness try and get grief on that shit.

I haven't officially taken it, just put a hold on it while I ask around and check with the venue.
Depending on what other reactions I get I may pass it up or I'll try to get it cheaper.
Anyways thanks for the input, much appreciated.
[Jan 28,2009 1:28am - W3 nli  ""]
oh yeah all ages helps big time and where are you having it in pvd?
[Jan 28,2009 1:32am - KeynoteCompany ""]

W3%20nli said:oh yeah all ages helps big time and where are you having it in pvd?

It would definitely be all ages and I asked Club Hell about the date.
I think having the bar (if it does well) will help lower the number of people needed at the door to break even.
Also this would follow Degenerate Booking's Built To Last Fest...
[Jan 28,2009 1:32am - RichHorror ""]
I wouldn't do this for $900, honestly. As a promoter.
[Jan 28,2009 3:01am - guy  ""]
will come out
[Jan 28,2009 3:02am - RichHorror ""]
You should also ask Pete and Chris how the Anal Blast went that they did last year.
[Jan 28,2009 9:37am - KeynoteCompany ""]
Thanks Rich and yeah if they don't chime in here I'll definitely talk to them.
[Jan 28,2009 9:40am - arilliusbm ""]
I saw Decker in November and he looks like shit now. Let's see if he lasts 2009..
[Jan 28,2009 10:27am - the_reverend ""]
sexcrement played that show and it was awesome from what I remember hearing.
it was a monday which sucked.
[Jan 28,2009 12:59pm - KeynoteCompany ""]

the_reverend said:sexcrement played that show and it was awesome from what I remember hearing.
it was a monday which sucked.

This would be a Monday.
I got the guarantee to $700.
[Jan 28,2009 1:00pm - W3 nli  ""]
thats not bad but still overpriced, i say go for it. ha
[Jan 28,2009 1:17pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
AC are already booked for April in MA...

We're playing with them at Church.
[Jan 28,2009 1:19pm - brian_dc ""]
that would definitely fuck up the draw at both shows...hmm

*states obvious*
[Jan 28,2009 1:21pm - W3 nli  ""]
Mr Williams, shouldn't you be working!
[Jan 28,2009 1:51pm - brian_dc ""]
I was on my lunch break

NOW...I should be working
[Jan 28,2009 1:54pm - orgymf@work  ""]
i hate going to shows on work nights.
but if i had a vacation day to spare (so i could take the next day off), i would love to see A.C. and A.B. together

suggestion for openers
while i agree that rampant decay and suffering bastard are good ideas, you should also consider gutbucket (if they are still playing shows).

oh...or maybe Sexcrement.
i've seen them with a.c., i've seen them with a.b.
i imagine all three in one place would be a blast!
[Jan 28,2009 2:02pm - KeynoteCompany ""]

AndrewBastard said:AC are already booked for April in MA...

We're playing with them at Church.

Yeah this is five weeks after, the agent mentioned that.
However, this would be the only other New England date for Anal Blast I think too, if that helps any.
This show would also be all ages, and I believe Church is 21+?
Also I wouldn't have Rampant Decay since they play Built To Last.
Twodeadsluts onegoodfuck wants to play... How do people feel about them?
[Jan 28,2009 2:04pm - orgymf@work  ""]

KeynoteCompany said:
AndrewBastard said:AC are already booked for April in MA...

We're playing with them at Church.

Yeah this is five weeks after, the agent mentioned that.
However, this would be the only other New England date for Anal Blast I think too, if that helps any.
This show would also be all ages, and I believe Church is 21+?
Also I wouldn't have Rampant Decay since they play Built To Last.
Twodeadsluts onegoodfuck wants to play... How do people feel about them?

aren't they a drum machine band?
if so....FAIL!

otherwise, i have no input
[Jan 28,2009 2:06pm - TheBloodening ""]
too much anal
[Jan 28,2009 2:13pm - W3 nli  ""]
[Jan 28,2009 2:14pm - Lamp nli  ""]
I don't think anybody from Providence would go to this show unless you got some oddball openers.
[Jan 28,2009 2:17pm - RichHorror ""]
Yeah, from what I remember last time AC played it wasn't a huge show. And they weren't asking for that much money. And I don't think Anal Blast brings in so many more people to make it worthwhile. Usually if it's a show of music you never listen to and have no knowledge of the good idea is to take a pass.
[Jan 28,2009 2:22pm - degenerate bastard  ""]
they wanted on the fest but i passed , and i dont think it would do good at all if its the day after a 3 day fest .

[Jan 28,2009 2:23pm - W3 nli  ""]
fail is fail.
[Jan 28,2009 2:24pm - Lamp nli  ""]
The last time AC played Providence was a show that was supposed to be huge and just about imploded when Hirax dropped off.
[Jan 28,2009 2:25pm - KeynoteCompany ""]
Thanks Rich and Degenerate.
Well there's a lot of music I don't really listen to, but would consider booking based on band's followings/people's interest in seeing them.
Again that's why I posted here to see what the more knowledgeable people say and if people wanted to come out to this show.
Looks like I'll pass this up then unless more people seem interested.
[Jan 28,2009 2:26pm - W3 nli  ""]

Lamp%20nli said:The last time AC played Providence was a show that was supposed to be huge and just about imploded when Hirax dropped off.

yup i booked it

Anal Cunt
Sin of Angels
Throwing Shrapnel

then would up being

Anal Cunt
Throwing Shrapnel
the Third Death
[Jan 28,2009 2:28pm - Lamp nli  ""]
I was trying to remember who that other band was that dropped off besides Sin of Angels, thanks for having a better memory than me.

From Third Death to Sexcrement, that was a great show.
[Jan 28,2009 2:29pm - W3 nli  ""]
yup shit was gonna be awesome and then just turned out being ok.

our set sucked thanks to the power blowing twice.
[Jan 28,2009 2:31pm - Lamp nli  ""]
I still have a picture on my phone that I took during your set actually...

I remember the power blowing, but I also very clearly remember the end of your set being a series of five second songs which was cool.
[Jan 28,2009 2:33pm - W3 nli  ""]
yeah those are gonna be on the split were doing if the vocals ever get done.
[Jan 28,2009 3:26pm - orgymf@work  ""]
that AxCx set was pretty bad.
with seth falling asleep on stage and all.

Sexcrement was great.

i don't think i saw the first two bands....spent most of the night before Sexcrement played out side, or in the other room drinking heavily
[Jan 28,2009 3:36pm - KeynoteCompany ""]
Thinking about doing Anal Cunt, Anal Blast, Sexcrement, and possibly two of my friend's bands might presale 20 tickets each. That might do it.
[Jan 28,2009 3:37pm - W3 nli  ""]

orgymf@work said:that AxCx set was pretty bad.
with seth falling asleep on stage and all.

no way it was awesome to watch the drunk crusty kids trying to sing into Seth's mic while he was a sleep in his lazy boy it looked like they were trying to blow him and even better was Josh/Nate asking eachother if they wanted to do another set while Seth was passed out.
[Jan 28,2009 3:38pm - W3 nli  ""]

KeynoteCompany said:Thinking about doing Anal Cunt, Anal Blast, Sexcrement, and possibly two of my friend's bands might presale 20 tickets each. That might do it.

[Jan 28,2009 3:45pm - KeynoteCompany ""]

W3%20nli said:
KeynoteCompany said:Thinking about doing Anal Cunt, Anal Blast, Sexcrement, and possibly two of my friend's bands might presale 20 tickets each. That might do it.


I figured that would be the reaction... just an option if I even decide to do the show.
[Jan 28,2009 3:48pm - W3 nli  ""]
if you're gonna do that show do it....

Anal Cunt
Anal Blast
Two Dead Sluts, One Good Fuck
Suffering Bastards
[Jan 28,2009 3:51pm - KeynoteCompany ""]

W3%20nli said:if you're gonna do that show do it....

Anal Cunt
Anal Blast
Two Dead Sluts, One Good Fuck
Suffering Bastards

That's more or less what I was thinking.
Time permitting or pending someone couldn't play I was going to add one/two younger bands to have the opportunity to open a "big" show, possibly presale.
It would bring in a different crowd and I'd probably have Death Haven open a RI band that was on the Deathfest show.
Anyways I appreciate the help. So far from the looks of asking around I know at least 25-40 people would come out, not bad.

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